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Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


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I bought Hero Fifth Edition last year, but hadn't really done anything with it until a few days ago, when I thought I'd give the character creation rules a shot. Here's my second try at a character, Rurouni Kenshin. Comments and constructive criticism welcome.:) Oh, and, greetings!


Note: Having not seen the entire series of RK, I only gave him the techniques I was familiar with, thus he is missing at least two moves.


Rurouni Kenshin for Hero

Statted as seen by MadCatBob

Characteristic      Cost

STR 15                5 points
DEX 24                42 points
CON 15               10 points
BODY 15             10 points
INT 16                  6 points
EGO 18               16 points
PRE 25                15 points 
COM 12               1 point

PD 6                    4 points
ED 2                    0 points
SPD 7                 40 points
REC 5                  0 points
END 30                0 points
STUN 29              0 points
OCV 8                  0 points 
DCV 8           0 points
Total Points       = 149 points

Skill                       Cost

Acrobatics @ 16-      7
Breakfall   @ 15-       5
Manuever I-IV            10
Fast Draw @ 17-       9
Professional Skill
(Assassin) @ 14-      5
Professional Skill
(Samurai) @ 15-        6
Riding @ 14-             3
Rapid Attack             5
Tactics @ 13-           5
Weapon Familiarity
(2-Handed Sword)      1
(3) 2pt. CSL(Katana)  6
(2) 3pt. CSL
(Japanese Kenjutsu)  6
(1) 8pt. CSL
(Blade Catch) @ 13-   7

Mitsurugi Ryu) @ 19-  10
(Bakumatsu) @ 14-     5 
Knowledge(Edo) @ 12- 3
(Bakumatsu Figures) 
@ 13-                          3
Total Points             = 96


Talents                     Cost

Combat Sense          15
Lightning Reflexes +4 6
Total Points            = 21


Hand Attack +3D6 (15 Active Points)
Hand Attack -1/2 
OAF(Sword and Scabbard) -1
Requires Skill Roll(Fast Draw) -1/2
Limited Power(Sword must be sheathed.)-1/4
Real Points = 7

Battojutsu Soryusen
Hand Attack +2D6 (10 Active Points)
Hand Attack -1/2
Linked(Battojutsu) -1/2 
OAF(Scabbard) -1
Real Points = 3

Battojutsu Kiryusen
Energy Blast 3D6 (15 Active Points) (Does only Physical Damage)
Reduced Penetration -1/4
Limited Range (4 inches) -1/4
OAF(Sword) -1
1 Charge(Recoverable) -1 1/4
Real Points = 4

Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points)
Hand Attack -1/2
OAF(Sword) -1
Real Points = 8

Energy Blast 4D6 (20 Active Points)
Reduced Penetration -1/4
Limited Range (3 inches) -1/4
OAF(Sword) -1
Real Points = 8

Blade Catch
Force Field 10PD (10 Active Points)
Limitation (Only Against Swords) -0
OIF(Hands) -1/2
Requires a Skill Roll(Blade Catch) -1/2
Limited Power(Lasts only for one enemy attack) -1/2
Limited Power(Cannot have anything in hands) -1/2
Real Points = 3 Points

5 inches (5 Active Points)
Real Cost = 5 points

Missile Deflection(15 Active Points)
Real Cost = 15 Points
Point Total = 53 Points


Disadvantage                 Cost

DNPC(Kamiya Kaoru)       5
Distinctive Features
(Cross-shaped scar)          5
Limitation (Code vs.Killing) 20
Reputation (Killer)              10
Rivalry(Hajime Saitou)        10
Social Limitation
(Hitokiri Battousai)             10
Point Total                      = 60

Total Character Cost = 195 Points

Okay, I've changed some of the Characteristics to reflect your suggestions, but the skill roll numbers and costs are off until I recalculate them.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


So, the Battousai, master of the Hiten Mitsurugi style, he of the "godlike speed" - hax a Dex 18 and SPD of 4.




