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How much cash do let your characters start out with?


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I do not have Terran Empire (yet - it just got in my price range). But I am looking at TravellerHero and Hero 5th. While I have the Traveller books (CT, MT, TNE, T4) they base money on mustering out - which (thankfully) does not fit within the Hero System. But the Hero 5th rules seem more to fit Champions. So, based on points or not - how do you figure how much cash characters start with?

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


I usually allow the Players to write up a list of gear they want their character to have, and anything that seems like "too much" I cross off the list. I dont really worry about total monetary cost; I just let characters start with whatever is appropriate for them.


Maybe I just have good Players, because it seems to work. Even in a game where (true story) one character started off with full armor, a mount, barding, three weapons plus a back-up, a pack, a pavillion, and a months rations, as well as cooking and camping gear, three changes of clothing, and various knick knacks. And pocket money.


Another character started out with a blouse and a skirt. No belt. No shoes. No money at all.


Great game ;D

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


It all depends on the 'feel' of the game. If the C is part of a Star Fleet like body, then none. If a Merchant Game, then atleast enough to pay for upkeep of the ship and pay the crew for a month or two. It all depends on the type of game.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


I hate to do this, but I have to agree generally with what everyone else is saying. How much they start with depends on:




Campaign style

Character design


There's no set answer. I had a senator in one campaign start off with less gear than the soldiers, it just depends on the setting & the campaign proper. As TRI pointed out, if you're in Star Fleet, you don't pay for your Type II Phaser, your tri-corder, your comm badge or access to the Holodeck or shuttle craft. It's part of being in Star Fleet.


If you're in my homebrewed sci-fi campaign, you're pretty much SOL without the money perk (which will be capped). You'll have your starting gear and enough money to eat & sleep for about a week. That's it. So it really varies.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


Cash, not a lot. But I don't start them off without equipment. They get what they need so they can play the character without scrounging for boots or blaster charges, but tight enough that they have to think about making more fast.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


The problem with the money perk is that it gives annual income rather than starting cash. If you make your people take the money perk for starting cash, how do you figure it?

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


Depends. If you want to do it how we in the lending business handle it, you'd give them two months (roughly) worth of income cash-on-hand (savings & checking accounts). They often have up to another six months of income in non-liquid assets (stocks/bonds). Also, they'll generally own their own vehicle and are making payments, and may own property (a base) and would be making payments.


If you want to give me a f'rinstance, I can give you some fairly realistic numbers.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


That does help. I can just multiply the yearly amount by a factor (say 25%). But still my question goes unanswered "How specifically do you handle the giving out of starting cash in the game? If you use the Money perk, what does each point buy you? (1 pt 5k, 2pts 10K, 3pts 20K, etc.)

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


But still my question goes unanswered "How specifically do you handle the giving out of starting cash in the game?


Your question HAS been answered. Several times.


The question you meant to ask seems to be "how much starting cash do you give Characters with the Wealth perk?"


But thats not the question you asked.


Telling us we havent answered you is kind of rude, actually.


Im not trying to be a pr**k here (apparently I dont have to try), but when I read "But still my question goes unanswered", after being one of the first people to respond, and having put some thought itno explaining how the group I game with does it, and providing an anecdote, I got a little miffed at being so callously dismissed, to say the least.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


Your question HAS been answered. Several times.


The question you meant to ask seems to be "how much starting cash do you give Characters with the Wealth perk?"


But thats not the question you asked.


Telling us we havent answered you is kind of rude, actually.


Im not trying to be a pr**k here (apparently I dont have to try), but when I read "But still my question goes unanswered", after being one of the first people to respond, and having put some thought itno explaining how the group I game with does it, and providing an anecdote, I got a little miffed at being so callously dismissed, to say the least.


I apologize. It appears that going down this road any further will not endear me to the hearts and minds of those who were gracious enough to post. Let's just forget that I even asked.:hush:

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


:cool: You have done your penance, and are hereby absolved.


Now that I understand what youre asking, I wish that I could be mroe helpful. But the group I game with doesnt really use the Wealth Perk in game where money is a consideration.


If someone wants to take Wealth for their superhero, fine. But money really isnt the focus of the game.


In games where money -is- more of a focus (like most fantasy games, or playing traders in a space game) we never think to take it, because if youre rich, why are you adventuring?


So, as I said before, we just write up a list of gear we want, and the GM crosses off what we cant have. Once the game begins, we go from there :)

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


Well, from the responses is doesn't appear that you are alone.


Suppose you wanted to start a Trader dude. You spend the points and get the ship. Now you need money to hire a crew and pay for cargo and expenses. I don't know about Star Hero/Terran empire but when you go to the 5th rules we just get general income. What does he need to buy in point to insure that he has the cash to insure a voyage or two?


Perhaps the "hungry" approach is better - OWNING NOT QUITE ENOUGH. You have enough money to exist AND maybe own a ship but you are facing a tight economic pinch and face the "Han Solo hard times" and need to score a job quick.

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


The Evil GM's Guide to Starting Funds:


You should dole out starting funds to your characters like a piece of good rope -- give 'em just enough of it to hang themselves with.


Matt "The-Lord-loves-a-hangin'-GM" Frisbee

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Re: How much cash do let your characters start out with?


In a case like that, Id give the characters their gear, their ship, and the -owner- of the ship a massive debt he has to repay. (That way he gets a disadvantage (debt) to balance the advantage he has over the other Characters ("Get off MY ship!")). Personally, when running a game like that in Hero, I typically have the owner of the ship be an NPC. I also make sure that the owner doesnt have the skill-set to be the actual Captain; that way a PC sets the course for the game, not me :)


This approach lets me gloss alot of the "operational expenses" part of the game, as only the NPC is really concerned with that part of things. The PCs have their starting gear, some pocket money, and what they then earn in-game

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