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Beta World


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Apocological Now.

How it happened:

  • Aliens (Shantha) came and collected a large population of people.
  • They systematically destroyed large numbers of people (most of the population) through radiation (of some unknown type)
  • They altered the earth to make it more hospitable for a large group of their creations. (melted the ice caps doing it)
  • They left some PSH intact (see below)
  • They created a race of neo-humans to provide the stock for their experiments.
  • A whole menagerie was made over a period of time with all sort of combinations
  • For years the aliens monitored the Earth and maintained limits on various groups.
  • The aliens disappeared and they have not been seen since.

(note: I got the name Shanta from THE SKYREALMS OF JORUNE, and I based the Wolfen and Ursula writeups off of the JORUNE HERO document)




Shantha: The Shantha are the reason for all the changes that took place for this campaign. They are a mysterious race and their reasons for creating the havoc upon earth is not known, and may never be known. Physically they are very large, almost 12 feet tall, but very thin. While their arms and legs are roughly the same proportions as a humans their neck is very long and their heads are smooth and completely featureless. Their powers, especially when augmented with their technologies, makes them almost god-like. Their psionic powers are close to being meta-physical in nature. They are able to take the genes of two or more creatures and combine them in various ways. They are craftsmen and artisans that produced some many of the races that comprise this campaign.

The initial invasion consisted of a very aggressive “terraforming” projects. They warmed the planet and melted the icecaps. This provided them more land mass that fit the temperature range they desired. Winter has been abolished in about every continent except Antarctica and the very northernmost regions of north America and Asia. The purpose of the invasion was to secure a world from which they may create “seed races” for populating and repopulating other worlds. The discovery of the human race was a great fond for the Shanta because of the malleability of our genetic structure. Some Pure-Strains were left “un-touched”, but a new race of men were created for making transformations easier and to remove thousands of years of bad mutations.

Not only is this world now populated with humans, genetically modified humans, but this world is also populated genetic combinations of humans and animals and genetically modified animals. The Shanta did not stop there. They brought in alien races and have created many types of peoples and creatures by mixing and matching.

During the initial invasion their spheroid ships were often seen but over the years the sightings grew less and less frequent until their ships were no longer seen. The races dread that one day the aliens may return. What is not known is that a handful of aliens have not left, they are the “caretakers” left behind to manage the “zoo”. Their methods of controlling races and societies are very subtle.

The Shantha are very active in maintaining “balance” within their regions. While they are very active, and at times aggressive, they are almost always subtle in their influence. They constantly monitor the activities and use mind control on key people to manipulate events. Sometimes this control is very indirect, as in mentally directing one tribe’s leader may wage a war on another tribe. Other times it is more direct, for example if a person is close to making a revolutionary a Shantha may mentally compel that person to commit suicide. There are many ways their abilities can affect our world and never be noticed.

Balance is maintained by a complex game of “rock-paper-scissors.” Qualities such as technological level, adaptability, population size, fertility levels, physical characteristics and mental powers are balanced out among the populations.

In North America there are four Shanta who maintain the continent: one for the northern region (what is currently the northern United States and Canada), one for the east (a smaller area is under his control), one for the mid-west, the south and Mexico, and one for the west.

Each Shanta lives in a spherical ship under a deep lake that was created by the crater left from their ships impact. Each region’s Shanta is responsible for maintaining its population with a fairly strict set of guidelines. The type of technology, the population sizes, the governmental structures, ect. have been previously dictated to create a population that is a “plug and play” for the types of alien environments that they were created for. But not all Shantas have followed this programme.

One Shanta, whose responsibility is to maintain northern America (which was Canada), has taken an almost personal interest in the races in his region (a large number of ani-men races live there). He has been spotted on rare occasions walking around. The races in the area have a number of legends regarding the Shanta and rightly regard him as their creator.

Another, Shanta, the one who controls western-North America, suffered from some sort of "mental illness" and does not have his sanity intact. Paranoia combined with other mental diseases has left him in a rather deranged state. He is responsible for some monstrous creations as well as building up a rather large army. He is afraid of the other Shantas as well as the populations that they control. While he is amassing an army and creating a protectionist environment, he is likewise afraid of making his people too powerful and thus giving them the courage to lead a coup. The other Shantas are concerned about him, and are willing, if necessary, to destroy him. But at this point, there is no threat as to his going to war.


