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MADLIBS Champions style


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Ok, so it isn't quite what you thought. :D Perhaps I'll post that idea at a later date. What I'm hoping is that some of you creative types can help me with a character. See I've got his sheet done, but I don't have a name for him, nor do I have cool names for his powers. So look over the sheet below, and where you see INSERT NAME HERE, tell me what your ideas are. I need to submit this for the Global Guardians game. I'll even give the best answer rep for their troubles. :D Oh, and one more thing, his name can not be Rook. ;)


Jonathan Bishop

Val Char Cost
13/18 STR 3
12/20 DEX 6
13/15 CON 6
10 BODY 0
30 INT 20
11 EGO 2
13 PRE 3
12 COM 1
4/30 PD 1
4/29 ED 1
3/4 SPD 8
6/10 REC 0
26/30 END 0
24/40 STUN 0
6" RUN 0
2" SWIM 0
2 1/2"/3 1/2" LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 51

Cost Power END
Bio-feedback Enhancers, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
4 1) +5 STR; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
19 2) +8 DEX; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
3 3) +2 CON; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
8 4) +1 SPD; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
5 5) +3 REC; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
10 6) +12 STUN; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
30 Plasma Converter: Endurance Reserve (85 END, 30 REC); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
24 Plasma Energy: Elemental Control, 60-point powers, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
24 1) INSERT NAME HERE: EB 12d6; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6
24 2) INSERT NAME HERE: Teleportation 20", No Relative Velocity, x2 Increased Mass, x4 Noncombat; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 6
36 3) INSERT NAME HERE: Force Field (25 PD/25 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); OIHID (-1/4) 3
18 Sensory Visor: Multipower, 27-point reserve, all slots Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
1u 1) Increased Arc Of Perception (240-Degree) with All Senses; Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 2) +5 PER with All Sense Groups; Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 3) High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group); Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 4) Infrared Perception (Sight Group); Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 5) Microscopic with Sight Group; Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 6) Nightvision; Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 7) +3 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
1u 8) Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points); Costs Endurance ((only costs END to activate; -1/4)), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
Powers Cost: 213

Cost Skill
1 Bureaucratics 8-
3 Computer Programming 15-
3 Deduction 15-
8 Defense Maneuver I-IV; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Built in sensors cause armor to respond to threats.]
3 Electronics 15-
1 High Society 8-
3 Inventor 15-
3 Mechanics 15-
3 Systems Operation 15-
3 PS: Mechanical Engineering 15-
3 PS: Chess Master 15-
3 Scientist
2 1) SS: Aeronautics 15-
2 2) SS: Chemistry 15-
2 3) SS: Physics 15-
2 4) SS: Plasma Physics 15-
2 5) SS: Subatomic Physics 15-
Skills Cost: 47

Cost Perk
6 Money: Wealthy [Notes: $1 million/year allowance]
Perks Cost: 6

Cost Talent
2 Absolute Range Sense; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Range finders]
2 Absolute Time Sense; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Connection to atomic clock]
2 Bump Of Direction; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: GPS system]
5 Combat Luck: 3 PD/3 ED; Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) [Notes: Built-in sensors cause armor to actively avoid threats.]
22 Danger Sense (Immediate Vicinity, Out of Combat, Function as a Sense); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 15- [Notes: Built-in sensors are constantly checking for potential dangers.]
Talents Cost: 33

Val Disadvantages
20 Dependent NPC: Margaret and Richard Bishop (mother and father) 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC (x2 DNPCs))
20 Hunted: Supervillian Team 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
15 Hunted: Rival Corporation 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Mildly Punish)
20 Psychological Limitation: Code Vs Killing (Very Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Likes A Good Challenge, Puzzle, Etc. (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Very Common, Moderate)
10 Rivalry: Professional (rival corporation; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Jonathan Bishop) (Frequently, Major)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Gravitic and Density Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Gravitic and Density Attacks (Uncommon)
Disadvantage Points: 150
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 150Total Experience Available: 0Total Character Cost: 350Height: 1.85 mHair: BlackWeight: 86.00 kgEyes: BlueAppearance: Out of his armor Jonathan is an attractive man, but not really striking in any way. He typically dresses very well no matter what he is doing. INSERT NAME HERE's armor is blue and white. It appears to be padded over major muscle groups, but in actuality the padding is just thick armor caused by the advanced circuitry that enhances his physical capabilities. The suit has a full face visor that hides his features and provides ongoing tactical information as well as allowing him to perceive his surroundings at enhanced levels. There is also a large backpack unit that serves as the primary "engine" of the suit, but it is an integral part of the armor, and can't be removed separately.Personality: Jonathan's primary motivation is protecting his father's businesses, but he is beginning to branch out to other heroic endeavors as he is enjoying the challenge that it presents, and truly despises the evil in the world. It is these challenges that have caused him to continuously upgrade the suit and add various systems to prevent future failures and give him every advantage.


He is beginning to have a hard time splitting up his time between work, heroing and social responsibilities, and is beginning to think about quitting his job, but can't bring himself to abandon his father. He realizes that becoming a full time hero has its advantages as well, and he will be able to continue removing evil from the world.

