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The Chronicles of Counter Harn


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I have posted the first seventeen turns of my Counter-Harn campaign "Caer Nurel" on Curufea's site. I have also posted a page with brief character sketches (written, not drawn) of all of the characters who have appeared in the game to date. I will post future turns as they are completed, as well as resources which will include:


Articles on the game's divergent history, religion, theurgy based magic, etc.

Full character builds and write-ups for character's who merit them.

The House Rules I use for PBEM.

Anything else that tickles my fancy.


It can be found here:



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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


Much impressed. You captured a great flavor. I am through chapter 7 where it starts hopping.


Thanks! The action runs in ebbs and flows. We just came down from an action series and are now into a character series again. I'm trying to get us more firmly into the main plot now. The medium is slow going, but we're on a slow burn to a major bursting point :eg:

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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


I want write-ups!!! Give me write-ups or give me death!




They're coming! Our house rules for the PBEM format need to get polished and go up as well or they won't make a lot of sense. Because of the PBEM format we dropped speed and CVs and decided to go with DEX order and "combat skill rolls" for combats between major characters. The combat rolls are opposed (sword versus sword, sword versus shield, sword versus dodge, etc), and the greater margin wins. It means everyone has to have that information available, but it speeds things up greatly. For combats with goons and minions, however, we just write them out alternating a "few phases" at a time without rolls. As a result, I need to figure out what format I want to present them in and include some notes on how I would build them if I were running a table top game (with normal rules).

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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


The counter-earth shtick is a common pulp sci-fi trope in which the events happen on a planet sharing earth's orbit, but on the opposite side of the sun where no one can see it (which was all well and good before the advent of the space probe). My harn is very different than canonical harn, so I decided it was counter-harn. I could have just as easily called it counter-earth and used harnic place names, but it has other harnic elements as well, so its "counter-harn."

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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


Which is good since I loathed the Gor novels with an abiding passion. The idea of a counter-earth comes from the pythagoreans, and has appeared in several science fiction stories (not just "its good to murder a man so you can rape his woman because she wants you to John Norman").


Did you read any of the logs?

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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


Which is good since I loathed the Gor novels with an abiding passion. The idea of a counter-earth comes from the pythagoreans, and has appeared in several science fiction stories (not just "its good to murder a man so you can rape his woman because she wants you to John Norman").


Did you read any of the logs?

Yes, I read the logs. This is called "humor" which occasionally surfaces on the boards.

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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


Update: Character Posted: Countess Thilisa Maleken.


SPOILER WARNING: She hasn't appeared in the game yet and there is at least one potential secret on her sheet - so if you are reading the logs and don't want secrets revealed before their time then don't read her sheet. On the other hand, if you like thrillers more than mysteries... be my guest.


Note: I'm working on her spells, which I will post when finished. It'll be a few days.



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Re: The Chronicles of Counter Harn


Not my style of fantasy gaming' date=' to be honest. I prefer my fantasty worlds a little more fantastic. I'm not really the medieval gaming type. The closest I get is Ars Magica. But it looks solid otherwise.[/quote']


Fair enough. I do have some fantastic elements coming up, but I have a few more plot points I want to drop into place first. Part of my "simulationist" schtick is to make those elements really stand out when they appear, but this player has always been into more politics and social intrigue (no matter what the genre) than other aspects of the game. And the truth is, I'm more into mundane fantasy than the fantastic. I liked the idea behind ars magica, but truth be told, I couldn't get into the system, and some of its base assumptions struck me as odd. I guess I'm influenced by a weird blend of Howard and midieval fanboyism. On the other hand, when I do run high fantasy, you will feel the thunderbolts of the gods, and in this case, a few may be lobbed around here, too.

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