I'd give Sanosuke a better Dex than 18, and a SPD around 4, and Kenshin totally outclasses him.


Also, treating Kaoru as a DNPC really understates her capabilities.


I'd probably also give him a much higher Presence, based on the conclusion of the second arc.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


So, the Battousai, master of the Hiten Mitsurugi style, he of the "godlike speed" - hax a Dex 18 and SPD of 4.




I'd give Sanosuke a better Dex than 18, and a SPD around 4, and Kenshin totally outclasses him.


Also, treating Kaoru as a DNPC really understates her capabilities.


I'd probably also give him a much higher Presence, based on the conclusion of the second arc.


Okay, that makes sense. My grasp on character creation is still formulating, so I'll probably end up revising this several times before it's done. Also, building a new martial art might work for some of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu's techniques.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


Okay' date=' that makes sense. My grasp on character creation is still formulating, so I'll probably end up revising this several times before it's done. Also, building a new martial art might work for some of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu's techniques.[/quote']


When it comes to exotic martial arts like we see on Kenshin, I'm not personally comfortable modelling them as martial arts maneuvers. Things like the Futae no Kiwami deserve to be powers, in my mind.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


When it comes to exotic martial arts like we see on Kenshin, I'm not personally comfortable modelling them as martial arts maneuvers. Things like the Futae no Kiwami deserve to be powers, in my mind.


Speaking of powers, do you have any idea as to a better way to model the blade catch? That thing nearly drove me bonkers until I thought of a force field.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


ACtually, given the genre I would keep it within NMC.


Kenshin had a lot of Lightning Reflexes, as well as maneuvers instead of outright speed/DEX that helped him.


He performed multiple moveby attacks, and many of his attacks could be simulated with AoE isntead.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


ACtually, given the genre I would keep it within NMC.


Kenshin had a lot of Lightning Reflexes, as well as maneuvers instead of outright speed/DEX that helped him.


He performed multiple moveby attacks, and many of his attacks could be simulated with AoE isntead.


Pardon my newbie ignorance, but "AoE"?


Oh, and my initial build of Kenshin assumed that 20 was the highest possible characteristic for mortals.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


AoE = Area Of Effect.


Part of the Genre and the history behind amazing swordsmen like Kenshin is that they were normal mortal men who became Godlike through the use of their sword.


Kenshin himself is modeled after an actual historical figure who believed that a sword fight was won on the draw. If you failed to win the fight with the first draw you have lost the fight. Kenshin's stance is reflective of the historical figures as well, a very wide base with your center of gravity low, Kenshin's strength lies in the fact that he can draw the blade before most warriros know the fight has started.


If you watch closely almost all maneuvers Kenshin does start with his blade sheathed, his power comes from the draw itself.


As you watch the series all the characters' powers/abilities come from a particualr stance or style - not from the fact that they are superhuman. Or they utilize tricks of the mind.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


As you watch the series all the characters' powers/abilities come from a particualr stance or style - not from the fact that they are superhuman. Or they utilize tricks of the mind.


I find that hard to reconcile with Sojiro's swordfighting. And Kenshin's display of 'Swordsman's spirit' at the end of the Kyoto arc. Or the pretty blatant supernatural power of that last big-bad, whose name escapes me.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


I find that hard to reconcile with Sojiro's swordfighting. And Kenshin's display of 'Swordsman's spirit' at the end of the Kyoto arc. Or the pretty blatant supernatural power of that last big-bad, whose name escapes me.


You mean the Feng Shui dweeb? I haven't seen that arc, I've just heard of it, but it makes me want to stop after I've seen Shishio fry.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


No the series is worth going to the end.


The Feng Shui is keeping in with how the Japanese fictionalized the monks from China.


As for the supernatural aspects, espectially towards the end of the Kyoto Arc, are indeed somewhat supernatural - but also keeping in with legends and how the Japanese commoners (especially fiction at the time) viewed some of the swordsmen.


