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Need help with a spell (or two)


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I'm trying to design some basic spells in my campaign, but they are tricky...at least to me. Here they are:


1) Shadow Snap: Can hold a person to a spot by pinning their shadow by a dagger, etc.

My idea: Some kind of Entangle, maybe usable only in sunlight.


2) Light Spell: Can illuminate an area for a set duration of time, but can be placed on an object...like a dagger, sword, or stick.

My idea: Change Environment, or Images, with a Duration. Maybe Usable on any OAF?

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Re: Need help with a spell (or two)


2) Do you need to add something like a Movable (+1/2) advantage to the CE?


2)I'd say Images, only to produce light. I'm not even sure if I'd give it a focus, unless it has consumable components, unless it can only illuminate certain materials, in which case make it OIF: object of oppurtunity, and just handwave it for Only to Produce Light(-1), which is generally allowed to be moveable.

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Re: Need help with a spell (or two)


I'm trying to design some basic spells in my campaign, but they are tricky...at least to me. Here they are:


1) Shadow Snap: Can hold a person to a spot by pinning their shadow by a dagger, etc.

My idea: Some kind of Entangle, maybe usable only in sunlight.

Add Gestures, OIF, and "instantly undone if the OIF is removed from the ground (-3/4)" and I think you've got it mostly written up.



2) Light Spell: Can illuminate an area for a set duration of time, but can be placed on an object...like a dagger, sword, or stick.

My idea: Change Environment, or Images, with a Duration. Maybe Usable on any OAF?

See 5th Ed., p.122, sidebar, "Flashlight". ;)

Or, if you don't have that to hand, here it is with the necessary changes:

Torch Spell: Images, Sight Group, 8" radius (17 Active Points), OIF (any object of opportunity; -1/2), Only To Create Light (-1), No Range (-1/2), 1 Continuing Charge of 1 hour (-1/4). Total cost: 5 points


You can add Incantations, Gestures, etc., as appropriate for magic in your campaign. BTW, the original effected a 1 hex diameter area, which is way too small. Note that you'll either need to decrease the time on the Continuing Charges, or accept it as an advantage, if you go above 2. Or, replace with Uncontrolled, and spend X amount of END when you cast the spell.

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Re: Need help with a spell (or two)


I'm trying to design some basic spells in my campaign, but they are tricky...at least to me. Here they are:


1) Shadow Snap: Can hold a person to a spot by pinning their shadow by a dagger, etc.

My idea: Some kind of Entangle, maybe usable only in sunlight.


A few ways of doing this.


A No Range Entangle is one way, perhaps bought Indirect, and limited only vs targets casting a shadow.


Another way is Adjustment based, either Suppress or Drain, similarly limited.


Another way is via Change Environment, with Multiple Effects and -"'s of Running and Leaping.


Another way is via Mind Control ("DONT MOVE WHILE SHADOW IS PINNED")


Another much more expensive but potentially very effective way is via Mental Illusions -- if you can get them into the upper levels they just stand around in a stupor, no longer interacting with reality.


2) Light Spell: Can illuminate an area for a set duration of time, but can be placed on an object...like a dagger, sword, or stick.

My idea: Change Environment, or Images, with a Duration. Maybe Usable on any OAF?

Youre supposed to use Images to make light, although IMO that often flies in the face of common sense. Just put OIF "Object Of Opportunity" on a Light Only Images, use Uncontrolled or a Continuing Charge to give it a set duration, define the OIF as "Universal" and call it a day.

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Re: Need help with a spell (or two)


An amusing anectdote about Light on Objects.


This happened many years ago, so my memory may not be 100% accurate, but as I recall in the old Warhammer FRPG....



The GM required us to use the random career generator rather than just sensibly chosing our starting career. My character was almost remarkably ill-suited to a career as a spellcaster of any sort. So of course, inevitably he started off as a novice spellcaster of some variety, whose only known spell was Light.


Not very useful, but WHFRP was that kind of game AND WE LIKED IT LIKE THAT!old man>


In the rulebook it said that Light could be cast on any object of IIRC up to a pound, would cast light for IIRC an hour, and at the end of the time period it consumed the item it was cast on.


I was like, sweet, a Disintegration Spell! It just had a slow fuse, was all.


I had wanted to play a theif or scoundrel of some sort and I figured, hey, Im not going to let random character generation get in the way of realizing my inner vision for a character!


So I made some quick gold "enchanting" suckers weapons with Light and selling "Glowstones" in the market. I got arrested and tossed in jail before I could make haste to the next town of shills to ply my trade upon, so I proceeded to cast Light on individual bricks in the cell's back wall.


The GM quickly decided that he was going to house rule the Spell to not consume the item the spell was cast upon, at which time I inquired if I would be released then since all the bits I had cast Light on didnt really dissappear afterall. ;)


That character was executed the following morning for "overweening audacity beyond the realms of social endurance and general irritation of the populace." :D



The next character the GM let me make a rogue of some kind.

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Re: Need help with a spell (or two)


I'm trying to design some basic spells in my campaign, but they are tricky...at least to me. Here they are:


1) Shadow Snap: Can hold a person to a spot by pinning their shadow by a dagger, etc.

My idea: Some kind of Entangle, maybe usable only in sunlight.

Many ways to go about something like this... and since you're already thinking of using Entangle:


Shadow Snap: Entangle xd6, x DEF; Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Only Versus Targets Casting A Shadow (-1/2), Target I Immediately Freed If He Stops Casting A Shadow (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)


Add any additional Limitations as appropriate to the campaign. An Entangle 3d6 will cost 9 points.


2) Light Spell: Can illuminate an area for a set duration of time, but can be placed on an object...like a dagger, sword, or stick.

My idea: Change Environment, or Images, with a Duration. Maybe Usable on any OAF?

How about:


Light Spell: Sight Group Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (35 Active Points); Only Versus Inanimate Objects (-1/2) Only To Create Light (-1) Total Cost: 14




Light Spell: Sight Group Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), 8 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (32 Active Cost); Only Versus Inanimate Objects (-1/2) Only To Create Light (-1) Total Cost 13


Again, add on any Limitation appropriate to the campaign.

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