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Civil War


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Re: Civil War


They gave the New Warriors the very short end of the stick, killing three members and blaming the lone survivor for just about everything. Marvel should consider itself lucky I even collect any of their titles now. I'm down to two, Fantastic Four and Thunderbolts.


On the other hand, this could signal a transistion from the Iron age of comics to the next metal (lead, tin, steel, radium, barium, I don't know). Spider-man showing the world that he's Peter Parker is a definate landmark in comic history. I predict it will either advance comics further or signal the beginning of the end.


In a way, it should have happened sooner. These heroes running around enforcing the law on their own and having incredible powers, it was only a matter of time before someone messed up royality. Half the heroes are for tradition and keeping their IDs secret. (Personally I feel the "tradition" justification is a bit weak.) Half feel that heroes have to answer to someone and work more within the law.


This is good campaign fodder though. A GM could set things up so the PCs are super-cops or rogue elements considered almost as dangerous as the villains.

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Re: Civil War


I though the first issue was okay and I was wanting to see where it went, but after #2 and the tie ins, sorry, they completely lost me. I mean,


-Tony practically blackmails Pete to come out, and then hires Titanium Man to lose to Pete so that he can look good in front of the cameras.


- Tony also contracts Baron f-ing Zemo and the Thunderbolts to go after villians, as him and his friends will be to busy hunting down Cap and his crew, and not just catch them, but recruit them.


- SHIELD, the wonderful folks that are going to be in charge of all superpower people if this goes all the way, decide the best way to bring in Patriot, the unpowered grandson of Isiah Bradly, is to hit him with dozens of tranq darts form a chooper. When that doesn't work they launch some type of KO grenades that level an entire floor of the building Patriot was in.


- Reed Richards somehow goes from supporting the act because he doesn't see an alternative to being super gung ho for it, and working on some super-secret '42' project he doesn't even want Sue to see.

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Re: Civil War


To be honest, I think the arc sucks since it's so forced. While the event that sparks things off is a tragedy, it pales in comparison to all of the crap that's gone on before (DC getting nuked, Magneto wiping out a good part of Manhatten, the devestation of Genosha, and the efforts of Onslaught.) None of these events sparked any noticeable reaction.


Captain America as a fugitive is pretty forced too. What law was he violating when Shield went after him? He's not a shield agent so they have no authority to order him to do anything yet his refusing "orders" is technically why he's on the run. Whatever. Also, the superhuman community is turning on itself very quickly with Tony Stark and Reed Richards WAY out of line in their high handed ways to reign in other superhumans.


Finally, just what does the law say anyway? It has not been written down anywhere so how the hell can we have a debate on it? Do all superhumans have to register? Or just those who use their powers? IF you are registered, is your identidy known to the general public or is it classified? If it's the former, than it's just asking for trouble since super villains have the power and psychosis to go after family members that normal criminals lack (ie it's why you don't often see cops hiding their names).


Overall, a poorly executed storyline.

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Re: Civil War


I think I am definitely going to give this one a pass. I've been TRYING to like Marvel again, but this story doesn't do a thing for me. Civil rights? Sure - tackle that. But not this way. This story allows none of the main characters to be either super or heroic. What's the point?

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