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Detecting unsuccessful mental powers


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I know there was a previous thread that dealt with this, but I CAN'T FIND IT!


If a mentalist does a Telepathy or Mind Scan attempt that fails, does the target always know about it? What if it's the ECV attack roll that fails, not the effect roll?


What I'm getting at is, is there any way (apart from Invisible Power Effects) to fail at an attempt without the target knowing about it?


What would the target know, exactly?



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Re: Detecting unsuccessful mental powers


As a general rule you know if you are being attacked even if the attack misses, and that is true of physical, mental or any other kind of attack. Of course a GM migh rule otherwise or be a bit subtler than just saying 'someone tried telepathy on you but can't lock on - you might get a fleeting headache or a sudden vision of staring eyes that passes - with experience you will recognise it as the byproduct of mental attack but the first time it happens you might not recognise it al all - or ight need an INT roll or some such to guess what just happened.


Equally a GM might rule that unlesss you have an appropriate mental sense a mental attack that misses completely can't be detected: atter four you and your GM really :)

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Re: Detecting unsuccessful mental powers


Not everybody is gonna be familiar with what Telepathy (or any other Mental Power) "feels" like. Have you ever seen The Gods Must Be Crazy? The little bushman guy is trying to get some lunch (by killing some farmer's goat) and ends up getting arrested for stealing. Well, the cop points the gun at him, and the guy just invites him to join him. The cop shoots the gun as a warning shot, and the guy just looks around for a moment, wondering where the thunder came from, then continues eating. Even when he finally got shot in the leg, he didn't know what had happened.


The point is, the little bushman didn't know what a gun was, and had no idea that a gun was doing anything. It would be similar with Mental Powers I think. Unless you know what Telepathy is, and also know what it feels like when it happens, you probably aren't going to know what's just happened even if the attack succeeded and you made your breakout roll, let alone if someone missed.


Of course, keep it up, and the target will eventually learn.



P.S.: You know that buzzing you sometimes get in your ear, and you don't know where it's coming from? That's someone using Mind Scan on you and missing.

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