Australia is a combination of dinosaurs and pure-strain humans. Think Xenozoic Tales

Egypt has a VERY ADVANCED human society that is controlled by a priest-hood. The Shanta plays the role of god and controls every aspect of that society. While they have technology that is superior to what we currently have, they live in an Orwellian society.

Human: Pure Strain Human – Some small colonies of humans were left unmolested by the Shantha. Genetically there is no difference between PSH and us. They still maintain a significant technological level (say 20’s -30’s). They stay in tight communities and do not allow for any outsiders. They will deal with neo-humans, but only for trade purposes only. They resent the changes wrought by the aliens and seek a complete restoration of the land. Their domains are watched and guarded against any post-cataclysmic flora or fauna. They will kill any non-PSH found within their city walls.

Human: Neo-Humans – The Shantha took PSH and ‘corrected’ the mistakes in the human genes. This produced a race of beings who got a fresh start. Genetic diseases are very rare and they are also less prone to contracting communicable diseases as well as cancer. While their physical and mental attributes do not differ from PSH’s, their appearance does, however, differ from PSH stock. Their skin is uniform in color (no freckles or moles) and their eyes have a strange metallic sheen. Their purpose is to provide stock for gene splicing.

Humans: Devo’s – This represents groups of men who survived the Shantha’s purging of the cities. Their exposure to large amounts of radiation greatly affected them and their descendants. They learned to adapt within the devastated cities despite their wide-spread deformities and diseases. They moved backward on the evolutionary ladder. Backwards to something that has never existed before (semi-orcishness). They are semi-feral and live in large groups.

Human: Neo-Humans: Muties – The Shanthas imbedded with a large number of neo-humans the genetic makeup of a diverse group of animals/aliens. No trait is dominant and most of the traits are useful. Sometimes, however, combinations arise that are disadvantageous. Specific traits are difficult to develop through breeding. Every child of the Muties has a very random outcome. This group is very distinct in their appearance because of their wild mutations. Because of their oddness they are ill regarded by other groups or by each other.

  • Muties may not take a mental mutation
  • The more points spent in mutational powers the more points that need to be spent in Unusual Looks, Social Limitations and reduced Comeliness.

Human: Neo-Humans: Psykers – This group has very strong psionic abilities. They are few in number. They have a slave race(s) to serve them. They are few in number, and do not reproduce often. They are arrogant and feared by all the other races. Alone they are formidable opponents, but within their enclaves they are almost untouchable. If another race finds a outside of their enclaves they are like to attack the psyker immediately. This has something to do with their attempted takeover of various populations AND the fear of mental takeover by the Psykers.

Xenos: Aliens that were directly transplanted to Earth by the Shanthas. They may have received some minor genetic engineering to increase or decrease their overall viability in our world.

Xeno-men: Various race of creatures of combined alien (xenos) and human genetics (neo-men). One example is the Hisser. Sentient snakes from another world given the arms of a human. The added functionality of arms has given them a greater functionality than they had before.

Ani-men: This planet provided a rich source of genetic material with which to experiment. Several races of animals were mixed with humans (neo-men) to provide bi-pedal, sentient animal men.


AK: Home Nation

AK: Home Town

CK: Home nation culture

FAM: Climbing

FAM: Concealment

FAM: Conversation

FAM: Deduction

Language: [4pts.] (PSH gain Literacy, and Neo-men can purchase Literacy for 5 pts)

Lang 1 pt nearest nation

FAM: Paramedics

FAM: Persuasion


FAM: Shadowing

FAM: Stealth

TF: (Wolfen gain Sailing)

  • Unless otherwise stated no character may start with literacy.
  • Unless otherwise stated no character may start with a firearm
  • Unless otherwise stated no character may have a modern science/knowledge skill


  • 0 pts. Literacy as Everyman Skill.
  • 0 pts FAM: Recorded History.
  • They start the game with a firearm.
  • -5 pts Unusual looks PSH
  • PSH adventures are likely to be rejected from PSH society.
  • May have any modern science/knowledge skills


  • At the start of the game they may buy literacy as a skill.
  • 7 pts. - LS: All Terrestrial diseases (10 pts) on a 14- (-1/2)
  • -5 pts Unusual Looks - Neo-human
  • At start of game they may purchase one modern science or knowledge skill.


