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Classifying Supers


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Re: Classifying Supers


Thanks' date=' everybody, for the comments and suggestions so far. Here is the link for the draft of the classification:the Masters Paranormal Classification System.


The cliff notes version of the setting: a secret nuclear reaction experiment in the late 1930s released a type of radiation that activated a dormant set of genes in a number of individuals, inducing superpowers. In the 90s, the Owen Parr Act banned the use of superpowers in the US; paranormals are required to register and either wear tracking implants or take a vaccine which shuts down the relevant genes.


Sorry if the page has format glitches; the serve is fritzing and I won't be able to reload until the end of the week.



Hmmm... I rather like the Greek Letter power scale... In my classification using colors, perhaps they would be more akin to Threat Level... I also used the term Extranormal as a general term, with Supernormal and Paranormal as sub-classifications... I have seen the term Metanormal come into use, though, and am wondering if that would be better as the general term...


Basically, Supernormals are Beyond Human Limits, and Paranormals are Outside Human Parameters... A supernormality is an ability most Humans possess, but expressed far in excess of Normal Limits... A paranormality is an extra capability not possessed by most Humans...


Thus, Superstrength or Enhanced Dexterity is a supernormality by default, although a Paranormality might be what grants them... Flight, Firing Laser Bolts From Your Eyes, or Cosmic Power is generally a Paranormality... Characters with both types of abilities would be Extranormals, or Metanormals if I begin using that term...


On the Color Scheme, maybe:


Red------Critical Threat

Yellow---Severe Threat

Green----Moderate Threat

Blue-----Low / Watched

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Re: Classifying Supers


I considered using the colors, and may yet. I think one reason I didn't is because while the US uses a color system for the terrorist treat, I don't think the UK does, and this particular scale was designed by the Brits and adopted by the Yanks. As I said, the colors would certainly work, and I may use them.


The Greek letters were a function of wanting something different for each classification so there wouldn't be so much confusion. If the level was a letter, and the power type was from one to four letters, and. . . well, you get the idea. Which of course would make the colors even more logical. . .

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Re: Classifying Supers



Thus, Superstrength or Enhanced Dexterity is a supernormality by default, although a Paranormality might be what grants them... Flight, Firing Laser Bolts From Your Eyes, or Cosmic Power is generally a Paranormality... Characters with both types of abilities would be Extranormals, or Metanormals if I begin using that term...



I like Meta myself.

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Re: Classifying Supers




I used the color scheme in Superhero Games I GMed back in the late 1980s, long before the current terror alert color codes...


I got the term Extranormal from a comment by Dr Manhatten in the "Watchmen" comic...


The thing is, I also came up with a government organization called the Extranormal Operations Network... EON, for short...


If I change that to Metanormal Operations Network, that becomes MON... Just doesn't sound the same... Otherwise I like Meta better, too...

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Re: Classifying Supers


Thanks' date=' everybody, for the comments and suggestions so far. Here is the link for the draft of the classification:the Masters Paranormal Classification System.


The cliff notes version of the setting: a secret nuclear reaction experiment in the late 1930s released a type of radiation that activated a dormant set of genes in a number of individuals, inducing superpowers. In the 90s, the Owen Parr Act banned the use of superpowers in the US; paranormals are required to register and either wear tracking implants or take a vaccine which shuts down the relevant genes.


Sorry if the page has format glitches; the serve is fritzing and I won't be able to reload until the end of the week.



This is very well done!


The only advice I have would be to change the letters of the Threat Level to lower case. This way every one of you four "parameters" is different: Greek letters, capitals, numbers, and lower case.

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Re: Classifying Supers


Ok I use this system in the New Defenders Universe that I share with others.


Primary Power Types:



MC=mechanicals; both power armor and artificial life forms




If I may make the suggestion: reduce all of these to a single letter. I believe it will be clearer.


Secondary Power Types: (same as above but in lower case letters, not listing all types)


b=brute; superhuman strength

d=durable; high defenses

e=earth elemental

a=air elemental

w=water elemental

f=fire elemental

l=electric elemental

s=sonic elemental

g=gravity elemental

m=magnetic elemental



What do you mean by "elemental"? The word is much used in various ways, and I am not clear what you yourself mean by it. :)


Power Level:


0.0=base line human, no powers

0.5=some abilities, 5AP powers - mostly alterations to basic human form

1.0=some abilities, 10AP powers - some useful powers


I think it is unhelpful in suspending disbelief to use numbers based on AP. AP is, after all, part of the real world, not the game world.


This would be what a C in my game would look like.


