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Creating the Silver Age Team


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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Why not play on the word a bit ? Make her an ilussionist and call her "Glamor" ?


Umm... she is an illusionist and it is a play on the word "glamor" except that I used the British spelling. It refers both to her beauty (and vain nature) and her powers.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Hi everyone. Just letting you know that I'll be posting the last character, the Stranger, in a day or two: just gotta tune it all up. He's going to be a Martian Mahunter/Vision homage, more the latter. Basically he's a shape-shifter who can either change his shape in general with no change in powers (in normal humanoid form he has some super strength) or change into one of four "battle forms" which give him different powers. Right now he can change into a rock form, feral form, dragon form (human size), or a wraith-like form (hence the Vision homages.) With four battle forms (I discarded a fifth, a elastic form), it took ALOT of work.


I'm not sure how happy I'm with the character but I'll post. Originally, I used a MP to represent the different forms but multiform allowed for true distinction of forms. Also, since I use MP's often this was a nice change. That said, I might drop the whole battle form thing and just have a big MP to represent various shape changing abilities (HKA's, Damage Shields, Stretching, etc..).


Once he's up, it will be one more round of suggestions and then I'll post them all (along with some team history) on the board. Following that, I might post another thread "Building the Bronze Age team" which takes the team into 600-750 pt range, introduces a few new members, and *might* even have two new teams: a Teen Titan like team of the Sentinel's sidekicks and the Renegades: an Outsiders/X-men like team.


Thanks everyone! As always, please look through my posts and make comments/suggestions.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Yeah!!! Final member (founding anyway) of the my Silver age team, the Sentinels of Justice!




Hey, I know you're out there... I can hear you breathing.




Anyway here is the first draft. Not Shakespeare but it works for now. I do wonder if the character is a little "heavy" in terms of melodrama for a Silver Age team (I guess it depends on whether your flavor is Marvel or DC). I thought that he was a nice tough of pathos for the team ala the Thing, Vision, or Red Tornado. Also, there's just something great about the alien invader who is inspired by humanity's innate goodness for make a great sacrifice (*cough* Silver Surfer *cough*).


He's a bit of a cross of Martian Manhunter and Vision, the former more. I'll post history and personality first. As always, advice and suggestions are encouraged! A name for the alien race would be great although I wouldn't mind using the ones from the Aliens Sourcebook 4th edition since they were super strong shape-shifters so it's be a nice link to the past.


History: Many lightyears away on a desolate world, several species clashes for survival and eventual dominance. One species was strong, another fast with hyperkeen senses, another soared through the air with razor claws and yet another exhibited remarkable insight and the ability to create rudimentary tools. For thousands of years they and a fifth race clashed until only one remained. Neither strength, speed, flight, nor intelligence prevailed but instead an incredible adaptability that the fifth race possessed: an ability that let them mimic the prowess of their competitors. .


As the metamorphs evolved and grew even more intelligent, they developed great societies but still relied on their shape-shifting abilities to survive in their harsh, desert-like world with its many predators. One day, they discovered spaceflight and would spread out as they had on their homeworld: in battle as they carved out a domain from hostile space.


Within 500 years, the metamorphs had conquered over a dozen systems and had learned much: besides new shapes to shift to, they also learned about subtlety. Although battle was stimulated, it was only a means to an end: more territory and resources to ensure the survival of their species. Agents who would gain information, sow dissent, and perform acts of sabotage would now precede invasion forces. Earth was one such target.


Jo' Do lead a phalanx of warriors with both strength and cunning. More soldier than spy, nevertheless, his relentlessness and intelligence would make him an excellent agent and thus he became one of the vanguard. It would mean a long time away from his clan, mate, and the four brood who gestated in her sac but a new world would bring new resources and security. How could he refuse?


Earth with its rich resources, bountiful life, and lush lands was a prize indeed but it was the people who truly caught Jo'Do's attention. They were so varied in race, creed, and attitude. Many were selfish with no thought of unity or helping their people as a whole. Others though were noble, almost metamorph in their desire to make the world a better place. The super heroes, beings with incredible powers were a shining example. They were one of the most prominent threats to the invasion.


His activities would bring him into conflict with several such superheroes, including Solaris who Jo'Do defeated in battle. Moved by the courage of the brash hero, Jo'Do carried Solaris from a military complex seconds before it exploded from the alien's sabotage.


