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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


What are we playing this week...Gemini or Fanasty Hero?
Gemini. I hope to have the details on the Fantasy Game so y'all can link to it at your leisure. I expect this week and next week both to be Gemini. That gives us two full weeks to create characters and flesh out backgrounds and such.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Cool. I have had some ISP issues this week but they are resolved. I am ready to play.


I have also had some time to let FH character ideas percolate so I am ready to commence construction once I have some guidlines.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


About character generation, let's talk about character generation.


I realized that I have this preconceived notion of how I want the game to go and for whatever reason I wasn't thinking about what you the players would want. So here are the options that I am looking at;

(Option 1: Low point, fast progression)
This is the model I was thinking on when I was thinking of what I wanted to run. Point spread 50/50 with accelerated XP awards.
  • Pros
    : Really pronounced character growth. You can really see the character develop. Also, easy to scale opposition at the beginning of the campaign.

  • Cons
    : As a temporary campaign, character development may not progress as fast as I imagine. May not feel as "epic." Non-human races, who already have fewer points to spend on customization, will truly be limited outside of their racial abilities. Improvements from experience awards may be logistically challenging.

(Option 2: TA Standard)
Point spread 75/75.
  • Pros
    : Published materials are geared towards this default. Character point spread allows for a little more flexibility than Option 1.

  • Cons
    : Too many Disadvantage points, especially in light of my restriction on DNPCs, Hunteds, Rivalry and Reputation. In reality, if this option is used, it would probably track to 100/50 instead of 75/75.

(Option 3: Epic)
Only because of watching
and playing
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
recently, this option holds some attraction to me. The idea of Homeric-class heroes wading through the bad guys like a hot knife through butter can be cool. Point spread 175/50. Cinematic combat options and Heroic Action Points included at no extra charge.
  • Pros
    : Quick start to power. Epic feeling heroes. If done right, cinematic feeling combat.

  • Cons
    : Reduced sense of character growth. You don't get to see your character progress from churl to champion.

So with those thoughts in mind, send me a PM with your vote. I will act as tie-breaker and final arbiter if there is a close "race."


In terms of what I am most geared and ready to run with, Option 1 is where I have placed most of my creativity. Option 2 is easy because it is TA default and every published book is geared to that level. Option 3 would require some additional work to get moving.


At the very least, I'll be able to get your input and see what you'd like to do.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


My vote is cast on the secret hidden ballot. I could tell you how I voted but then I'd have to kill you.:bmk:
The "super secret ballot" is just in case there is a massive difference in view. Probably not even worth it for such a small group. :) Still, want to keep it as neighborly as possible.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Not counting Presto, who doesn't seem to hang out on the boards much, I have all the votes in. Thanks. Now the funny thing is that we have a deadlock which means I break the tie. After a pretty good suggestion from g-a, I have decided to go with a modified Option 1.


i appreciate the desire to run non-human packages. I mean, other than magic spells and artifacts, exotic races are a top reason why D&D-esque fantasy is so popular. So, without further ado....


Option 1 (modified): Lower than average, faster progression. Starting points shall be 90 with a maximum Disadvantages total of 30. Who says that starting points or Disadvantages have to round to the nearest 25. Sheesh! What was I thinking? That gives enough points for all of the races except troll (but you can still be half-troll :) ) to be available and gives enough points for even the highest cost races to be customized by the player.


Other Notes:

  • Modified Turakian Age Magic system. In HERO Designer, the easiest way to simulate the "divide by three" rule is to make sure Allow Cost Multipliers is checked and place spells into Lists; probably one list per Arcana. You can then adjust the cost multiple to .33 in the list(s) to get the desired effect.
  • In a slight variation from standard Turakian Age magic, END Reserves for spells are always in the form of foci. By default, all spells cost x2 Personal END, unless an END Reserve is present. Typically, wizard's staffs, rings and other jewelry and some locations serve as the foci for END. Heck, you can even put the END reserve into a weapon focus if you like, though I warn you that losing the "whole basket of eggs" can be pretty mortifying! If you paid points for a Focus and didn't place independent on it, your character can typically create another focus to replace it. (Hint: Don't buy a Focus at character creation. You've been warned.)
  • Knockback is off, except for some spells/abilities that specifically purchase the Does Knockback Power Advantage. Knockdown is on.
  • Hit Locations on.
  • Impairing/Disabling Wounds on.
  • Bleeding on.

I am almost done preparing a little web page for you to take a look-see at. I'll post the link when I am done with it.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Attached is a Campaign Rules file you can use in HDv3 to set the defaults Nol pointed out. Don't know if he wants to change anything on it.


Base Points: 90

Disad Points: 30

Literacy: Native Only (If Nol is using the Lang Familiarty chart from TA manual point adjustment will be needed, if not don't worry about it)

Cost Multipliers: Allowed (you'll have to set up the Spell List on your own, as Nol pointed out above)

NCM: selected, not changeable by player


I've found using the Campaign Rules when making characters helps.


If you don't have the TA book I suggest picking up the Character Pack (it's el cheapo) if you don't want to buy the book (which you should do anyways :D ); that way we all use the same Package Deals for race and professional templates. At least as a starting point, which helps Nol out.


(Hey Nol, if you wanna change stuff just load it, then resave it and post it somewheres)


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Cool, I have downloaded the HDR file. I will discuss this with Terrie and post our character type choices soonish. First I have to go treat my hose welts (you're supposed to squirt me with it not beat me... sheesh) :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok, in the spirit of contribution (started by GA) I have created a standard Nols TA game character creation template. Simply load your racial package if appropriate, your professional package, and then customize by adding spells, tweaking stats, adding or tweaing skills etc.


I believe you must have GA's Hero designer rules for this template to work correctly.


I also have racial templates for all of the TA races, if anyone wants them. One caveat, they use lowered and raised base stat scores ala 4th edition racial packages, along with modified NCM based on race. I used Killer Shrikes tool to build them. Nol may want to do racial NCM more along the standard Hero 5th/FH lines (racial packages gives base stat adjustments but don't affect NCM). So I would recommend Nols approval before using my racial templates.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I have been working on....


Tink the Magnificent...

small of stature, large of heart, quick of wit, and deft of hand...

oh and did I mention always innocent :sneaky:

Tink is small, even for a a halfling, standing a whopping 2' 8" tall and weighing in at 30 lbs soaking wet. He is fascinated with magic and has become a fair wizard studying spells that enhance his other professional skills :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Actually Solron mentioned possibly doing a drakine warrior or an Ulroinai Warrior Mage, rather than a real wizard.


Bards are cool, in FHG II there is even Bardish Arcana. Of course the nice thing about Hero is that you aren't constrained to using published lists, or even if you do use a published list it doesn't have to be that one :D

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