Quote:"Was that a challenge?"Background: Jonathan Bishop was born to Margaret and Richard Bishop 21 years ago. Margaret was a published writer, Engineering Professor, and loving wife. Richard was an engineer, entrepreneur, owner of Bishop Enterprises, and a self-made billionaire. Bishop Enterprises is a state-of-the-art defense contractor for the government and research facility for various other world organizations and countries. There are plants and offices scattered all over the world, but predominately in the US. Little did they know what Jonathan had in store for them.


Jonathan was a child prodigy. He was reading by 3, and doing basic math by 4. He was able to start college by the age of 13 and graduated with a PhD in Physics, along with several minor degrees by 20. During the final years of his college career he had an epiphany and was able to create a plasmic converter that could convert any form of energy to a form of plasma whose properties still remain a mystery. Also, during this time his father started fighting off a hostile take-over attempt by a rival corporation.


Upon graduation Jonathan began building a defensive suit of armor that could be used to defend his father's company from the various attacks that it was beginning to experience. There was no proof that these attacks come from the rival corporation, but the attacks have been growing both in intensity and in frequency. Supervillains have begun joining the fight, and his father's plants world wide have been attacked.


In an effort to combat the attacks, Jonathan has decided to wear the suit himself since he has easy access to all the locations, and his father won't have to pay for his own super powered security force. So far he has found the role of superhero exciting and the greatest challenge he could imagine. He needed a name to go by so that his parents wouldn't figure out it was him so he chose INSERT NAME HERE.

Powers/Tactics: INSERT NAME HERE's powers all come from his power suit. Without it he is completely normal, brilliant, but normal. He believes that the plasmic energy is extra-dimensional in nature, and that is how he is able to teleport. When he engulfs his body completely in the plasma field the world around him seems to fall away, and become liquid-like. He is then able to move in three dimensions, and an incredible rate even moving through solid objects as if they were liquid. His force field affects the world in the opposite fashion. When the field is struck the energy is dispersed, and those that have encountered the field describe it as hitting really thick Jell-o. His energy blast is a coherent beam of this energy that is focused, and fired through the ports on the backs of his hands. When it comes in contact with a target it transfers the excess energy that has accumulated in the other dimension to the target in the form extreme heat. The armor is constantly collecting energy from this dimension and using it to power its various systems.


Tactically, INSERT NAME HERE is just starting to understand fighting. He has never received any formal combat training, but thinks fast on his feet and can see possible outcomes of actions he and his opponents take. The more combat he engages in, the more efficient he will become in future conflicts.

Campaign Use: 
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Re: MADLIBS Champions style


ragarding the Defense Maneuver IV with the -1/4 OIHID (onboard computer) limitation: if I were your GM, eventually, I'd have some kid walk up behind you and tap you on the back, intending for ask for an autograph. Unable to discriminate between a real threat and an incomng fan, the suit spins you around, either knocking the kid over or scaring the bejeezus out of him.


Someone snaps a picture and sells it to an J. Jonah Jameson clone. Hilarity ensues.


Maybe it's good that I don't run a game, but I think that's what that -1/4 might buy you.


Interesting character--sorry I don't have a name for you. Cool art, too.

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Re: MADLIBS Champions style


ragarding the Defense Maneuver IV with the -1/4 OIHID (onboard computer) limitation: if I were your GM, eventually, I'd have some kid walk up behind you and tap you on the back, intending for ask for an autograph. Unable to discriminate between a real threat and an incomng fan, the suit spins you around, either knocking the kid over or scaring the bejeezus out of him.


Someone snaps a picture and sells it to an J. Jonah Jameson clone. Hilarity ensues.


Maybe it's good that I don't run a game, but I think that's what that -1/4 might buy you.


Interesting character--sorry I don't have a name for you. Cool art, too.

:lol: That would be funny. Would you still say the same thing if I left off the descriptive text? Thanks for pointing that out. I'll make sure to reword it before I submit it.


Thanks for the compliments. I'll rep you for being such an evil GM. ;)

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Re: MADLIBS Champions style


:lol: That would be funny. Would you still say the same thing if I left off the descriptive text?


Thanks for the compliments. I'll rep you for being such an evil GM. ;)


I think I *would* do it even without the descriptive text--not just because I'm eve-eel, but because I think that's the flip side to getting those points. No, it isn't what we normally think of when we have an OIHID disad, but the sfx of the computer makes it open to this interpretation, I think. It strikes me that it could be a great seed for a plotline, so you might not choose to hope your GM doesn't notice it--you might actually tell your GM about it in the interest of making a cool storyline.


But that's probably just hubris.


Thanks for the rep, though I'm not really sure what they're for in the long run. Are we all posting because we crave little green boxes to appear next to our names?

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Re: MADLIBS Champions style


I see your point, but the question was more like "if you hadn't seen the descriptive text in the first place". I agree, it could be an interesting plot hook.


The rep is just more or less a way of indicating that you are either a prolific poster or more importantly a significant contributor to the boards, but alas it is completely subjective. ;)

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