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Re: GM Assistance


ah right, sorry i'm used to heroic games rather than super heroic ones.


I'll still push that extra damage only to disable so you don't have pesky impairing wounds, just clean disableing ones


I never liked that add roy, I know why you want it but...in my opinion you can impair with a lightsaber. It might just stick through thier leg and get pulled out instead of slashing, or it might just graze a 3" deep gash but not sever the arm. Cinamatically it's cool to have it almost always cut the arms off but....I think it's over kill

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Re: GM Assistance


I'm sure there's an instance somwhere, but honestly I'm not that big a fan of the universe anyway so I couldn't tell you exactly where. My problem is that movies are cnimatically based, the point is that it's far cooler to have them sever limbs instead of disable them and thus that's what the movies choose to do. If you want to play only with cinematics then by all mean make it as powerful as you want cause flying limbs are cool...


But lightsabers can inflict impairing wounds. Any weapon can given the right circumstances even if those circumstances may be very rare.


The other problem is that even at the level that he has chosen to use them it's still a 75 AP power. That's pretty expensive, infact from what I've been hearing it's as high as a lot of GMs allow. Add in that extra damage and you have an even more expensive weapon.


but again, it's your weaopne, you just wont find one built like that in any of my games ;)

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Re: GM Assistance


I'd make it half END, not No End. He's making it after all, and that'll keep the cost down. (besides, I don't think you CAN take Reduced End multiple twice. I'd give 'Does No Stun' a -1/2 value for a KA, anyway).


well, the reasoning for the NND/AVLD is that lightsabers cut through anything...even things with very very high defenses and armour piercing wont always do the trick?


No. I mean, I understand what AVLD is for, I just don't see that it's needed in this case, given how sabers acted in the movies. It's hugely expensive, behaves erratically, and in this case requires a fairly BS 'defense' (Personal Force Fields arn't common enough in SW to count so this really translates to 'can't be used for free tunneling through force walls', Combat Luck isn't too bad, but it can't get high enough to count in a meaningful way, and 'being blocked' isn't a defense, its failing to hit in the first place. It also has no numercial value.)


Besides, from a game perspective, allowing some of the players access to this kind of thing and not the others is hardly fair, even if I did think it was a perfect simulation.


The 'arm slicing' thing is easy, though.

Just build Martial Manuver that always targets the forearm. (You can still do that in 5e, right?) Make it something that'll be used a lot in saber/saber fights (One of those +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Must Follow block type ones would probably be best) and require it as part of the saber art. A good whack against a lightly armored target, which pretty much everyone will be, should pop that sucker right off.



Besides, remember, this isn't an ACTUAL lightsaber, it's a mentally ill mutant mimicing a lightsaber. Even if I grant a 'real one' had no limits as to what it could cut through with no effort, the mutant probably does.

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Re: GM Assistance


The 'arm slicing' thing is easy, though.

Just build Martial Manuver that always targets the forearm. (You can still do that in 5e, right?) Make it something that'll be used a lot in saber/saber fights (One of those +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Must Follow block type ones would probably be best) and require it as part of the saber art. A good whack against a lightly armored target, which pretty much everyone will be, should pop that sucker right off.


Yup. Even more to the point, chopping off the arm of someone who has 12 or lower body and low or no resistant defenses is easy with a 3d6 or better HKA, if the GM wants to interpret hit locations that way. You don't need a 150+ active point build, just a GM willing to allow it.

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Guest Black Lotus

Re: GM Assistance


Yup. Even more to the point' date=' chopping off the arm of someone who has 12 or lower body and low or no resistant defenses is easy with a 3d6 or better HKA, if the GM wants to interpret hit locations that way. You don't need a 150+ active point build, just a GM willing to allow it.[/quote']


Of course, there's always the optional rule that doing 1/3 of the character's total BODY to a limb with a cutting weapon lops that limb right off.


Although I suppose that optional rule is sort of verboten for Champions games....

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Re: GM Assistance


Of course, there's always the optional rule that doing 1/3 of the character's total BODY to a limb with a cutting weapon lops that limb right off.


Although I suppose that optional rule is sort of verboten for Champions games....




In one of my Rusty Iron games in the 90s, using GURPS rules, all of the heroes were required to take Instant Regeneration and Regrowth. Characters lost and re-grew body parts several times per session.


Surprisingly popular campaign. ;)

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Re: GM Assistance


1/3rd Body? I thought it was = Body or 1/2 Body. Shouldn't be TOO easy, we don't want this to turn into CP2020, but any way you do it, a LS should be enough dice that it shouldn't be a problem.


That's what I ment, though. The martial manuver was just to insure lots of foreams got hit, instead of slicing off Legs and Vitals.


I did find a consistant undocumented disadvantage that came from taking Regeneration in one pertiular campagin. EVERY TIME I took more than 3 body, (and I was a pre-Combat Luck MA, so I took body fairly often) the GM ruled I lost something. Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it is to Martial Block with no arms and only one leg?



"That was tricky of you, casting that spell with your left arm after I went through so much trouble to cut off your right one . . ."

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