What is a type C? You have not listed it. :confused:

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Re: Classifying Supers


Great systems, all. I'm afraid the system I came up with for my Bay City Rollers Champions game was invented by the United States Government for the Bureau of Metahuman Affairs. The system I used classified metahumans by overall power and capabilities, along with notes which law enforcers could use to control situations long enough for registered metahumans (the heroes) to arrive and subdue the villains and villainesses.


Here's the system in brief and few sample entries from the campaign's Outstanding Rogues List.



@ - Active Status (i.e. Villain At Large), X - In Custody, O - Status Uncertain


Codename of the unregistered metahuman


The number in the code is the relative strength of the metahuman on a scale of 0-9. An exclamation point is used for metahumans who rank off of the scale. (The numbers were actually the total cost of the villains in hundreds of points.)


The three letter code following the number is a generalization of the type of powers / combat style of the metahuman.

AGT - Agent (Trained follower of a more powerful metahuman)

BRK - Brick (Superhumanly strong with great collateral damage potential)

BRL - Brawler (Close to human strength fighter with or without a weapon)

EPJ - Energy Projector (self-explanatory)

GAD - Gadgeteer (Uses personal devices to attain metahuman status)

INV - Inventor (Creates devices for personal use and mass destruction)

MAR - Martial Artist (self-explanatory)

MAS - Mastermind (Head of an organization)

MYS - Mystic (Channels magical energy)

PSI - Psionic (Employs parapsychological powers)

SPC - Special (Multiple classes or unclassified)


There is a short descriptive following the code to clarify the powers / tactics of the metahuman.


If there are agents or other followers, they are summarized on the line below.


The latest information from the Bureau of Metahuman Affairs concerning this metahuman is then listed below.


So, here's a few listings from my campaign.


X Anagram - 4MAS (Lexicon-Themed Crimes)

-- Alphabet Gang - 1AGT (x16) (Armed Normals)

30 SEP 05: Apprehended in Bay City. Returned to Criminal Psychology Unit at Talby Asylum. Charges pending psychiatric treatment.


@ Ashtray Art - 3EPJ (Pyrokenesis Powers)

21 AUG 05: Escaped from Criminal Psychology Unit at Talby Asylum in Bay City. Diagnosed pyromaniac with ability to set any material substance on fire. Considered armed and dangerous.


@ Blackout - 3 EPJ (Electrical Manipulation Battlesuit)

03 NOV 05: Identified on surveillance video at Orb Corporation research facility near Angel City. Believed responsible for theft of prototype supercomputer schematics from Orb database there. Can cause localized blackouts of electrical grids and localized outages in buildings.


Hopefully, this will add to the discussion. :)


Matt "The-busy-GM-type" Frisbee

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Re: Classifying Supers


Well, in the campaign I'm running, there is a non-compulsory registration system. It's volunteer only, so hardly anyone uses it, but it does have a system for organizing the registrees.

First, by relative power level. From sub-human to planet-smashing. Anything beyond planet-smashing, they honestly don't care about. A '1' on this scale is actually at a disadvantage against normal humans, and has no power, or inadequate power, to counteract that handicap. A '10' can end the human race if it chose to.

Second, by their origin. Normal abilities trained to supernormal levels, technology, radiation accident, other scientific accident, magic, spontaneous mutant, second-generation mutant, divine power, and alien. Alien isn't official yet, they still deny the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Third, by their scope. One end of the spectrum only really affects him or herself, personals like bricks or shapeshifters or martial artists. Then direct-effecters, like energy projectors or gunbunnies. Indirect effecters, like the mentalists and superspy types. Independent effecters, like summoners, Transform types, even some trigger powers. And there is a level past that.. (eg: transform human to mind-controlling mentalist linked to transform human to loyal slave, or maybe a persistent summon that can call hordes of followers, over and over again, with no theoretical limits..)

Fourth, by their relative handicap level. Can he or she hold down a normal job, interact with civilized humanity, and be a productive member of society? That's a 1. Have some special needs and difficulty in a populated setting? That's about a five. Is their very nature inherently and immutably inimical to human existence and incapable of co-existing? That's a 10.

Fifth, what is their relationship to the government? Incarcerated? Shady past? Apathetic citizen with powers? Helpful citizen with powers? Consent to testing for government research? Working for the military, intelligence or law enforcement departments?

Sixth, can their powers be reproduced by existing methods and technologies? 1 for no, 0 for yes.

Seventh, how difficult would it be to capture, contain, and control them if the worst came to worst?

Supers aren't officially aware of that seventh category, it's not part of the quesionnaire. It's filled out, case by case, by the administrator that interviews the registree. Recently, word of Category 7 was leaked to the papers. Scandal.

Yes, it's a complex 7-digit registration number. But it has just about everything that they need to know about you, ever. Now, the PCs have a rumor about a Category Zero. They are VERY curious about that. ^_^

The conspiracy angle factors into my campaign somewhat...

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