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How would you simulate this in combat?


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Re: How would you simulate this in combat?


I've allowed characters to get bonus damage dice (up to +4d6) for making successful applicable KS: rolls before to simulate this kind of thing. It's a good way to encourage characters to buy appropriate KS's :rolleyes: I require the KS to be pretty specific though (KS: Avengers at minimum to get +1d6 on Captain America, KS: Captain America to get any higher...).

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Re: How would you simulate this in combat?


I've allowed characters to get bonus damage dice (up to +4d6) for making successful applicable KS: rolls before to simulate this kind of thing. It's a good way to encourage characters to buy appropriate KS's :rolleyes: I require the KS to be pretty specific though (KS: Avengers at minimum to get +1d6 on Captain America' date=' KS: Captain America to get any higher...).[/quote']


Yeah. Thats a good function for the Analyze: skill.


Great idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: How would you simulate this in combat?


Impairing head shot, or head shot plus a level or two of Luck. The tongue damage probably choked the beast, so you're really talking about STUN damage at first, with death following after a few subsequent Phases.


Of course since the voice of God told him what to do, maybe it was some kind of critical prayer roll. :)

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Re: How would you simulate this in combat?


I would say the old man had a ginormous EGO, both to resist the PRE attack of a leopard trying to eat you and to make the EGO roll to push his STR (probably got it up to a 18!) The EGO helped him to stay cool and understand that the leopard was going to perform a Sacrifice Throw, taking both of them to the ground and turning their DCVs to poo (who cares if your DCV is halved when it's 3 to begin with.) He knew the leopard's SPD was greater so he took the Throw, didn't abort to a Dodge that probably wouldn't have worked anyway, and waited for his chance. He Blocked the leopard's next attack using his held action and then when his next phase came around he struck! Because of the Block he got to go first and he figured he was Friskies anyway, might as well try for a head shot. Success! The GM was in a good mood and so he allowed the normal damage to actually be killing damage, 1d6+1 maybe. Dice smiled again and he rolled a (6+1) x2 BODY for the head, and with a saucy x5 for the STUN Multiplier. Stunned the critter, KOed it, and left it bleeding to death with a grisly trophy clutched in his hand.

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