  • -10 pts Unusual looks Mutant
  • 0pts – Survival skill
  • 10pts Looked down upon by other Races 11-(Frequent, Minor)

Ani-men: Wolfen

Obviously this race was created by combining the traits of man with that of wolves. Standing between 5 feet and 5 ½ feet tall makes them physically smaller than a “normal man”. While they obviously differ so much from humans, they enjoy good relationships with the various races of mankind. Perhaps mankind’s natural affinity for dogs carried over to these wolf hybrids, allowing them to overlook the obvious differences. They are not mentally hindered by their semi-lupine form. While it is not impossible for them to become scholars and scientists, as a rule they are too restless to settle for that kind of discipline. Instead they often roam about singularly or in small packs exploring and seeking out adventure. For some unknown reason, they have a natural affinity for naval travel.

Wolfen have a fetish for logos. They will pick an ancient logo as a personal representation. If they lead a pack, the pack will take that logo as their own. If another pack or individual is met bearing that logo, one must give it up. This can be decided through combat or through mere intimidation. If possible the logos will be worn about the neck. Hood ornaments are highly prized.


  • 0pts TF: Small Wind-Powered Boats
  • 3pts Tracking 11-
  • 5pts Teamwork +1SL
  • 5pts 1 pip HKA (bite) ½ HKA w/STR
  • 5pts. Tracking-Smell (Hero 5th p. 165)
  • 8pts. +2 perception (hearing and smell) (check)
  • 3pts +2” running (4pts) only on all fours (-1/2)
  • -10pts Weakness for alcohol (co, mod)
  • 2pts Life Support: extreme cold


1. 5pts 1 pip HKA (teeth and claws) ½ HKA w/STR

2. 4pts +1 Hearing and Smell perception

3. 5pts Tracking Smell

4. -10pts Abhors slavery (unc, str)

5. -15pts Distinctive Features (bear) (Not concealable)

6. 3pts Animal Handler (Tarro and Pibber) 11-

7. 3pts. Tracking

8. 8pts +10 Presence, Only with non-Ursula (-1/4)

9. 2 pts LS: Extreme Cold

Corastin (Troll)

1. 26 pts +13 Str

2. 20 pts +10 Con

3. 16pts +8 Body

4 10pts +10 Pre

5. -10 pts -2 DCV

6. 12pts +4pd/+4ed Armor

7. ?? 1d6+1 HKA (claws) (20pts), Reduced Penetration (-1/4)

8. 4pts +2” Running

9. ??Pts will not tolerate an insult on the quality of his work or the value of his word

Ani-men: Katkin

A hybrid of Neo-Men and housecats. They are short in stature, never more than five feet tall. What they lack in physical bulk they make up for in agility. They are fairly solitary creatures, who, at best will only join with one other Katkin (its mate).

NCM: Str 10 (-20 pts.), Con. 5 (-10 Pts), Bod 10 (-20 pts), Dex 30 (30pts), Spd 5 (20 pts)

  • 3 pts. Breakfall
  • 3 pts. Climbing
  • 3 pts. Stealth
  • 10 pts. +2 DCV
  • -5 pts. Phys. Limitation: Small (infrequent, slight)
  • 15pts. SL: +3 with all Dexterity Skills
  • 3 pts. Acrobatics
  • 5 pts. Clinging (10 pts) Requires climbing skill roll (-1/2), only with wood (or “soft” material”(-1/2)
  • 2 pts +2” of leaping
  • 5 pts. Nightvision
  • 10 pts Psychological Limitation: Fear of bodies of water (common, moderate)

Aliens: Mon’Dabi

(note: I am switching Kolajik and the Mon’Dabi races from the Terran Empire)

The Mod’Dabi is a humanoid version of a velociraptor. On their home world they were the most successful species and they have adapted very well to their new home on Earth. Having developed from a race of pack hunters, they demonstrate many of those same qualities. Their society and psyche is based on the need to work with others. Those others do not have to be other Mod’Dabi. They are a very energetic race and their industry and teamwork help them prevail against larger adversaries.

They enjoy the hunt, and such is the metaphor defines them. As an advanced society, the object of the hunt is rather varied. Disease research, exploration and amassing fortunes can all be objects of the “hunt”. Again, these tasks are not done alone, but in packs.

Becoming a member of a pack is not done formally. Individuals just “join”. If the pack becomes too unwieldy, or the desires of an individual changes, individuals will either join a new pack OR create a new one.

