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[Wanted] Lots of old sourcebooks


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I hope someone can :help: . I'm not a player, just a guy that loves comic books since a kid. Right now I'm creating a new universe based on my ideas and writing some short stories.


To gain some inspiration, I've bought some old Champions books on Ebay and I'm trying to find some other. I would like to know your opinion about my choices of "wanted" books and where I can find them. Ebay (at least the UK one) seems to be empty of them, and I can't afford the shipping costs from the US. Anyone knows a UK store (online would be great, lol) that sells them? Or is anyone selling them? :D


Here's my Wanted List:


Golden Age Champions

European Enemies (and yes, I know it seems to be awful, but there's a Portuguese based villain there, so it's a must have, lol)

Enemies for Hire

Enemies Assemble

Justice Not Law

Kingdom of Champions


And that'a all for now. Thanks in advance for any help! :thumbup:

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Re: [Wanted] Lots of old sourcebooks


Kingdom of Champions and Golden Age are the best of that lot.


EE as you said is horrilbe - but I got something out of it for a character so it does have some other stuff.

Justic not Law is bascially the "Dark Champions Companion" with more rules and characters for 4th ed DC. I personally found it very blah - but I felt that way about Dark Champions as well - those books were among my least favorite of the 4th ed line. Each had some useful stuff, but the genre is not a favorite (although I prefer the 4th ed version to the 5th ed by leaps and bounds).


both the enemies books were from near the end of the 4th ed line, after Rob Bell had left as line developer and it went back to Bruce Harlick - and to be honest I felt that the later stuff was fairly bland and unispired. I never had a lot of use for those two books.


If you want international villains (although no one from Portugal) I'd also suggest Enemies the International File - one of the better 3rd ed enemies books (only Enemies: Villiany Unbound by Scott Bennie was better - but hey it was Scott Bennie).

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Re: [Wanted] Lots of old sourcebooks


Welcome, Predatorpt. I'll offer you such help as I can.


I've heard good things from UK gamers about Leisure Games in London. They do carry some older Champions products, and looking at their website I noticed that they currently have one book on your list, Golden Age Champions. Here's where you can check for yourself:


Leisure Games

91 Ballards Lane

Finchley, London N3 1XY

United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0) 208 346 2327

Fax : +44 (0) 208 343 3888

Website : http://www.leisuregames.com


As for your specific book interests: GAC is a fun book IMO, and a good resource for Golden Age HERO gaming, with lots of characters including Axis, Allies and independents, and a good timeline for the war. The characters do tend somewhat toward the comical, though, which may or may not suit your idea of GA comics


European Enemies is, to put it bluntly, dreck. Uninspired, cliched, sometimes downright dumb character concepts, and lots of system rules mistakes and math errors in the writeups. If you insist on getting it, though, you may benefit from this webpage, which will take you to corrections and Fifth Edition HERO updates of all of the characters.


Enemies For Hire features a broad mix of villains. My personal opinion is that the quality of the concepts is mixed, as well, but you could probably find some of interest to you.


Enemies Assemble is a collection of villain teams, and I personally liked several of them. There are some fresh concepts there IMO.


Justice, Not Law is a very well-done book with a number of interesting characters, and details a quite rich city setting, Hudson City. However, the book is very strongly geared toward street-level vigilante supers, and would be less useful if you're more interested in "four-color" supers.


Kingdom Of Champions is IMO one of the better sourcebooks for Fourth Edition Champions. As it was written by a Britisher, it's an accurate and pretty useful reference for UK gaming. Mind you, the background info about the UK likely wouldn't be as useful to you if you're from the UK yourself, and some of it is fifteen years out of date.

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