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Day in the Life


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Here is a developing story written by assembled Herodom. I will start it then will ask everyone to continue:



Steel - Brick

Speed Demon - Speedster

Myntec - Mentalist

Darkstar - GL Type/Leader

Black Saber - Martial Artist/Gageteer


The day starts with no problems. About 08:00 this morning the news reporter from ABC showed up to record a normal day with Black Saber. Having been fooled by such gimics before we examine all the equipment and people to make sure that everyone and everything is as it should be. Finding no problems we allow them to set about recording. Around 11:00 the alarm sounds and we are called into action. Discovering that one of the villains that we thought we had incarcerated some time ago is holding up a downtown bank we go down to stop what is going on. When we get there we discover that there is more going on. :nya:


I will now turn it over to everyone. What is actually happening? What will happen to our fearless heros? Only you can answer these questions. :think:

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Re: Day in the Life


(Hope this sort of thing is what you had in mind, if not, sorry)





Black Saber noticed that not everyone in the group was thrilled with the camera crew being here. Steel had narrowed his eyes dangerously whenever a mike seemed about to pass under his nose, and Speed Demon was scoffing. Myntec nodded politely enough, but she seemed uncharacteristically shy today. Only Darkstar looked at ease in front of the camera. Black Saber wished he felt as confident as their team leader. Still, the swashbuckler motif clad gadgeteer tried to make the best of it.

“The lot of a super hero is not all action,†Black Saber said to the camera, “Ours can be a lonely vigil with long periods of inaction. Time, thief that it is, steals from man and superman alike. Sometimes, super heroes will patrol, hunting through the city with a desperation to serve the greater good, other times, like this, we wait at our headquarters, like an eagle on a rock, we scan from here ever alert…†He added what he thought was a suitable dramatic pause, “for danger.â€

Steel put his metallic hand to equally steel clad face and muttered under his breath, “Oh sweet mother of god…â€

Darkstar trailed shadow as he flew near the console, “In all fairness, we have a lot of help. The police often call in to let us know of super villainous activity through devices like this.â€

“Ah yes,†Black Saber nodded in what he hoped was a sage like fashion as he agreed, “This monitor room, is the eagle’s eyes as it were.â€





“About #$#$ time,†Speed Demon announced as the alarm went off and zipped over to Darkstar’s side, “We got some action, or what?â€

The police report was quick, “Assembly! We’ve got a big problem here, and I do mean big, Man Mountain is holding up a bank, and I mean literally…â€

Speed Demon popped his fist into his hand, “Excellent, the bigger they are, the harder they fall…â€

Black Saber nodded, and then looked to the camera again, “While a formidable foe indeed, Man Mountain has repeatedly fallen to our superior numbers and teamwork…†He was going to continue, but was shushed by Darkstar who continued to listen to the report.

“The First City Bank, on Seventh and Washington… hurry…†The address given, the Assembly raced towards the scene of the crime.

When they arrived, it was as the police had reported. Man Mountain had ripped the bank from its foundation, crumbling chunks of debris threatening to hurt some citizens below.

Speed Demon wasted no time, with a grin, the combat eager speedster began to whip around Man Mountain’s legs, pelting him with a multitude of blows. Alas, they were ineffective.

“Speed Demon, innocents first!†Darkstar announced, and a black wall of night shielded three people from the fall out of rubble even as the speedster grumbled and began to help them to safety.

Steel sighed, and his mighty strides carried him to the giant’s side, “I was enjoying a cup of coffee, I was getting ready for lunch. Low blood sugar messes me up, but nooooo… you have to rob a bank. I mean, seriously, who robs a bank anymore? You want to take money from a multitude of savings of people you barely know, become a CEO of Enron or something.†He shot a side glance to Black Saber.

The acrobatic genius was already on it, using his Flynn Line to carry him up into the aloft bank building, he tumbled through a window to see who was still in it, one attractive damsel was obligingly easy to find thanks to the piercing shrieks she was emitting.

“Black Saber, at your service milady,†he said grabbing her about the waist and a barely conscious guard by his belt. Soon all three were descending to safety.

“Guys?†Myntec announced, “We have trouble… His thoughts, they’re not there, just impulses. Its like he’s on autopilot.â€

Darkstar was flying up in case he needed to assist Black Saber, and zipped closer. Behind Man Mountain’s left ear was a tiny (especially in contrast to the villain it was on) blinking bit of metal, “I think I see why…he’s wired, and not for sound…â€

“Move in closer to get a look at it,†The ABC reporter said to the Cameraman.

“This has trap written all over it,†Steel griped.



(Someone else's turn now I think)

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Re: Day in the Life


Thinking that the device is simply suppressing MM's actions, Myntec calls Black Saber aside and tells him to start working on the external device while she trys to augment MM's mind to overpower the device on the inside. During this time MM starts walking away with the bank. Steel runs infront to stop MM while SD and Darkstar enter the bank to get all the people out. There is no problem getting everyone out. Everytime that Steel tries to stop MM, MM simply goes around him. Sitting on MM's shoulder, Black Saber tries to disable the device. Myntec is playing around trying to find MM and set him free of the control from the device. Suddenly she goes blank, as though in a coma and Black Saber gets a nasty jolt that makes him fly off MM's shoulder. MM seems not to notice anything going on around him and continues to walk due east.

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Re: Day in the Life


" Suddenly she goes blank, as though in a coma" Darkstar rushes to Mynteks aide trying to awaken her from this coma like state. Black Saber stands up shakes head getting his sences back. What is the world was that he thought. As MM continues to walk east. The Group reassembles around the fallen Mynteks. Then Darkstar slowly rises to his feet ok I will take Myntek back to the lair. Ok SpeedDemon you get ahead of MM and try to warn people to get out of his way. The last thing we need is more innocents hurt. Steel you and Black Saber follow MM cloesly try to see if there is any way you can stop Him.. Do whatever is nescessary Just get him Stopped.

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Re: Day in the Life


Steel and Black Saber decide to make a roadblock that should stop MM. They get Speed Demon to run ahead to obtain some wire, preferably barbed even though they know that MM will most likely not even notice the barbs. At the same time, Black Saber lines the road with anything that he can move with his strength and Steel moves things that are heavier, such as cars, trucks, etc. After Speed Demon returns with his wire, he and Black Saber wind everything each of them collected into one jangled mess atop the lines of vehicles placed in MM's way by Steel. However before he reaches the barricade, MM turns down another road towards out of town. No one can believe what they discover when they follow MM down that second road. At the same time Darkstar returns Myntec to their HQ in hopes that their facilities will help her return. :angst:


What was found down the other road? Will Myntec be able to recover from whatever happened to her? Everyone looks to you to determine the answers to these questions. :straight:

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