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Villains&Vigilantes Conversion list


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I found the Villains And Vigilantes conversion to Champions. Mind you, this is 3rd edition, i.e. Champions III that I'm reprinting here. I've updated certain powers to 5th ed terminology. I've also used current Power terms instead of the old olds when possible (ex. Mental Defense vs Ego Defense)


STR : Use the Champions Strength Chart to find the Champions STR that represents the V&V Character's carrying capacity. Use the V&V life numbers straight, do not convert from pounds to kilograms.

DEX : 15+(3x V&V Accuracy)

CON : 1/3 of V&V Power Score.

BODY : 6+V&V Basic Hits.

INT : V&V Intelligence.

EGO : V&V Charisma.

COM : Player's choice.

SPD : (V&V Agility + Intiative Bonus (if any)/10+3.[/b]


Some powers may affect the Champions Figured Characteristics. Double the Base Figured PD or ED if the character has no powers that help defend from physical or energy attacks.

Note: I've found even this may not be enough sometimes. Use your judgement.


The GM may use as many dice of damage for each attack as he feels fits into his/her campaign. To get the number of normal dice of attack, halve the maximum damage of the V&V attack and add the character's Damage Modifier. Divide the result by 3 to get dice of Killing Attack. Multiply the number of dice by 5 to get Active Points in other powers. Whenever the value of a Defense is not specified, the Champions character gets 10 + V&V Chracter Level in points of Defense.


For Ground/Swimming movement, divide the V&V move in inches by twice the Champions Speed to get movement per phase.

For Flight, divide the V&V move in inches by 2 and take the square root.

Note: Good time to use a calculator


V&V Power...................CHAMPIONS power

Absorbption.................3d6 Absorbtion and/or Power Transfer

Adaptation..................Full Life Support, 1/2 Dmg Reduct vs Ranged Energy Attks

Android Power............+10 CON, 10 pts Mental Def., one other power

Animal Control...........12d6 Mind Control, specific animals only

Animal Powers............Whatever is appropriate

Animated Servant.......create a Robot

Armor 31-60.................Armor 12 PD, 12 ED, Act 11 or less

Armor 61-90.................Armor 18 PD, 18 ED, Act 14 or less

Armor 91+....................Armor 24 PD, 24 ED

Astral Projection...........Desolid, must leave normal body behind

Bionics..........................Whatever is appropriate

Body Powers................Whatever is appropriate

Chemical Power..........Multiform (why?), 1/2 Dam Reduct vs ranged energy attks

Cosmic Awareness........Gamemaster discretion

DarknessControl.............Darkness vs normal vision

Death Touch..................1d6 Power Destruction vs BODY

Disintegration Ray.........3d6 Energy RKA

Devitalization Ray.........10d6 Power Drain at range, vs END

Dimensional Travel........Extradimensional Teleport

Emotion Control............12d6 Mind Control, emotions only

Flame Power 1...............Energy Blast, Fire

Flame Power 2..............

  • EC-Fire
    *Energy Blast
    *Force Field (10 PD, 15 ED)

Flight.......................... Flight, see above text

Force Field 1...............15 PD ForceWall

Force Field 2.................Telekinisis

Gravity Control............Telekinsis

Heightened Attack.....+5 to Active Points in all attacks

Heightened Defense...+2 levels of DCV

Heightened Expertise 01-60....+2 OCV with one attack

Heightened Expertise 61-90....+2 OCV with related attacks

Heightened Expertise 91-100...+2 OCV with all attacks

Heightened Senses.....Danger Sense/appropriate Enhanced Sense(s)

Heightened Speed.....Running (see above test)

Ice Powers..................

  • EC-Ice
    *Ice Blast (PD or ED)
    *Armor (see V&V Armor Power above)
    *Force Wall 10 PD/ED

Illusions A........................Images

Illusions B........................10 PD, 10 ED Forcewall and Animating Telekinisis (on Forcewall)

Invisibility........................Invisibility (normal only)

Invulnerability (per pt.)...+1 PD and +1 ED with any appropriate Resist. Def.

Life Support.....................Life Support, breathing, pressure, etc., usual Iron Man stuff

Lightning Control............

  • EC-Lightning
    *Lightning Blast
    *20 ED Forcefield
    *Telekinisis Animate (electrical devices only)

Magical Spells..................appropriate powers

Magnetic Powers............

  • EC-Magnetic
    *Teleknisis on metal
    *15 PD, 15 ED Forcefield
    *Strength usuable at range only (use TK instead)

Mind Control......................12d6 Mind Control

Mutant Power.....................whatever is appropriate

Natural Weaponry..............1d6 HKA or 1 level with Martial Arts

Non-corporealness...............Desolid, not through Force Walls

Paralysis Ray.........................8d6 AVLD (artifical body ED, Mental Def)

Plant Control.......................Telekinisis (animating plants only)

Pet........................................Other hero or 'vehicle'

Poison/Venom.....................RKA or Transformation

Power Blast...........................Energy Blast and Missile Deflection at Range

Psionics.................................appropriate Mental Powers

Regeneration.......................Healing 1 pt per pt of V&V healing rate

Revivication........................Healing vs dead

Robotic Body.......................2x Density, 5 pts Mental Def, other power

Size Change A....................Growth

Size Change B.....................Shrinking

Sonic Abilities........................Energy Blast - sonic

Speed Bonus.........................Extra movement in one movement power

Special Weapon...................Powers bought through a focus


  • EC-TK
    *PD Forcefield
    *Energy Blast - PD


  • EC-Telepathy
    *Mind Scan
    *Mental Defense

Teleportation.......................Teleportation with extra movement

Transformation A.................Instant Change or Multiform

Transformation B..................Multiform

Transformation C.................Shapeshift or Multiform

Transmutation......................Transformation attk

Vehicle..................................buy a vehicle

Vibratory powers.................

  • EC-Vibrations
    *Energy Blast - PD
    *10 PD and 20 ED forcefield

Weakness Detection...............Find Weakness

Water Breathing A..................Life Support underwater

Water Breathing B..................

  • *Life Support underwater
    *0 End on all powers in water only
    *20 pt Physical Limitation: Recovery drops to 1 while not in water

Weather Control.....................

  • EC-Weather Multipower
    *Darkness - clouds
    *Entangle - Rain
    *Energy Blast, variable special effect: Wind, Cold, Ice, Lighting

Willpower A...........................High INT and EGO

Willpower B............................Mental Def, Power Def, Danger Sense

Wings.....................................Flight through wings


As always, go with the spirit of the character being transferred into the Hero Games format.

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