On the eve of the invasion, Jo'Do presented the last of his findings and waited for his battle orders. Rather than task the warrior to the frontlines, he would be one of nine who would set neutron bombs in the great cities of man. The reports, Jo'Do's particularly, made it clear that Earth people had too much free will to be enslaved and assimilated into the Empire. Their ability to produce superbeings was a threat as well and elimination of the humans was the only possible solution.


The news devastated Jo'Do. Although a loyal soldier to the Empire, he was no murderer of the masses. That his report was a factor leading to the horrific plan weighed even more heavily on him. Wrestling with his conscious, he concluded that he could not allow such a travesty to occur. He pleaded for another way but was ignored.


He realized that he would need allies to stop the invasion. Earth's greatest heroes, beings that he had both studied and fought, were his only hope. Yet on the eve of the invasion, they were captured by strike teams and held on the fleet's battleships. Forsaking his duty, Jo'Do freed Doctor Atomic, Athena, Archer, Blue Bolt, Glamour, Hornet, and Solaris. Together, the stopped the setting of the neutrons and then pushed back the invaders.


In the celebration, afterwards, Jo'Do stood alone. He had betrayed his people, dishonored his clan, and brought untold shame to his family. Although welcomed by the new Sentinels of Justice, he would be apart: unique on this world that he had sacrificed so much for and a stranger in a strange land.


Personality: Jo'Do, or the Stranger as he is better known, is a noble soul who believes strongly in duty and serving a cause greater than himself. Once, this cause was the protection of his race even to the point of enslaving other species. Raised with the concept that life was a struggle and that strength in battle was the greatest determination of morality, he was horrified that his people would use such cowardly and terrible means to achieve their goals. He has come to realize that strength without a true sense of justice is a great evil and uses his powers to protect those weaker than him,


Because he is exiled from his people in disgrace, he is greatly burdened by sorrow and grief. A warrior true, he hides these deep emotions behind a stoic mask that he rarely removes even among the Sentinels. Still uncomfortable among his new friends and bewildered by Earth with its myriad cultures, he is the quietest and most reserved of the Sentinels but also perhaps its most dependable member.


In his spare time, the Stranger will assume human guise and quietly explore his new world and try to understand its people.


Powers: All of Jo'Do's people are metamorphs- beings able to alter their physical forms. Originally, this ability was used to mimic the shape and physical attributes of other predators on their world but with time and evolution, some can change their cellular structure to mimic different physical powers like increase or decreasing density, sprout blade-like appdenages, become malleable, etc.


The Stranger can assume several alien battle forms, including a rock creature, a winged lizard creature, or a feral wolf-like being. He can also assume a wraith-like form which lowers his density to near-zero, lets him become invisible at will, or reduce only a part of his body insubstantial which he can thrust into an opponent's body to cause great pain. In normal form, he is superhumanly strong and tough.


The cellular control of the Stranger gives him enhanced recovery ability but his system has difficulty coping with intense cold because it creates painful crystallization in his malleable cells.


In combat, the Stranger will use whatever form is appropriate based on his tactical experience. A favorite tactic is to fly above an unsuspecting target in his dragon form, shift into his rock form, and drop down in a devastating move-through. He will also use his wraith and dragon forms as well as his skills to gather intelligence.


Appearance: in his natural state the Stranger is a beige and muscular humanoid with vaguely with minimal features (thin slit for a mouth, holes for ears, and small slits for nostrils. His eyes are of human size but opaque black. His costume is mostly forest green adorned with reddish highlights. The accompanying cloak is blue and features a flared collar. Glamour thinks it's a little… garish yet other thing it suits the Stranger perfectly.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


I'm curious what others think about this build. Originally I was going to go with a MP with slots representing his various forms but felt that multiform would allow for greater distinction of his forms and greater flexibilities.


You will note that the character is about 20 pts too light in Disadvantages. Would a social limit: exile make sense? Or am I milking his alien nature too much? I can always toss in a CvK which is often standard silver age.


Regarding hunteds, Metallar is one of his race who is hunting the Stranger. His main battle forms center around shifting into a variety of metallic shapes. Admittedly, the name is kinda lame but yet, it's better than Metallo!






