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Strike Force 2?


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Are there any plans to publish a campaign book ala the old Strike Force book?


That book is still one of my favorite books. It has a great breadth and depth of material ranging from a cool group of characters (with solo hero suggestions and villain version suggestions) to a detailed campaign back story.


It also introduced several concepts that have become a part of Hero Systems (the coolness and versatility of the martial arts system, point shaving, player typing, etc.)


I'd like to see a book like this. It could either be a purely homegrown campaign (like Strike Force was for the most part) or it could even be set in the CU as part of the canon (if it was your guys personal campaign). Anyways... Food for thought.

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Re: Strike Force 2?


Alot of the "running the game" GM advice was updated and included in the 5th Edition Champions book. (Written by Aaron Allston, who also wrote Strike Force)


Mr. Allston still owns the rights to his Strike Force universe, so hero can't do anything without him. (Not that they would even try)


According to Mr. Allston, he does have a HUGE "Strike Force Universe" manuscript that he likes to take out and poke at from time to time. If he ever gets it into a publishable condition Hero will likely try to put it out it.


Problem is, Aaron Allston is a professional novelist and every hour he spends working on Strike Force is an hour he isn't working on one of he more mainstream novels. It's purely a labor of love, and Hero can't afford to pay him enough to move it up on his "to do" list.


It will be done when it's done.

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Re: Strike Force 2?


While I would love to see a Strike Force update I actually meant this question in a more general way.


I would love to see [insert random GM's name here]'s campaign setting published. Not necessarily the Strike Force universe just a look into someone's home campaign. The Strike Force book was so fantastic (and so much of it has lived on as you and I both pointed out) that I think another book like it could be very good.


Nice to know Allston hasn't forgotten his roots though ;)

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Re: Strike Force 2?


There's plenty of homepages on the net dedicated to Champions campaigns. Try Google and use keywords like "Champions" and "Hero System".


Recently, I've toyed with the idea of submitting our Champs campaign as a mini-sourcebook PDF file and licensing it through DOJ like a few others have.


Would have to see if the other GMs in our group would be ok with it and, to be honest, not sure if there's a big demand out there for that kind of product.

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Re: Strike Force 2?


While I would love to see a Strike Force update I actually meant this question in a more general way.


I would love to see [insert random GM's name here]'s campaign setting published. Not necessarily the Strike Force universe just a look into someone's home campaign. The Strike Force book was so fantastic (and so much of it has lived on as you and I both pointed out) that I think another book like it could be very good.


In addition to Enforcer84 and Jeff's much better threads above, you can always look at my New Circle thread. ;)

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Re: Strike Force 2?


Well, a great deal of Darren Watts's past campaigns have been worked into the new incarnation of the Champions Universe, so in a way the current CU is someone's campaign.


Besides the updated and expanded Strike Force (which I still hope to see some day), I really would have liked to read Scott Heine's Champions By The Bay developing the world for his great Protectors campaign. Scott's mentioned that he had the manuscript mostly finished before Iron Crown Enterprises (who owned Hero Games at the time) imploded financially. Sadly, neither Hero nor Scott is prepared to devote the resources to bring it to the public. :(

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