Surprisingly, for having developed from such a ferocious carnivore, the Mod’Dabi desire friendly relations with other species. While they bear goodwill toward the other races, the other races do not necessarily reciprocate that goodwill. The rows of sharp teeth, combined with a very nasty claw on each foot, often makes members of the other races very nervous indeed. Because of this, the Mon’Dabi keep their famous claws sheathed in leather whenever they are in public. Such practice is considered good manners and is followed even when they are in settlements that exclusively Mon’Dabi. They only expose their claws in public if they intend to use them.

They are good natured, but they are not pacifists.

1. 26 pts. 1d6 HKA (15pts), 0 end (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4)

2. 5 pts. +5” Leaping

3. 10 pts +5” Running

4. 6 pts. +3 CSL Move Through/By

5. 5 pts. Tail, Extra limb, inherent, limited manipulation

6. -10 pts Must work in teams (common, moderate)

7. 5 pts. Tactics +1 lvl

8. 5 pts. Teamwork +1lvl

9. 4 pts. +2 Perception Smell/Taste

9. -15 pts. Distinctive Features (scary lizard guy) (not conceal, Noticed [makes people nervous]

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Re: Beta World


I updated Wolfen and Ursula

Just a quick note again on the Wiki - I've set up a "namespace" for characters which gives you a template so you don't have to worry about layout.

When you create a link to a character page (in order to create that page by clickink on that link) add characters: before the name of the page.




And when you click on the link, then on the button to "Create this page" you'll get a textbox already full of text that you can fill in the blanks of.

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Re: Beta World


Just a quick note again on the Wiki - I've set up a "namespace" for characters which gives you a template so you don't have to worry about layout.

When you create a link to a character page (in order to create that page by clickink on that link) add characters: before the name of the page.




And when you click on the link, then on the button to "Create this page" you'll get a textbox already full of text that you can fill in the blanks of.



Thanks, mister. I plan on giving it a try on Friday night:thumbup: .

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Beta World


My main inspirations? War the Worlds, Journe, PLUS my past thread on making a logical Post-Apoc setting. To me there was a need to make for two things 1. Some wierdness in characters 2. Genetic stability.



Clinton is a centrally located town between the cities of Bloomington, Springfield, Champaign, Decatur, and Lincoln. Where abouts are you?

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Re: Beta World


After thinking about the question about inspirations I came up with this.


1. I am not an evolutionist. I do not believe, other than micro-evolution, that the species that populate the world happen through time and chance.


2. If a game was to be made regarding mutations through an agent such as radiation, then there would be an incredible amount of bad mutations and very small number of good. And even the good ones would have a small chance of continuing on.


3. Keith Curtis had a cool concept of this black orb going around and creating changes in poeple. If it touched you it would combine your DNA with the last creature it touched. Sometimes this was good, sometimes it was bad. But again there would probably not be a good chance for passing this on.


4. The question is, how does one go about creating new races? On one hand they have to be a lot different than the original race (and if radiation was used - a large number of mutations to get there) BUT be stable that a species was created and maintained.


5. I had been reading the Journe hero and they had a race of dudes that were very advanced and possesed a mystic quality about them



6. I think watching War of the Worlds gave me the idea of alien intervention. And if they intervene, then why. I came to the conclusion that they would make a "garden" out of earth. They would treat animals, people, and aliens the same way we treat plants and some animals. They grow, prune and graft as they feel the need. They insure they have a continuous stock of creatures to meet the goals on worlds they seek to terraform.


7. The way they do it combines the qualities of Keith's black orbs with intelligent design. This seemed the most "logical" way for me to set it up.


8. I suppose I have to add the (i forget their name) alien race used in Ringworld, the ones who created the known life forms, as another inspiration.

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Re: Beta World


I'm up north. About a half hour southwest of Rockford and 120 miles west of the Chicago area.


I have had the pleasure of playing Keith Curtis' Savage Earth for five years or so. We're on hiatus right now, but I'm pretty affluent in the campaign setting. I play Riccoco if you ever read the campaign logs or check out the player characters. Reavers are a pain in the butt.


I've read the Ringworld books and I know what you're talking about. I'm not familiar with Journe, though I've seen the books.


I may come up with more thoughts/questions as I reread your subject material. Good luck with it!

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Re: Beta World


There was an RPG called (I think I have it right) SKY REALMS OF JOURNE. Google it. I do have a link at the very top.


I plan to start the work on an Illinois setting this week. I have plans for St. Louis, Champaign, Chicago, the Peoria area, but am open to other sections of the state. I will post it in a different tread.

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