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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Sounds good
Sorry I missed you at the Playground. I was beating up my laptop with a stick. Finally, it realized the utter foolishness of trying to resist my commands and connected to my router. Now I have it connected and the router set to forward the port to the laptop's IP address. Would you mind indulging me one last time and try to connect. I want to have a viable alternative for those "just in case" moments.


EDIT: Nevermind. Just got the list index out of range message on the server, which means it was a huge no-go. Grrrr.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ahem. After a 16-hour Internet Access outage .... I am officially very angry.


It could drop at any other time of the week and I'd go "huh, ok. I have books." But no. It failed during game time.




I hate Qwest. The wife hates Comcast. There in ends my list of high speed providers. More failures and I think I'll be forced to :bmk:



So - I hope something appropriately dramatic happened to Sam last night, I would have kidnapped her were I Nolgroth.


Either way, I hope the game was good. I will be taking steps to assure that it will be impossible for me to miss another game. Some of these steps include finding alternate venues for 'net access. I knew there was a reason I stockpiled laptops.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


The game was ok... but short (we tried to wait on you for a while and apparently the main plot hook for last night was planned to center around Sam). We went as far as getting to our rendevous with the Icarus, in voidspace... and TaRang docked the ship :D


I sent you a copy of the game log from last night...


And Sam is ok... really... Wade didn't let anything happen to her.. I promise.



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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Yeah, I'm sorry.


I ended up becoming so angry last night over not being able to play I caused a rather intense tension headache, not two mention nearly two accidents as I went out to get coffee in frustration, and just generally shouted a lot.


I hope I ddnt cause too many issues by not being there. I was looking forward to having Sam deal with things...


(Last night would probably have been a perfect time for Wade to blow another Seduction roll too . . .)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Well there was some discussion about third dates and head bonking :D


but the main thing to remember is "it's all good" !


I have had issues with comcast myself lately. My last outage lasted 4 days, as it occured over a weekend and since I was the only one affected they refused to come out till monday (some kids had pulled down my cable wire outside). I went from friday till monday with no internet, no tv reception, and because I use voip, no phone service except my cell. I was lucky that the pranksters hit in the wee hours of Friday morning rather than earlier Thursday night.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


(Last night would probably have been a perfect time for Wade to blow another Seduction roll too . . .)


Well yeah, I seem to recall seduction, critical success rolls, etc... :love:


But Wade was a perfect gentleman and resisted all advances :angel:


Sam's virtue is Safe :shock: , or at least what happens in Prenglar stays in Prenglar :hush:




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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Wait ... you stuck Sam on an advanced top secret ship and won't let her access the bridge, engineering, or comm? You're a mean one Mr GM.


Just a peak? She won't touch anything . . honest!


(I really should have taken a Psych Lim for Sam and spaceships I think . . .)


As for Wade and Sam in engineering ... none of anyone elses business

(bolt through the washer.... nice imagery. )

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Well, 'wolf covered everything that happened and sent you a game log. I wasn't planning on centering the action around any one person so much as the group has become more of a gestalt entity. It's hard to imagine a true game session without the core members involved. Even the Doc, who is a dralasite of few words, always figures into my Master Plan . That's one of the reasons that vacations and planned absences invoke new realms of role-playing goodness.


Anyway, I'm glad to hear it was something as mundane as an internet outage. We missed your presence at the table, but next week is going to be better anyhow. No distractions or guests. All we are going to have is a new character. That's easy enough.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Wait ... you stuck Sam on an advanced top secret ship and won't let her access the bridge, engineering, or comm? You're a mean one Mr GM.


Just a peak? She won't touch anything . . honest!


(I really should have taken a Psych Lim for Sam and spaceships I think . . .)


As for Wade and Sam in engineering ... none of anyone elses business

(bolt through the washer.... nice imagery. )

Now how would I get you into trouble if I made peeking so easy. :eg:
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Speaking of absences, I am having to go on a business trip the week of 28 June and so I won't be able play, and Terrie does not know how to connect to the server by herself. I offered to show her but she is not sure she can handle it. I apologize in advance. So Terrie and I will be there this week, then miss a week, then we'll be back every week till sometime in late Sep. when we move, and we'll miss one week then as well (most likely). I'll keep everyone posted.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Speaking of absences' date=' I am having to go on a business trip the week of 28 June and so I won't be able play, and Terrie does not know how to connect to the server by herself. I offered to show her but she is not sure she can handle it. I apologize in advance. So Terrie and I will be there this week, then miss a week, then we'll be back every week till sometime in late Sep. when we move, and we'll miss one week then as well (most likely). I'll keep everyone posted.[/quote']No problem at all. I'm thinking Adventurers Inc! is going to see some action this summer. Being that it is based on a loose membership, it's pretty easy to adapt for missing members. Sort of like the Avengers or JLA, except without 500+ point characters. :D
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


High Powered characters can be very fun' date=' the focus tends to move away from combat though.[/quote']And here I thought that the combats just got bigger. Sad really. Nothing like a knock-down drag-out fight between comic book characters. Guess it doesn't work so well in game huh?
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


And here I thought that the combats just got bigger. Sad really. Nothing like a knock-down drag-out fight between comic book characters. Guess it doesn't work so well in game huh?


Oh I didn't say they had no combat. But high powered games I play in tend towards 1/3 combat 2/3 other.


And they are spectacular. Though, sometimes very short and brutal.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


1 . . . 2 . . . 3.


Preliminary shot with Shr'kaak in the frame.

I have yet to play with getting Caspar done, and Ta'Rang is just proving to be difficult (monkey textures that work with non-monkey characters are hard to find). Rest assured, things are slowly coming along.


Wade, Samantha, Shr'Kaak (v1).

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


1 . . . 2 . . . 3.


Preliminary shot with Shr'kaak in the frame.

I have yet to play with getting Caspar done, and Ta'Rang is just proving to be difficult (monkey textures that work with non-monkey characters are hard to find). Rest assured, things are slowly coming along.


Wade, Samantha, Shr'Kaak (v1).

Other than the hands not being articulated, not bad. Not bad at all. Keep 'em coming.
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