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New GM in need of help


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Heya guys,


I am very new to the whole Hero game experience. I have never played in an actual game, and unfortunately I am the only one in our circle of players willing/able to run it. I only own the basic Champions book, the Hero system Sidekick book, th supervillian basic book, and the Millinium City book.


None of the players know anything of the rules, and I only know whats in the sidekick rulebook. So here are my problems, if anyone is able/willing to help..


First of all, my players need help making characters. I am having problems making the powers of three of the players (the fourth wanting to play just an enhanced physical character)


Player One wants the ability to manipulate and mold metal at a distance. I can figure out most of his power tricks, but I am having problems trying to simulate his ability to mess with other people utilizing metal (such as powered armor guys, people made of metal, robots, ect).. Any ideas?


Player two wants to be able to shift into animal forms.. sigh. Do I have to stat out every animal? To I need to buy the bestiary?


Player three wants to be able to return from the dead whenever he is killed.. like with a three day delay. I am so lost on this one. Any help?


I have been looking for the core revised edition rulebook, but every place seems to be sold out. Any other books a must buy? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

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Player One wants the ability to manipulate and mold metal at a distance. I can figure out most of his power tricks' date=' but I am having problems trying to simulate his ability to mess with other people utilizing metal (such as powered armor guys, people made of metal, robots, ect).. Any ideas?[/quote']

Look at purchasing Drain/Dispel/Suppress-type powers, with the Advantage Expanded Effect (One Power At A Time). That will allow him to "turn off" or reduce one metal-based Power at a time.


Player two wants to be able to shift into animal forms.. sigh. Do I have to stat out every animal? To I need to buy the bestiary?

In the olden days, we used to get by with Multipowers. It's a trick that still works, and may be easier for new players.


Purchase a Multipower with a very large Pool.


Then, purchase a number of fixed slots, each representing another animal trait. The powers should be 5-35 point slots.


- Shrinking, Costs END Only To Change (maybe more than 35 pts.), in a flexible slot

- Growth, Costs END Only To Change (maybe more than 35 pts.), in a flexible slot

- animal strength: + STR (maybe also + CON, etc.)

- claws: Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack

- tail: Extra Limbs

- wings: Flight, restrainable

- fins: Swimming

- long legs: + Running

- scales/tough hide: Armor

- gills: Life Support (breathe underwater)

- Enhanced Senses, etc.


Then, whenever he turns into another form, he chooses the appropriate slots to activate. Want to be a raven? Shrinking, Wings, Nightvision. Want to be a lion? 1 level of Growth, Claws, Tough Hide.


He probably doesn't need Shapeshift, even, since the form he assumes is a special effect of his power. However, Shapeshift is a whole 'nother can of worms...


Player three wants to be able to return from the dead whenever he is killed.. like with a three day delay. I am so lost on this one. Any help?

Look under Healing, at the Regeneration options.


You want to purchase Healing, with the Resurrection adder, Reduced Endurance (0 END) and Persistent advantages, and Extra Time (Regeneration-only; 3 days) limitation. And possibly the Resurrection-Only limitation. Make sure to buy enough d6 of Healing to reliably resurrect the guy at whatever negative BODY he's likely to get to.


I have been looking for the core revised edition rulebook, but every place seems to be sold out. Any other books a must buy? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

The UNTIL Superpowers Database is immensely helpful, particularly to new players (and GMs). Check out the Online USPD to get an idea.


If you've a PC, then the HeroDesigner character creation program is also very helpful.


There are quite a few characters posted on the Champions board, too. You might look around for ideas to steal, or villains you can use. :)

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Re: New GM in need of help


Welcome aboard, DCE! Hope you enjoy the HERO experience. We'll be happy to help you however we can. :)


What exactly does Player 1's character want to be able to do to "mess with" metal-based characters? More details would help us provide suggestions.


UNTIL Superpowers Database is a good suggestion, as is the Online USPD. They're huge collections of prebuilt Powers covering many special effects, that you can often slot directly in to your players' characters or use as the basis/inspiration for their own abilities.


As far as finding the core book goes, several of these game retailers advertise copies available - there might be one accessible to you, especially if you don't mind ordering online:



Speaking of online ordering, the Hero Games website's Online Store is another option. It doesn't currently have hardcopies of the Fifth Edition rulebook in stock (although a new print run is almost ready), but the book is available as a PDF both for download and on CD:



I don't have other specifics to offer yet, but I will suggest this previous discussion-board thread started by someone in a very similar situation to yours. Lots of good advice there:


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My Two Cents


I echo the earlier comments of "Welcome Aboard".


Here's my two cents...and it's not directly about the questions you raised.


Keep the powers simple. Nothing is going to turn players "off" quicker than ...

1) the game grinds to a halt as GM and Player(s) stop the actin to look up a game effect,

2) It's very, very, very frustrating to not have a power work as you intend it. Get an idea of how the power(s) work and play it that way. Once the game session is done, look up any questions you had about the power*(s) and correct them for next session. Don't stop action every time you have a question about powers.

(In this way you and the players wil learn more about the powers they are playing. After player Hero System since 2nd Edition, I still need to look up many rules (mostly things like Invisibilty, Darkness and Entangles)).

3) For virtual beginnners, I'd recommend keeping the Heroes fairly simple. As the Heroes gain EXP, so will the player and he can start looking into ways to upgrade his powers. When they meet a challenge and they come up just a little short, he'll start thinking about applying Advantages or other Special Effect-based powers to tackle the situation in the future.


As the players are learning how to use their "simple" powers, and learning the system, they can spend more time enjoying your adventure.


Hope this helps. And as stated earlier...if you need any advice, just holler.



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