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25mm hex bases

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Does anyone know where I can get plastic 25mm hex bases? I would like to use some of my gigantic pile of miniatures in HERO games and I can't find hex bases on which to mount them. I'm not too concerned about the regular figures, but I need hexes to mount figures that take up more than one hex (ie dragons, etc).


Help me please!

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Someone probably sells 25mm pieces of plastic. However, you'll then need to glue them together for the multi-hex figures.


It might be easier to find plexiglass, lexan, or other clear plastic at a hardware or art supply store and cut your own large bases. This assumes you either don't have many multi-hex minis, or have a scroll saw.


I recommend clear plastic so you can see the map underneath the largest figures. Opaque bases will obscure too much of the hex map.

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Re: 25mm hex bases


Originally posted by doppelganger

Does anyone know where I can get plastic 25mm hex bases? I would like to use some of my gigantic pile of miniatures in HERO games and I can't find hex bases on which to mount them. I'm not too concerned about the regular figures, but I need hexes to mount figures that take up more than one hex (ie dragons, etc).


Help me please!


you can order them here:




I've never ordered from doordice.com so I can't vouch for 'em. also, those are produced by Reaper, so they might be metal rather than plastic. There's no number of bases either.... and they might not be slotta.


Anyway if you go to google.com and do a search for '25 mm Hex Bases' you'll get some hits. (believe it or not.)

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I bought a pack of 20mm GW hex slotta-bases (not 'cause my minis have slots, it's just what the shop had.)


I did have a couple of multi-hex figures, and the only hitch is that the edges of the GW bases are beveled in, not vertical. It took 3 minutes with a piece of medium sandpaper to rectify that, and superglue stuck 'em together just fine.


I wish I could find a source for transparent hex-bases, but ya takes what ya can get...


One note - in "strict" HERO scale, one inch 'real' size equals ~80" (6'8"). Your 'normal' human being (6') ends up being a lot smaller than a 25mm figure. (Most '25mm' figures are 28mm from the ground to their eye-level, meaning that they're about 31mm tall. In HERO scale, they'd be almost 8 feet tall!)

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Games Workshop sells (I bought mine one year ago) clear bases. The bases are round and smaller than 25mm so gluing them together for multi-hex figures would be a challenge. Maybe glue one base to each of the dragon's feet?


The bases also include a vertical piece for elevating flying figures.

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