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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign




You mean like diabetes, complicated by both nueropathy and retinopathy. And minor heart disease (corrected with triple stents). I also have advanced arthritis in my feet and right shoulder.


You may have to talk to a doctor about that. ;)


Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes? What treatment are you undergoing?


There's a pretty well-documented connection between Diabetes and sleep disorders ( http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/515398 for example ).


Sounds like all the other symptoms are pretty consistent with the Diabetes. If the sleep problem is Apnea, it's treatable (annoyingly, with variable success). The RLS is also highly correlated with Diabetes, apparently.


Oh, and I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one on the Internet.


Ghost Angel:


I tried to go without sleep when I was a kid because I thought it was wasteful.


Now I wish I got more sleep. I have a love-hate relationship with sleep, because I need it bad but I get beat up doing it (Apnea+related stuff).

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Yeah, I am under a doctors care... My blood sugars are fairly well controlled, but by the time I got em this way the damage was done.


I have Adult onset type II diabetes. I am treating it with Insulin, Metformin, diet, and exercise. I have a prescription for benedril to treat the insomnia, and am on 7 other meds for my heart (various things for BP, cholesterol, etc). One of the meds is to protect my kidneys (no damage so far). Plus I have two prescriptions for special creams to treat my neuropathy and any wounds that develop. I have my annual appointment soon to renew my scripts and get my eyes and feet checked. I have actually done a lot of research on diabetes including attending several classes by two different institutions, but I always like to hear what other have to say. You never know when you might come across some useful nugget of knowledge that may help.


I plan on asking my doctor about the new sleep aid "Lunesta" that I have seen advertised. In the news last night they profiled a new out patient treatment for apnea that is supposed to only take about 5 minutes and bang no more apnea. It also stops snoring.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


God I feel bad for all of you. I may have type II Diabetes but I can go to sleep anytime I want . I don't ever remember having insomina. i learned in the navy to sleep whenever you can and anywhere . We called them "fighter naps" cause when the planes are out you catch a nap.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Oh yeah I remember those :D


I did not develop the sleep problem till about 10 years ago, a couple of years after we got out of the Navy. Jim is correct in the NAVY you learn to sleep almost anywhere. There is nothing like the scream of an A-6 engine then the bone shattering bang of an arrested landing right when you arre dozing off, and your bunk is directly under the #3 wire on the flight deck.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I think Starwolf has exceeded my level of medical competence. :nonp:


With all the medicine interactions and treatments, I would be an idiot to offer anything other than sympathy and a few tidbits here or there.


I have a fair amount of information on general metabolic issues (because that's what I've dealt with for years) as well as Apnea and autoimmune intolerances (as opposed to allergies). But with 8+ prescription meds, I couldn't begin to work out the med interactions, even if I knew what they all were.


There are some surgical solutions for OSA (obstructive sleep apnea), but there's some wobble room on my tests suggesting I have both OSA and CSA (Central Sleep Apnea). The difference is OSA is - naturally - because of obstuctions and CSA is dictated by the central nervous system - and no one has any idea what the mechanism is, AFAIK.


I have my own peculiar developing ideas on diet, but so does everyone else, and some of them are pretty darned scary. A blood allergy test would make a lot of sense if you haven't had a comprehensive one.


Do you have a good "pro" level glucose meter? The "Walgreen Specials" can be off by 30-60 points.


Also remember I'm Pretender to the Throne of the King of the Research Junkies, so if nothing else maybe I can help find information that you've been having a hard time finding.


Bestest of Luckets! Hope Lunesta works out for you if you try it - I assume you've tried Ambien?


One of the Littlest-discussed annoying facts about medicine is that people react differently to different meds - and even differently depending on their condition. That's one reason for the "shotgun" approach with meds - while basic chemistry is the same the world over, the human body is awfully complex and can do amazing things with those chemicals, sometimes unexpectedly.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


LaSt PoSsIbLe SeCoNd NoTiCe;


My work is all screwed up. One boss didn't give me any work today or tomorrow (oh no!), the other decides I need to be in Oakland tomorrow early (also oh no!). I found out about Oakland at about 4:15 pm today.


I have no idea when I'll be back in town - but last time we were back in time for Rush Hour so I might be online at 6pm. It's all down to luck now.


It's a one-day trip, I'm just not sure I'll be back in time to start at 6...


To paraphrase the Protoss Archon: "Work in Chaos."

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I appreciate your concern :D


I do have a very good meter, it is issued by the VA and I have no choice about model or type. ut it is synced with their computer system so that when I go for an appointment they can download all of my blood test results.