Val Char Cost

40 STR 30

23 DEX 39

28 CON 36

13 BODY 6

13 INT 3

13 EGO 6

20 PRE 10

8 COM -1


19 PD 11

18 ED 12

5 SPD 17

14 REC 0

56 END 0

47 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

8" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 169


Cost Power

24 Disguise Self: Shape Shift (Sight , Smell/Taste , Touch and Hearing Groups, any humanoid), Imitation, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (49 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2)

80 Multiform (350 Character Points in the most expensive form) (x4 Number Of Forms)

10 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED)

13 Celluar Control: Healing 2 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (50 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 127



Cost Skill

3 Acting 13-

3 Bugging 12-

3 Computer Programming 12-

3 Contortionist 14-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Cryptography 12-

3 Demolitions 12-

2 Forgery 12-

4 Language: English (idiomatic)

3 Security Systems 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Tactics 12-

15 +3 with HTH Combat

Skills Cost: 54




Total Character Cost: 350


Pts. Disadvantage

15 Susceptibility: Cold Attacks, 3d6 damage Instant (Uncommon)

10 Physical Limitation: Suffers double the effects of cold environments (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

10 Physical Limitation: Unfamilar with Earth culture (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)

10 Physical Limitation: Requires Specialized Medical Care (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

10 Distinctive Features: Alien (Easily Concealed with shape shifting; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Legion of Evil 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: Metallar 11- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: US government 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Stoic, Hides Emotions (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Protects the weak, innocent, and those who can not protect themselves (Very Common, Strong)

Disadvantage Points: 130

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 20

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Go with the CVK. All Silver Age heroes need a CVK. Heck so do most of the villains. The presence of heros who don't have a CVK is one of the Signs that the Silver Age is over. Maybe Metallia instead of Metallar? Or add something like "the Pursuer"?



Metallia sounds vaguely feminine, particularly if you are going for a Silver Age naming scheme.


Metallo is taken, but it is good and evocate.


How does "Metallico" sound?

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Just to be polite, and if anybody cares: I have decided to introduce a character called Glamour Girl in my silly Legion of Superheroes homage setting.


I had already decided that one of my characters' real name would be Phan Servis, and Glamour Girl would be just right as her codename.


Think of a cross between Princess Projectra (powers), Dream Girl (looks and personality) and Saturn Girl (founding member with psionic type powers).


So there.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Go with the CVK. All Silver Age heroes need a CVK. Heck so do most of the villains. The presence of heros who don't have a CVK is one of the Signs that the Silver Age is over.


Very good point on the CvK. A question is: how retro to make the whole thing? I think I'll go retro enough for everyone to have a CvK except Solaris (he was a fighter pilot although his experiences in war could lead him to swear off killing).


Later on, you can start to look at who would realistically have a CvK or not (like Athena could have one now but as she comes more into Athena's power, and the warrior personality, the prohibition against killing lessens). It'll be interesting going to the Bronze age as stuff gets retconed (or revealed).


Maybe Metallia instead of Metallar? Or add something like "the Pursuer"?


I like "the Pursuer." Good call.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


Hi everyone! I decided to work a little more on my Silver Age team. One thing I did was incorporate some feedback and expand the backgrounds/ personalities/ supporting casts a bit. First up is Doctor Atomic.


It's kinda a slog to rea through to be honest but it's intended to be exposition so feel free to skim. I'm trying to capture what might have been created in a Silver Age comic so it's a bit corny.




History: With the close of World War II, a new age was dawning for man: the atomic age. It would be a time of achievement, progress, and hopefully a better life for the world as the power of the atom itself was unlocked and controlled. There were few who wanted to see this better day come for mankind than young Kevin Arnold. Exceptionally bright if also shy and awkward, he studied hard to achieve his goal.


Along the way, he made few friends but one of them was John Connor. Also a scientist, the pair found that they had much in common and became fast friends. They even combined their research together and were both awarded their PhD's from MIT.


The pair was quickly snatched up by Omni Corp, a research conglomerate with extensive ties to the US government. Their first assignment was the creation of a super-reactor. Ten times more powerful than uranium, it was hoped to be a major breakthrough. Heading the project was the brilliant but arrogant Luther Cole. Quickly determining that Kevin his equal, Cole berated the man frequently. Not very forceful, Kevin would back down often even when Cole cherry picked from his work to make himself look better. John stood up for his friend, leading to several confrontations which their supervisor.


The conflict came to a head when Luther sabotaged the Kevin's work so that the reaction would burst out of control and kill him. Arrogant as always, he boasted of the nefarious deed out loud, unaware that John Connor was within earshot. Horrified, the scientist raced to the lab just as the experimental reactor went online.


