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Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


War Wolf would be Ironhide. I half based his personality off the old warrior anyway. He's prone to using weird robotty exclamations like 'Leakin' Lubricants!', tough and gruff, makes a decent leader.


"High-tech circuitry is no substitute for guts!"

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


Queen of Spades would be like Air Razor, from Beast Wars. She's got the vibes, no-nonsense personality, and isn't afraid to be a fembot in the company of malebots.


Dinosaur, I'm not entirely so sure... might be a smarter Grimlock. A much smarter Grimlock. Sure, he does hit harder then intended, but that's because he's a reptile in a world of humans.

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


I can't pick one for any C that I have, but I did do an Autobot based Character. He was named D.B.Shotgun. He has multiple forms. I made him as a vechile C, with a AI.


D.B.Shotgun, he was made to be the support of a team of hero's and yes he was a real AutoBot.


Form 1. Humanoid sized Battlebot, he had the ability to shape change into a 'human', that form as a human was human to any means of dection except that he had a machine mind. In he's human ID he called himself Daniel Baxter Shay

Form 2. 21' Tall Battlebot, in this form he was the typical Autobot in Robot form. The name of the Autobot came from he's main weapon. A large Double Barrel Shotgun that had multiple effects.

Form 3. Large Battle Wagon, in this form he was able to carry human's inside. He looked like Rodimus Prime but had a silver/black color paint job.

Form 4. Short Range Stealth Fighter/Bomber, same as above he could carry human's inside. In Stealth form he could make trans-sonic flights, and orbit and if needed FTL speeds.

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


Lady Silver: Arcee


Tyr: probably Optimus Prime since they are both noble and powerful heroes.


Speed Demon: Blurr. Easy enough


Starknight: Sideswipe since both are always up for a good fight


Sentinel: Prowl. Both have cam shafts up their... you know. ;)

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


Both OddHat and a GM we had way back about 15 years ago have used the plot of a Villain creating Robot Duplicates of our characters in an attempt to discredit us. In both cases we had to round up the Robots and capture the evil and nepharious Gageteer in question. That's the closest I've come to playing an Autobot.

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


Considering his love of airplanes' date=' Spectrum would be either Skyfire or one of the Arielbots.[/quote']


I'd say Skydive (one of the Aerialbots). He's fascinated by Earthen planes and aerial warfare, and can (within the limits of his design) imitate any airplane maneuver he observes.


I'm such a geek. :)

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


I'd say Skydive (one of the Aerialbots). He's fascinated by Earthen planes and aerial warfare, and can (within the limits of his design) imitate any airplane maneuver he observes.


I'm such a geek. :)


Could be worse. You could be working on a Transfomers-based RPG. As one among many different projects.

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Re: Who Would Your Character Be? Your C becomes an autobot?


Could be worse. You could be working on a Transfomers-based RPG. As one among many different projects.


I did once, actually ... I found something online (that I can't find again ... guess it vanished into Net Nothingness) that used the d6-based Star Wars engine. I've been considering trying it again with either Z-Man Games' Cartoon Action Hour system (Need to do some more research), or perhaps seeing if it's doable with d20 Modern/Future/Future Tech.

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