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FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


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Ok, I just got done playing this game, and we finally see just how powerful/skilled Vincent is...not to mention his origin.


So who else has played this game through to its end? If you have and got some talent for converting characters I'd like to see Vincent in a couple of different forms if anyone could help.


First could someone do him up as how he would translate from the game?:D


Second could someone do up a variation of him for Fantasy Hero at 160pts...(our GM is nice and does not make us spend pts for weapons in this setting, and we don't have to buy a VPP either.):thumbup:


I'm mostly curious about him and might get an idea for characters based upon what I see for stats on him.


Thanks for the help.

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Re: FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


Okay. I'll start by NOT lambasting you for complaining that you haven't been helped yet. We're helpful, but sometimes the best of us don't have the answers on hand. For example, I haven't played FFVII: DoC. However, I HAVE played FF VII, and I'm fairly well versed in how Vincent operates. So.


1. You can't build Vincent on 160. He's not a 160 point character. I have no idea what skills you would give him, but he'd most certainly have some great stats (the version of him in the film is NUTS) and lots of DEX heavy skills.


2. He's a Martial Artist, probably built mostly at range, with a number of pistol tricks (including, but not limited too, pins, disarms, disables, etc.) Those get expensive quickly, as the average MA manuever costs 4 points.


3. The major ability that I recall from VII was his Multiform Limit Break. That's going to take a boat load of points to get right, and of course his Berserk ability has to go in there as well. I'd have to play the game back up to hour 30 or so, unlock him, and then build him up again. :nonp: Not that I wasn't planning on doing it, but hey.


4. When the site comes back up, do a Google for "Michael Surbrook." He has write ups of the entire FF VII cast (including Vincent, IIRC) on his web site.


Cheers. :D

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Re: FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


I'll kind of flesh him out in how he is played/Viewed in the game. Actualy though I was hoping to get a version of him that isn't 160pts initially (that's crazy talk right there). After I get a full blown, high pt version of him I can whittle him down to something more respectable. Or use him as a template for other characters.


Basic Abilities:

Marksmanship---Never misses a shot, seemingly.


Dexterity---He is extremely agile...peak human I'd say, possibly a little more so. He can do a double jump in the game that doesn't have him leaping too high (3-4 Hexes in game), but in the movie and cut scenes in the game he is often leaping several stories with ease and landing on the ground with out harm.


Strength: He's gretty strong phsyically. He carries a long triple barrled pistol that holds 18 shots. Fires 3 bullets at a time. Its called Cerberus.


Regeneration: There is a point in the game where something happens to Vincent and he survives the incident...infact the wound heals very quickly as is pointed out by a cast member.


Limit Breakers: In the original game Vincent had 3 forms. In FF7--DoC he has only 2: the Gallian Beast Form and Chaos. You have control over the Gallian beast which is strong, tough, has claws and throws fire balls. Chaos is not a controlable factor (until the very end). Vincent has never been able to control chaos, the form just takes over on occasions to protect Vincent. It is tough, allows flight, provides alot of immunities/defenses, increased speed, and can generate a 4 barreled "blaster" that fires something more akin to that of a beam of dark energy than a bullet; it does massive damage, but is slow firing. A single shot can take out multiple enemies in 1 hit if they're lined up properly. I think it was called "Death penalty" or somthing like that. Without Death Penalty, in the "berserker rage" it comes into play in, it does an AOE attack, or fights with hand claws. The appearances of the transformed states have passing resembalences to Vincent, but over all appearance is drasticly changed.


I'm not concerned about the whole Materia thing. The game keeps it simple in that you can only equip 1 type of Materia or Booster Materia to the weapon at a time. You got 3 magic Materia's and 2-3 booster types (damage boost to the weapon, defense boost, etc.)


Cerberus: This is a pistol with a barrel over a foot long, and is made up of 3 barrels to-boot. It uses cylinders to hold the bullets allowing for a total of 18 shots to be held in the weapon, 6 shots per barrel. Cerberus can be upgraded with longer or shorter barrels. The shorter barrel allows for higher rate of fire, while the longer barrel grants greater range. There is an alterative rifle stock attachment and a sub-machine gun attachment that hold ammo differently in relation to the barrels that are used. Sub-machinegun holds alot of ammo but has low stopping power in favor of higher firign rate. Rifle has better stoping power, but slow firing rate and a smaller supply of ammo that the weapon can hold.


(At the level I finished the game, Cerberus shots were averaging 900-1,000 for the pistol and the rifle. Sub machine gun damage varied, starting low and then climbing higher based upon how many shots you have subsitently landed upon the target--50 to 130 to 300 to 600 and so on as long as you maintained a a lock on the target. Death Penalty did a flat 2,000 pts of damage with each shot.)




Sorry if I sounded like I was gripping. In the past I've normally posted at the Wizards web site for d20 games. But since I'm playing Hero now, I'm hardly ever over there. And over there I usually get a response to questions and comments I post with in hours or in a day.

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Re: FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


No problem. We haven't met. I am the Lord Captain Thia Halmades. I play a lot of FF games, and I switched to HERO last September, and it's the only system I'm using now, because it's so damn cool. We are probably the most helpful group on the internet, but not everyone has all the references.


I read a review for DoC and chose to avoid it because they said it wasn't Scottish. Did you enjoy the game? Is it worth renting?

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Re: FF7--Dirge of Cerberus


I won't give any big spoilers away or anything, but here is the jist of it.


The story as we all know centers on Vincent Valentine. The game goes through and reveals everything you wanted to know about Vincent's past.


The cut scenes and story are good. Although you might find the constant gun play a little confining.


The game is allows for a sort of over the shoulder 3rd person view and a 1st person "shooter" view. The controls are fairly easy to use as well.


If your a FF collecter like I am, then the game is a must have although it's replay value depends upon whether or not you have finished the game and unlocked the extra missions.


In all I was entertained by the game and its probably at least worth renting, play it for a few hours, and if you don't like it you can always take it back and exchange it for a different rental.


(Most places will let you exchange a game during the day that you rented it, with out charging you extra.)


But I thought it was a good game and they leave it open for a sequal.

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