Pushing Kevin aside, John scrambled to shut down the machine only to be caught in a blast that disintegrated her immediately. The remaining radiation washed over Kevin and he collapsed into a coma. For weeks he was at death's door but eventually recovered in what some considered a miracle. In truth though, as Kevin would soon discover, he had more than recovered. Supercharged with atomic energy, he was now one of the most powerful beings on the planet.


Kevin wrestled with his new powers and the tragedy that accompanied them as he recovered. Were they a gift to benefit man or a curse to remain him of his lost friend? Could he use them effectively or was such power beyond a mortal man? His musings came to an end when he sensed a surge of radiation from several miles away. Snatching a radiation suit to mask his face, he flew towards the source of the energy: a plummeting aircraft. Quickly he righted the spiraling plane and helped it glide down into a nearby field where he helped the crew from the craft.


As Kevin examined the craft and welded the radiation leak, the military rapidly descended on the area. At its head was a blustering man in a lab coat who screamed at the masked Kevin, "I am Doctor Matt Murdock! How dare you interfere with my project! It could have landed itself!"


"Not without power." Gesturing to the craft, he explained how the neutron dampeners were shoddily made with second hand material and thus had failed; causing a surge in power that ruptured the shell that in turn leaked radiation into the atmosphere. "You were probably pocketing the money you saved and endangered the lives of these men and the whole city!"


As he was handcuffed, the lab coated man screamed, "how could you know this! There's not a dozen nuclear physicists in the country that could have discovered that!"


"That's because I'm Doctor A-" Kevin froze as he almost revealed his identity. Standing tall, shoulders straight, he proclaimed, "I'm Doctor Atomic, master of the atom and protector of those who need me." For a moment, the world seemed still on the words… and then the craft's pilot stepped forward and offered his hand. "Well we needed you today Doctor Atomic, thank you."


Kevin excused himself and sped back to his hospital bed where he decided that he could not ignore his abilities. Together, he and John had wanted to change the world. Now, he would have to do the work of two men and it was to be as two different identities, so be it. And thus, was Doctor Atomic born.


As Kevin Arnold, he still works for Omnicorp alongside the demoted Luther Cole who was blamed for the explosion. A replacement for John Connors, the beautiful Lisa Lennan, was hired and the trio work under the stern supervision of Percy Whitman, a crusty old scientist who cut his teeth on the Manhattan Project.


When clad as Doctor Atomic (aka the Man of the Atom, the Plutonium Protector, Nuclear Wonder, and Atomic Avenger) Kevin is one of the world's greatest heroes. He is the symbol of a new age and hope as well as the herald of a new generation of costumed heroes.


Personality: A good man at heart, Kevin wants to make the world a better place. Although he had never considered himself a brave or forceful man, he can not turn away from the responsibility foisted upon him by his powers not the tragedy that compels him to compensate for the good work that he feels his dear friend John could have accomplished.


Doctor Atomic is still trying to reconcile himself as a superhero. He means well but feels overwhelmed at times and wonders how the previous heroes of the Golden Age managed. He tries very hard to project the image of a strong-jawed and noble hero without realizing that it's less of an act that he thinks. He is far braver than he realizes and seems to grow into the role every day. With a strong sense of ethics, desire to protect people, and dedication to his fellow man, he is a shining example of this new generation of heroes and others often look him up to him.


Out of costume, Kevin is a true scientist to a fault who doesn't always quite understand why everyone else isn't interested in why uranium needs to be enriched for a nuclear reactor. He can lock himself up for days working on a problem until an outside force batters its way into his little world. Lisa is one such force…


Powers/Abilities: The radiation accident supercharged Doctor Atomic, raising his strength and durability to levels not seen even in the Golden Age of heroes. He can also project the radiation outward to provide flight and energy blasts.


In combat, Doctor Atomic prefers to use offer his enemies a chance to surrender because it's the right thing but also he worries that he could really hurt someone. That is also why he tries to outthink his opponents which is more fun anyway.


Appearance: Kevin is tall at 6'4" with broad shoulders but otherwise normal build. Exposure to radiation filled him out quite a bit and he tends to hide his more powerful physique with a lab coat. That, along with an old tendency to hunch, helps to disguise him. His costume is white with a blue half mask and cape. A classic atomic symbol adorns his chest.


