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Alternate CU Future Histories


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Alternate CU Future Histories:


A fair number of GMs and Players out there don’t like the idea of magic and Supers going away in the early 21st century. We all have our reasons, from distaste for meta-plots to disliking the idea of Aliens laughing at Earth’s super-tech when it starts to break down outside of high magic fields. So, what are your ideas for the future of the Champions Universe if the Magic doesn’t go away?


One more request: Please include a couple of versions of each idea. I’ll label my suggestions Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron:


Gold – Super-humans lead Humanity into a near-Utopian future. The Lensman books had something arguably like this type of utopia.


Silver - Super-humans make little difference to Human progress, but go along for the ride. Tone stays optimistic. The original Star-Trek with capes.


Bronze – Super-humans make a significant difference in Humanity’s future, but that doesn’t mean they make it better. Think Babylon Five with Supers standing in for Psis and Techno-Mages.


Iron – Super-humans lead humans into a dystopian future, complete with human flesh restaurants and crazed Street Samurai.


So, what do you see as the Alternate Super Future of the CU?

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Re: Alternate CU Future Histories


New Sentinels future: Well, assuming we don't all die in the meantime, I see us ending up with something between the silver and gold options, albeit not exactly either. Mostly because I don't know what would happen in terms of social effects due to having multiple legendary uberpowerful champions sticking around basically forever ( almost all the Sentinels are effectively immortal ). Regardless, the protection of the Sentinels and their allies would give Earth a free hand to develop further, becoming a space-born power far sooner than in default Heroverse timeline.


Oh, and we'd be on friendly terms with a slowly-changing Malva, as well, due to the new Empress of Malva engaging in the long term process of dragging the Malvans out from the influence of the Great Curse.


All in all, a bright and shining future, but one built as much by individual humans as by the pantheon of demigods that protect them.


( assuming everything goes right. If everything *doesn't* go right. . . among other possibilities, the universe gets eaten )

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Re: Alternate CU Future Histories


What's supposed to happen in the CU after 2020, officially? CyberBunk, right?


Maybe with supers still around, we get something more like Ghost in the Shell (Stand Alone Complex was just on...) instead of Blade Runner.


I kind of like the idea of the CUs near future going down an Anime path. :)


Gold: The Manga/Anime CU is something like the world of Urusei Yatsura or Ninja High-School


Silver: The Manga/Anime CU is something like Project A-Ko or Cutey Honey


Bronze: The Manga/Anime CU is Ghost in the Shell or Appleseed


Iron: The Manga/Anime CU is something like Dominion Tank Police or Battle Angel

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Re: Alternate CU Future Histories


Alternate CU Future Histories:


So, what do you see as the Alternate Super Future of the CU?



Well after a mysterious ninja with an Aussie accent saves the day....


China goes into an uberhard line mode..... we get to play Golden Age Champs again with another world wide war in the late 2030's to 50's!


Excessively silver age characters show up as humanity starts exploring the stars...


Viper and like mega villans finally manages to conquer fair bits of Africa and South America in the 70's and 80's leading to harder confrontations


Alien invaders in the 2090's lead off to much more violent 'heroes' fighting to destroy humanities foes in the gorest manner possible


An apperantly ageless and still mysterous ninja with a 20th century Aussie accent appears again smacking down the so called heroes and leading all back to the proper path.


As a side note Foxbat reappears in 2110, it seems he was a little distracted while cleaning that mysterious lamp.....

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Re: Alternate CU Future Histories


Hmm... Here's a few of mine.


Double Vision - Magic and Technology seemlessly blend into each other, until it's hard to understand where the technology ends and where the magic begins. The old superpowers have all been reversed-engineered and duplicated (although sometimes side effects do occur). And while almost anything is possible, the law has been forced to use harsher measures to keep its population under control. Dueling is allowed under strict rules, but others enjoy a much bigger game than the law allows.


Battle for Reality - Conflicting laws of reality have generated pockets where the rules are slightly different. Causing places where certain realities to become stronger. These places must be defended or that area's "reality" will be erased. Fairy realms, Superhero cities, futuristic super-tech mega-cities defend themselves from outsiders. Life is harsh in the desert wasteland with superpowers, magic, or future-tech, but ultimately it might be the only solution. Luckily gasoline works everywhere, even in the desert wastelands.


Dead End - Humanity is wiped out by a technological nightmare. Sentient machines live on as a mockery of its organic creators. If you are a machine, you have two options: Surrive or become someone else's spare parts.

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