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Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


I may have just found a new villain team to throw at my players.


Seriously, properly run, these guys could be a real threat. Especially the Mime. I mean, if you think about it, this guy is Green Lantern without needing the ring. He can give himself an invisible suit of power armor, drop an invisible safe on someone's head, have them shot by an invisible cannon mounted on an invisible battleship, etc. Scary.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


I may have just found a new villain team to throw at my players.


Seriously, properly run, these guys could be a real threat. Especially the Mime. I mean, if you think about it, this guy is Green Lantern without needing the ring. He can give himself an invisible suit of power armor, drop an invisible safe on someone's head, have them shot by an invisible cannon mounted on an invisible battleship, etc. Scary.


Personally, I'd say that he has to be able to mime whatever he's doing (so creating an invisible battleship some distance away, tricky.)


Of course, he does have the versatility to be devastating yet. Drop down to the ground and talk into an invisible walkie-talkie... call in an invisible air strike. :D


Hence the VPP for the Super Mime-icry write-up.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


drop an invisible safe on someone's head' date=' [/quote']

I've got to use that one!


Let's see, Mime has a reserved action. Mr. Move-Through targets him. Mime spits on his hands, and starts straining to pull down an invisible rope. Mr. Move-Through gets closer, Mime lets go of rope. Indirect EB!

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


Yes' date=' this atypical team of heroes could be very successful. Their powers are far from useless; it's just that the uses aren't exactly [i']obvious[/i]. But given a little thought....


Oh, and as far as Professor Paisley's power goes? Useless? Oh no, no no no no! Does no-one else remember what Color Kid (of the Legion of Substitute Heroes) did to an alien pilot in an invading fleet?


Color Kid can change the colors of things. That's all. Anyway, he swapped the colors of ground and sky for the alien pilot. Disoriented, the pilot thought his sensors were malfunctioning and ignored them -- and ended up flying into the ground.


The Professor can change the color cues that humans with normal color-vision rely on...and we don't stop to think about it, either. How do we know a ripe apple from an unripe one? Rotten food from wholesome? One button or switch from another? How do you interpret the information on a television screen, computer screen, hologram, virtual keyboard?


Color. It's our default.


Professor Paisley could play the sky-and-ground-change-places game too. He could do the equivalent of a "white-out" by turning everything in an area the same color. He could make himself invisible by making the air a color, instead of colorless. Turn his enemy's eyes all one color, and voilà, temporarily blind enemy. Who needs a Dark Force manipulator? You've got the much-lower-overhead Professor Paisley!


And do I really have to spell out (no pun intended) what the Professor and Engrish Man could do to magic-using characters?



I have to rethink my idea's on the Professor, build him a pair of glasses that returns he's sight to normal. Then he get's dangerous, bc I do remeber Color Kid, it wasn't just a tempory change, but it was long lasting and could be an Change Environment.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


Follow up on my last post.


I have a few C's that would love to take these guys and gals and train them to be an dangerously effective team. Crossfire, techno/magical/ninja and The Traveler, a time/dimensional traveler. Either one would love to train them.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Haven Walkur again.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


Shadowhawk would keep the professor, the mime and the hippy. He'll take Engrish Man to a public speaking class and have him run for mayor. Lady Foulmouth, he'll take her into the tallest building and throw her off.


He gets that kind of verbal abuse at home from Rahne (Wolfsbane) when she is in one of her "werewolf stages". No reason he will put up with it at work.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers



Lady Foulmouth: This irritable wman has just discovered that she can cuss a blue streak at people and do damage to them, thanks to the cosmic radiation. Her costume is a blue streaked jumpsuit.


