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assault last won the day on May 24 2022

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About assault

  • Birthday 07/14/1963

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  1. Dingo populations more closely related to ancient ancestors than modern dogs, DNA study suggests
  2. Apparently the French government won't be moving to Vichy this year.
  3. Luckily, there's no elephant in the room.
  4. Libertarianism is full of "freedom for some". The alt-right and its neighbours contained lots of former libertarians.
  5. Apparently a friend of mine is the face of "Jew Hatred" in Australia, according to the Murdoch media. You can see where this is going, can't you? Yes, he's Jewish. He's not the only one who has been put in this position. Apparently it's too expensive to sue for defamation, despite there being a strong case.
  6. Cumberland Council’s book ban has been overturned, but what is really happening in Australian libraries?
  7. Because idiocy isn't restricted to the USA... NSW government threatens some Western Sydney libraries' funding over same-sex parenting book ban The ban got up because a socially conservative section of the Labor Party majority supported it.
  8. I'd say he wasn't even close to the first, but it's an interesting theorization of it. And an easy technique to use...
  9. Warning, this is a news item, so it contains irrelevant material. The first third is relevant to this topic. "There's a giant, blind cockroach, and it doesn't run away like normal cockroaches. There's a gigantic blind cave spider." Beneath the plains of the Nullarbor lies an underground world formed over millions of years
  10. For the campaigning stuff, I'd have a good look at the original Strike Force. Probably Champions II as well.
  11. With some serious rewriting.
  12. How about a True Name type system?
  13. As always, what special effect do you want?
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