I also use an app called Glucose One to track tests. It lets me see at home what the VA sees when they do a download.


Off all the probems associated with controlling my diabetes I find the most challenging to be the cost of test strips. Even the cost of meds dwindles in comparison. I am very thankful that the VA covers my costs 100%.


I have not tried Ambien, but I might suggest both to my doctor and see what he says.


I gotta tell you that I rolled 3d6 of luck successfully when I got my doctor. The VA assigns your doctor by lottery. The patient has no choice as to who his/her primary care physician is. When it was my turn the lottery chose Dr. Gebhart for me. He turned out to not only be an excellent doctor, but he is the Chief of Staff for the entire VA hospital here in Salt Lake, as well as the senior doctor/professor for the University of Utah medical school. He never even said a word about any of this to me. I found out who he really was by accident. I was late for an appontment one time, and the attending nurse at the desk started to give me a hard time about rescheduling... until she asked my doctors name. When I told her she had a serious and very sudden attitude adjustment, and squeezed me in to see him, instead of rescheduling me for a couple of months down the road. as I was on my way out an orderly explained her sudden burst of customer service. It turns out every doctor and nurse in the whole danged place answers to him :D


I am very careful to make sure that I mention WHO my doctor is now when requesting service or asking questions. I get great servce at the VA.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


LaSt PoSsIbLe SeCoNd NoTiCe;


My work is all screwed up. One boss didn't give me any work today or tomorrow (oh no!), the other decides I need to be in Oakland tomorrow early (also oh no!). I found out about Oakland at about 4:15 pm today.


I have no idea when I'll be back in town - but last time we were back in time for Rush Hour so I might be online at 6pm. It's all down to luck now.


It's a one-day trip, I'm just not sure I'll be back in time to start at 6...


To paraphrase the Protoss Archon: "Work in Chaos."


No problems, I am betting we won't get you into ANY mischief till you show up :sneaky:


** Tink starts looking for his bag of tricks **

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok two things...


1) Terrie wants to know if she should wear her Doc Caspar underoos or her Cassiopia chainmail bikini for tonight.


2) ** Tink hops up and down chanting... "is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet?" **

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Not trying to panic anyone or anything, but...


presto's playground is offline and we only have 5 1/2 hours til game time :fear::whip:

Let me see if I can get a server up and running. So far, Vista is being a pain about it, so I may well start up the laptop in order to get a server running (hopefully).


And let me tell you. Most mapping programs suck! At least for dungeons. I have tried CC2, AutoRealm and Dungeon Crafter 3 and none of them are doing it. If I could afford the extra, I would try Dundjinni, but the Demo is so crippled as to make it pointless. Looks like my work is cut out for me. Make the map, get the server running, detail the world setting. All in 4 hours and 53 minutes. :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Okay, I have a server set up. I have tested it with my computer (the server being on my wife's computer) and it works for me. However, we are both behind the same router/firewall. I did set up port forwarding on the router, but I would still like to test before we get to the point where we do have to panic.


I'll e-mail passwords for each room.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nol - I think you said you didn't have Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers yet. So I'm going to let you know there's an organization in there called The Red Talon Guild that is a slavery-ring. Don't know if it suits your needs (the write-up in the book assumes the standard Year 5000 setting) but it has probably survived and thrived through the passage of time should you need an organization for slavery in your game.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nol - I think you said you didn't have Nobles' date=' Knights, And Necromancers yet. So I'm going to let you know there's an organization in there called The Red Talon Guild that is a slavery-ring. Don't know if it suits your needs (the write-up in the book assumes the standard Year 5000 setting) but it has probably survived and thrived through the passage of time should you need an organization for slavery in your game.[/quote']I hadn't really thought of the slavery ring in terms of a named group per se, but once I get NKN, I'll take a look. Might have some inspiration. For the most part, I have the major NPCs conceptually mapped out anyway. I have to do some work on the minor guys though.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I hadn't really thought of the slavery ring in terms of a named group per se' date=' but once I get NKN, I'll take a look. Might have some inspiration. For the most part, I have the major NPCs conceptually mapped out anyway. I have to do some work on the minor guys though.[/quote']


Cool. I figure the more you tie into the official material the more the players who have the books can relate to the game world - and the easier planning becomes, even if it's just a few details like names of organizations and such.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Cool. I figure the more you tie into the official material the more the players who have the books can relate to the game world - and the easier planning becomes' date=' even if it's just a few details like names of organizations and such.[/quote']You have a point. Now I need to get the book so I can relate. :)
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