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  1. Re: I present the Atlas Assault BattleMech! Are the OCVs correct? You wrote Melee OCV 14, Ranged OCV 4. DEX is 10. That give a 3 OCV, and I don't see combat levels or anything else that would modify OCV.
  2. Re: Superhero Images Ian Sokoliwski. http://www.angelfire.com/comics/red_bee/
  3. Re: Entangle, Desolidification, and the Quest for Truth Are us Hero gamers any more perfect? Take a peek at the NGD boards before answering.
  4. Re: Magnetic Powers Magneto's powers are effective against any material, but they are most effective against ferrous metal. Here's one way to showcase his increased effectiveness against metal: Give him a multipower or VPP that has no limitations. Include an energy blast, telekinesis, and a lot of other powers, as Hawksmoor and CDad did in their examples. Then buy a 2nd, much smaller multipower or VPP, with powers similar to the 1st, and the following limitations: -2 (?) "only against ferrous materials" -1/2 "linked to 1st framework"
  5. Re: Jane's Superhumans Publius and The Mad GM, great work on your Jane's Metahumans and index card samples. I started working on a Rogue's Gallery program to track NPCs, but dropped it when I started studying for my MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator). exams. Now that I have that certification out of the way, your ideas have me looking forward to resuming work.
  6. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? Personally, the following valid character concept is what ruined Passing Strike for me: The character is a genetically engineered warrior with futuristic combat armor (Warhammer 40K Space Marine). 25 (?) STR normally plus a few martial maneuvers. The armor, when compared to a typical superhero in power armor, was a minor focus - it added 20(?) STR, a little bit of superleap, and some PD/ED. Passing Strike worked great when the character was out of his armor. He could do something even when caught without his gear. In the armor, though, he dealt out far too much damage with Passing Strike. It didn't occur to me at the time, but changing Passing Strike damage to (STR/2)+(v/5)+2d6 would have kept the maneuver reasonable whether the character did or did not have the boosted STR. (?): I'm working from memory. It was 2+ years ago. The PC now has 200+ XP and doesn't need the armor anymore.
  7. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? One of my posts that proposed STR/2)+(velocity/5)+2d6 damage may have been overlooked. That's a Move By + 2d6. IMO, this solves most of the issues when Passing Strike is used in a superhero game. 10 STR characters would see a minimal 1d6 improvement in total damage, 20 STR characters would break even, and stronger characters wouldn't do the excessive damage that the official version of Passing Strike allows. Comments?
  8. Re: Has anyone ever: Let's see what I can do from memory. I'm too lazy to do actual research right now. 1" = 2.54 cm 2m hex = 200 cm 200 / 2.54 = 78.7 inches 78.7 / 12 = 6.56 feet Okay, I thought that a 2 meter hex was 6.5 feet, and those members seem to confirm it. The area of a 6.5 foot diameter circle is PI * (6.5/2)^2 = 33.2 sq ft. The circle described above will completely inside a hex - the hex has some extra area at the 6 "corners". So, the area of a hex must be a bit more than 33.2. Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it, a hex is really 6 triangles that share a common vertex. That's probably one way to get an exact answer. Edit: I see that 2 posters already came up with 37 sq ft as the exact measurement.
  9. Re: Speeding Up The Game Did I read the dice size correcttly? 8"? You can use it sort of like a GM screen, hiding your d6 rolls behinds the big foam d12
  10. Re: Speeding Up The Game I experimented with an alternate to the SPD charts in today's session. My plan was to speed up combat and add a little uncertainity to "playing the SPD chart". [/understatement mode on]It was not good. Segments flowed much quicker, but we also needed 36 segments for a combat that would ordinarily finish in around 15 segments. Next week we're back to the SPD chart.
  11. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? Even a 30 STR character gets too much from Passing Strike: +3d6 damage on top of the 5 OCV/DCV levels. As the STR increases, the "brokenness" becomes more apparent. If Passing Strike only works for characters with low STR and high velocity, then, IMO, the rule is bad. It should be changed to something like ((STR/2)+2d6+velocity) damage rather than (STR+velocity) to remove the unfair advantage that Passing Strike gives to strong characters. With that change, a 10 STR character will do 3d6+v, a 20 STR character will do 4d6+v, and a 60 STR character will do 8d6+v. The 10 STR character comes out 1d6 ahead of the official rule, the 20 STR is even, and the 60 STR brick does 4d6 less. That goes a long way towards making Passing Strike a balanced improvement over Move By, rather than the game-breaker it currently is.
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