Supporting Cast:


Luther Cole: blamed for the accident, he is bitter at Kevin and continues to scheme against his rival. Although he is careful to not be caught for his acts, he is nevertheless very dangerous and would not hesitate to conspire with super villains (including giving them tech or support) if it fills his pockets or gives him an edge.


Lisa Lennan: as beautiful as she was intelligent, this scientist had made quite an impact on both Doctor Atomic and Luther Cole. Kevin is attracted to her but also tongue-tied. He tried to court her but often loses to the more charming and confident Luther. Lisa enjoys the attention but believes that there is more to Kevin than he reveals and finds his kindness appealing but finds that she often needs to intercede on the man's behalf. She wishes that Kevin could be more confident and stand up for himself.


Rogue Gallery


As one of America's greatest heroes, Doctor Atomic has a vast array of foes to test his might and intelligence. A common, but not exclusive theme, is scientific knowledge or nuclear power. Some of the more notable ones are:


"Mad" Matthew Murdock: the discredited scientist, he blames Doctor Atomic for his downfall and has vowed to destroy him. His weapons of choice are atomic powered robots and nuclear weaponry that employ Argonite


Nuclear Nightmare: a pile of radioactive waste with animal-like intelligence. Nearly invulnerable to physical attack, it also thrives on radiation and seeks out more of it. It is a foe that Doctor Atomic can only defeat by outwitting it. What he does not know is that creature was created in the explosion that empowered him and scattered among its pulsating mass is the shattered mind and spirit of John Connor.


Captain Communism: a Soviet soldier empowered by Russian nuclear tech, he is Doctor Atomic's physical equal. More skilled in combat than Doctor Atomic, his ignorance of science is a weakness that has been exploited against him in the past.


Role: Doctor Atomic is a silver age Superman with emphasis on atomic power since radiation-induced powers was quite common. As a new hero, he is still learning the ropes but shows signs of what he will become: the greatest hero of the Silver Age.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team




Originally, I was going to have Doctor Atomic's fiancee die in the explosion and then introduce a new female character. So when the Nuclear Nightmare's true self is revealed, you have DA torn between his old love (who there seems to be no cure for) and a possible new love. I thought it was a little too much angst though.


I'm wondering if I edit out his occasional uncomfortable feelings in his new role (Superman never did that) but I think it might help to distinguish him a bit from big blue. It could just crop up every now and then so you mostly have this true blue hero who at least seems to know what he's doing.


In general, going for a silver age feel and I'm being a little tongue in cheek with the alliterations. The first apperance of Doctor Atomic is based on the Man of Steel first appearance of Superman where he rescues a space shuttle as it falls to Earth.

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Re: Creating the Silver Age Team


And his character sheet from Hero Designer. Is there a template that you would recommend for a post (and how to use it?) These are serviceable but not reader friendly. Thank you and as always, comments and advice are greatly welcomed.


Doctor Atomic




Val Char Cost

60 STR 50

20 DEX 30

28 CON 36

13 BODY 6

23 INT 13

11 EGO 2

20 PRE 10

14 COM 2


25 PD 13

25 ED 19

5 SPD 20

18 REC 0

56 END 0

57 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

12" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 201


Cost Power

60 Atomic Blast: Energy Blast 12d6

38 Atomic Flight: Flight 19"

20 Atomic Hardened Skin: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED)

2 Radiation Resistance: Life Support (Safe in High Radiation)

2 Radiation Resistance: Power Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); Limited Power Only against radiation attacks (-1)

5 Radiation Sense: Detect Radiation 14- (no Sense Group), Range (8 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)

Powers Cost: 127



Cost Skill

3 Electronics 14-

3 Scientist

2 1) SS: Nuclear Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: SubAtomic Physics 14- (3 Active Points)

3 +1 with punch, grab, and haymaker

2 +1 with Atomic Blast

Skills Cost: 17


Cost Perk

2 Reputation: Popular Superhero (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6

Perks Cost: 2


Cost Talent

3 Lightning Calculator

Talents Cost: 3


Total Character Cost: 350


Pts. Disadvantage

25 Susceptibility: Argonite, 3d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hero (Very Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Tries to outthink normal opponents rather than hurt them (Common, Moderate)

20 Hunted: The Mad Doctor Murdock 11- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Nuclear Nightmare 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Rogues Gallery 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Dependent NPC: Scientist Girlfriend 11- (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently, Major)

10 Rivalry: Professional and Romantic (Fellow Scientist), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Harm or Kill Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry

Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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