You are, of course, free to convert however you feel is most appropriate. For myself I would keep the characters within NCM and use various power builds for martial attacks that appear to be supernatural in nature. It keeps with, IMO, the idea that the people were normal but their swordsmanship was otherworldly.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


Some ideas that you've suggested and/or inspired:


HMR Circular Swing

HA +2D6; 0 END cost +1/2;

AoE(As radius, except excluding the hex directly behind the user;

Nonselective) +3/4;

(27 Active Points)

OAF(Sword) -1

Real Point Cost = 13


Also, a Limitation for the Ryutsuisen: Limited Power(Must make half-phase leap into hex adjacent to the target with a facing from which you can attack the target with a Ryutsuisen in the same turn.) -1/2


Opinions? Too convoluted?

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


I am curious how someone would write-up the Ame Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki which is theoretically supposed to be the perfect attack. It always hits (if you are doing it right). You can't dodge it and due to the vaccum there is some basis for saying a dive for cover wouldn't work either. Kenshin's master seemed to think that it would kill anyone who it was unleashed against. Only Kenshin's use of the reversed blade prevented him from killing with it.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


I am curious how someone would write-up the Ame Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki which is theoretically supposed to be the perfect attack. It always hits (if you are doing it right). You can't dodge it and due to the vaccum there is some basis for saying a dive for cover wouldn't work either. Kenshin's master seemed to think that it would kill anyone who it was unleashed against. Only Kenshin's use of the reversed blade prevented him from killing with it.

Hm. Perhaps a HA linked to an Entangle linked to a HA, with a ton of Combat Skill Levels thrown in. Unfortunately, I don't know if it's possible to make an

attack which can't miss....




Ryu no Hirameki

Hand Attack 3D6; 0 END cost +1/2 (22 Active Points)

OAF(Sword) -1;

Real Cost = 17 Points


Vacuum Effect

6D6 Entangle; 0 END cost +1/2; Trigger(Only if Ryu no Hirameki is blocked)+1/4;

Takes no damage from attacks (+1/2)(165 Active Points)

Limited Range(1 hex) -1/4;

Does Not Prevent Use of Accessible Foci -1;

Cannot Form Barriers -1/4

Power Limitation(Lasts one phase.) -1/2

Real Cost: 55 Points


Ame Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki

Hand Attack +5D6; 0 END Cost +1/2; (37 Active Points)

OAF(Sword) -1;

Linked(Vacuum Effect) -1/2

Real Cost = 15 points


How's that look?

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


I would do AoE 1 hex: Accurate.


Mechanically a Dive For Cover could get out of the way - but that's simply how the system works.


Just say it hits, but does no damage. I have used this as a descriptor on several occasions. It is unsettling for the players to have an attack that always hits. The know that there is a chance it doesn't actually damage anyone.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


Just say it hits, but does no damage. I have used this as a descriptor on several occasions. It is unsettling for the players to have an attack that always hits. The know that there is a chance it doesn't actually damage anyone.


Nice!:thumbup: I guess the only things needing statted out are the first and second strikes.

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


something you may want to think of is that fact that his fighting changes depending on his stance and thats not reflected in the character. as a real martial artist the stance is half or more of everything you do. In a broad base stance maybe more damage, in a short stance more lightning reflexes, in each stance you could have different types of csl's this would do alot to help the character and allow you to diversify his fighting style .

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Re: Rurouni Kenshin for Hero?


something you may want to think of is that fact that his fighting changes depending on his stance and thats not reflected in the character. as a real martial artist the stance is half or more of everything you do. In a broad base stance maybe more damage' date=' in a short stance more lightning reflexes, in each stance you could have different types of csl's this would do alot to help the character and allow you to diversify his fighting style .[/quote']

good point - there is a section on Stances in the Ultimate Martial Artist that goes into how to reflect different stances within the system.

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