This one is EXTREMELY versitile. Consider the following:


45 Multipower, 60 active cost "Power Word: Swear", Requires Incantations (-1/4)

1) "G-d Damn It!" - Interdimensional Movement, Useable as attack, One Dimension only (Hell)

2) "Mua'dib" - 4d6 RKA

3) "F-uck!" - Mind Control, 12d6, Required Effect (Sexual congress)

3.5) "F-uck!" - Energy Blast 2d6, +1 Variable Advantage (+2) (It's an extremely versetile swear word)

4) "Up Yours!" EB, 7d, Indirect, Penetrating

5) "A$$hole!" - Major Transformation, 4d6

6) "Ni!" - 6d, NND (Hearing Flash Defense +1)

7) "Get your ***** over here!" (Teleportation, useable as attack)


and so on. The GM may allow the character MPA's from the same multipower, if they are able to creatively string various insults together in a coherent sentence.


All backed up by....

20 Trained by a Drill Sergant (5d6 Martial Arts Ranged Attacks, Vulgarities Only)


I would SO play this character, except I'd get bored (and mildly embarrassed) by the sheer amount of swearing it would require.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


He gets that kind of verbal abuse at home from Rahne (Wolfsbane) when she is in one of her "werewolf stages". No reason he will put up with it at work.


Unless the power requires that the target hear her, she could wear some sort of mask that would muffle her shouts. Ie


7 Sealed Mask: Invisible to Hearing (Sfx Only, +1/4) on up to 60 point's worth of Power Word: Swear, OIF (-1/2)


EDIT - and that's what I'd suggest for her - as JK mentioned above, her power is one that would quickly become tiring for her teammates to listen to. If she can muffle herself without significantly restricting her power, I'd recommend that. If her powers require that her targets hear her, I'd recommend either getting a group with some people who don't mind her language. Alternately, go research some swear words that aren't commonly known (like naughty, which in the original context literally meant "you are nothing" - actually a very nasty insult.)


And this is why I'd consider her power to be one of the more dangerous of the group - many traditional vulgarities were curses - this power (potentially) allows the character to curse her enemies in a vareity of EXTREMLY nasty ways - the "g-d damn it" one being one of the more nasty ones.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


I would SO play this character' date=' except I'd get bored (and mildly embarrassed) by the sheer amount of swearing it would require.[/quote']


Well, if you want to use this character and yet refrain from swearing, take a tip from Yosemite Sam. Make up your own "cussing." Razzit frazzit mazzit mazzit... It might also help to study Fowlmouth of Tiny Toon Adventures when you can. Same strategy.


You can also beep out the words if you want.

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


And this is why I'd consider her power to be one of the more dangerous of the group - many traditional vulgarities were curses - this power (potentially) allows the character to curse her enemies in a vareity of EXTREMLY nasty ways - the "g-d damn it" one being one of the more nasty ones.


So that's why they are sometimes referred to as "curse words"...

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Re: Advice for a team of unfortunate supers


When a meteor struck in the middle of a park, five people were bathed in its cosmic radiation, gaining powers that are just plain unfortunate. They feel that now they have powers, they are obligated to fight crime. Here are out wannabe superheroes:


Professor Paisley: A college professor whose power is to change the color of an object, giving it an ugly appearance with the worst color combinations possible. He also has no fashion sense. His costume is a paisley jumpsuit.


Hallucinogen: A hippy given the power to cause strage, seemingly drug-induced hallucinations without drugs. His costume is a tye-dye shirt and black jeans with fading.


Engrish Man: a former English teacher whose brain was scambled by the cosmic radiation. BNow he can turn anybody's speech unintelligible by fracturing the grammatical syntax and torturing the tenses of the very sentences. His costume makes him look like CATS of Zero Wing.


The Mime: An unfortunate mime who was bathed in the cosmic energy. He now has the power to make imaginary objects have real effects (he can knock a guy out with an imaginary baseball bat, for example). His costume is a typical mine's outfit. He is also mute.


Lady Foulmouth: This irritable wman has just discovered that she can cuss a blue streak at people and do damage to them, thanks to the cosmic radiation. Her costume is a blue streaked jumpsuit.


Now they've come to your characters for advice. What would you tell them?



I must commend you on your creativity. Repped !

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