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Need help with interdimensional adventures


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First off, if you are a member of Avatar or Southern Star stop reading now.


I have a current gaming group that is part of a campaign that was started in 1990.

There are no origional members left, save myself, and I only GM.


My current party has just become lost in annother dimension due to technology that is a left over big bad from years ago, but also closely tied to the origins of our brick.


We ended last session with them trapped in a world where the Cofederacy won the civil war. I borrowed liberally from Harry Turtledove's alternate history on this subject.


Now that I have them there, I have good ideas of what to do with them.


The problem is this: some of the old members of the campaign are getting together in a couple of weekends and we are plannign to play a session of Champions.


My thought is to have the old group rescue the new group and provide them with a way home. I don't want this to turn into a "The old guys had to bail us out" situation, and I think I have that angle covered.


I am just having trouble with the mechanics of the thing.


The lost team jumped because of a malfunctioning dimensional research machine at the local university. The team has salvaged a part of the machine, but has not figured out that the part they have will help them stabalize any new breaches that are created.


The old team will consist of a flying blaster, a mentalist, a hero with temporal powers and an inertia controller.


I know that I am steeling from "Sliders" a bit and have no problem with that. Help me find a good way for the old team to find the lost team.




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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


a) Does the veteran know where in the multiverse are the other part of the team? If not,The veteran mentalist happens to make a "Mind scan" in a mystical place (a ley line?) that provides the extra-dimensional advantage.


B) Now to get there; How about capturing a supervilain that actually has the power, such as Timemaster, preferably an old ennemy; This could imply coercion, or a deal of some sort (that will turn sour, of course).

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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


Ok, I think I need a little more background...


The interdimensional technology was first developed by a company very friendly to the PC's. After a couple of time travel adventures, however, we could not find a future where the technology did not fall into the hands of our major "take over the world" organization, CHESS.

Upon finding out that the company had already been infiltrated by CHESS, we took and vote.

In an unusual move in what has otherwise been a very silver age campaign, we agreed to stage a raid on the friendly facility doing the interdimensional research and destroy both the device and any notes on the device. For good measure, our mentalist erased the device from the memories of the involved scientists.

This action had longstanding ramifications for the group, leading to a major division in the group that was later worked out.

Since that time several groups have tried to recreate the device. The most successful has been CHESS, since they had already stolen rudamentary notes on the project.

In fact, the brick on the new team, was created in an accident that happend while he was doing university research sponsored secretly by CHESS.



What I mean by "Stabalizing any new breaches" is that I am working on the premise that breaching the dimensional barriers is fairly easy. Certain supers powers do it all the time. The problem comes from the fact that the dimensions are self sealing, and keeping one open is the real trick. The fact that they have this device, will let them help any rescuers a great deal, provided they know what is going on.


I hope this helps.



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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


Well, if certain powers can breach the dimensional barriers - e.g. draw energy from another dimension, or shunt energy to it - that could be one explanation for how the inertia controller's or time-manipulator's powers work. If the veteran heroes investigate the site of the other team's disappearance, said hero could feel the "pull" of the residual energies, possibly being emitted by the piece of the machine that the new team possesses in the other dimension. Using his powers in that vicinity could cause a new rift in the dimensional barrier to open, but only noticeable for an instant before it re-seals.


Perhaps when that happens the new team realizes what's occurring and that they can stabilize the dimensional rift; maybe some display on the device that they possess, which activates when the rift opens, gives them the clue as to what to do.

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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


One other way the other team could find out and then go find them. Does the time-traveler have either temporal or extra-dimensional contacts? If yes then they can get the info that way. I have a C that has bosses that monitor the Omni-verse. He doesn't always have good relations with the bosses, but they might let him know and ask him to do what he does best....meddle.

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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


I'll assume that the old team is native to the current plane. Assuming the new team is going to tinker around with a technology they don't really understand in hopes of getting it to take them home, there's a potential there for significant oopses creating a situation that would attract the local talent.

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Re: Need help with interdimensional adventures


Thanks to everyone who replied. Our game this past weekend got pushed back to Mother's Day weekeknd. The session with the old guys will happen the following weekend.


I think I know what to do now, but I won't post just yet.


I will let you know what happened after we have played it out.


Thanks again.

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