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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok... major wierdness.


On a fluke I re-installed the MT 1.3b9 that We tried yesterday. And now it is working. The ony thing I did different is I left the 1.2b32 version installed in its own directory. I have tested with both Terrie's and my machines. So I think we should use the more up to date 1.3b9 version.


One question... as a player how do I save the macros attached to a token. I would like to setup a tokens properties and save those properties, so that when game time comes I can load my token complete with character sheet and macros. So far I don't see how to do that. Each time I create a Token Macro then close the app. When I re-open and re-load the token the properties has reset and the character data and macros are gone...

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok... major wierdness.


On a fluke I re-installed the MT 1.3b9 that We tried yesterday. And now it is working. The ony thing I did different is I left the 1.2b32 version installed in its own directory. I have tested with both Terrie's and my machines. So I think we should use the more up to date 1.3b9 version.

Coo! :thumbup:


One question... as a player how do I save the macros attached to a token. I would like to setup a tokens properties and save those properties, so that when game time comes I can load my token complete with character sheet and macros. So far I don't see how to do that. Each time I create a Token Macro then close the app. When I re-open and re-load the token the properties has reset and the character data and macros are gone...
I don't know. I will try to find the answer today sometime and post later (assuming you haven't already found the answer yourself by then).
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here is the syntax for a "to hit" macro that displays what DCV is hit...




Replace the 7 with your characters OCV and the 0 with any attack modifiers. The total displayed = the DCV hit.

Okay, that is rocking awesome. Between that and a the separated damage rolls were are about 60% there.


It is early (for me) and I only got a few hours rest. Would a similar syntax work for Activation/Skill rolls (11-, 12-, 13-, etc)?

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Okay, after fiddling with MapTools I (think) found the answer to our questions.


1. It seems as though Macro state is saved as part of a Campaign. A Campaign is basically a loaded map with the tokens assigned macros and speech text. Fog of war and all that other information is saved as part of the campaign. The bad news is, the Macros for that Campaign are lost when a new campaign is loaded and they are non-transferable (prices and participation may vary, void where prohibited, only at participating outlets). So you see those 100 or so Macro Buttons? Get used to them. You will be using them a lot.


2. Skill Rolls (and Activation Rolls). I can't believe I even asked that. [skill Roll Value +0 (can change before hitting enter)-3d6]. If you succeed it is a Positive number. If you fail it is a negative number. Pretty intuitive if I do say so myself. :)


Example: Security Systems 13- [13+0=3d6]

Example: Activation 11- [11+0-3d6]


Still kicking myself on that one. :)


We'll likely not have full Dice functionality in comparison to the ORPG dice roller. It doesn't count Body like a Normal Attack. It won't output the Hit Location information. But is more than functional. I think some of the other features outweigh the slight inconvenience of having to count BODY on the Normal Attacks or figure out Hit Locations.


We'll try the latest build (1.3.b9?) on Thursday. Now that Starwolf has it figured out. Just make sure Solron is up to speed. RPMiller and ghost-angel I have no worries about. I'll take care of Merovign. That pretty well sums it up.


I recommend setting up your macros now. It will speed things up.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Okay, that is rocking awesome. Between that and a the separated damage rolls were are about 60% there.


It is early (for me) and I only got a few hours rest. Would a similar syntax work for Activation/Skill rolls (11-, 12-, 13-, etc)?


Sort of...


In the macro I clicked on include label. The I made the label read "Combat Pilot vs 17-", then I inserted the dice roll [3d6].


When I click the macro button I get a single line with the label ad the dice roll on a second line. It looks somewhat like this...


Phelix: Combat Pilot vs 17-

Phelix: << 3d6 -> 12 >>


I have found that the square brackets do not work in the Token Macros so we have to use the /r switch like this:


/r 3d6 Combat Pilot vs 17-


Which yields:


Phelix rolls: 3d6 combat pilot vs 17- => 16


The one limitation to the token macros (other than I can't figure out how to save them when I close maptools), is that they will only autoexecute. So you don't have a chance to add situational modifiers on the fly, like you do for the macro buttons if you turn off auto-execute.


But we can always RP the mods and do the math on the fly. I'll probably have to help Terrie as she is not good with numbers, but I am sitting in the same room :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I have found that the square brackets do not work in the Token Macros so we have to use the /r switch like this:
They work fine for me.


EDIT: What I am having problems with is that it really wants to append a smiley to beginning character of the Text String. For instance Demolitions comes up with an error message about a missing smiley and then emolitions [11+0-3d6] => 11+0-5=6. Weird.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


They work fine for me.


EDIT: What I am having problems with is that it really wants to append a smiley to beginning character of the Text String. For instance Demolitions comes up with an error message about a missing smiley and then emolitions [12+0-3d6] => 11+0-5=6. Weird.


Yep this is what I get with the square brackets in the token macros


/net/rptools/maptool/client/image/smiley/emfrown.png'>3d6]': Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands.


And this is what I get using the /r switch


* Phelix rolls: 3d6 combat pilot => 7


** Shrug** no biggie as it looks like we are going to be constrained to using the buttons anyway. Only using the buttons makes changing genres/characters a pain in butt.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Changing genres is going to be a hugenormous pain by doing it this way. The only thing I can say is that it beats entering all those macros into the Token, only to have it dumped if we load another map.


For me, I'm just thinking of creating some generic skill rolls on the Buttons (3- to 18- ). When I send it to the Chat Bar, I can probably type out the Skill or an appropriate shorthand for it. That leaves weapons and powers to build individually.


What's really weird, is that the error we are both getting only happens on one of the two macros I have assigned to the token. The other one works fine.


A ha! If you put a lower case a in front of the macro, it prints out fine. For instance, I put a Demolitions [11+0-3d6] and it prints out the a Demolitions part, but not the error message.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Oh' date=' and when are you going to be ready to run again? :D[/quote']


Providing I can get everyone to put together characters I can be ready around mid October... say the 12th. I would need all the completed characters by the week prior.


If the group is up for it, I will send out the campaign synopsis and character guidelines/HD campaign rules by game time this week.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Solron is setup with Maptool 1.3b9. I went over macros and we did a couple. I helped him setup his server connection box so that he is ready to log in on Thursday. So I just need to get Doc and Wade's dice macros (Jim and I will confer again before Thursday as well), and we will be ready.


In other news one of the Maptools moderators/programmers is holding a live demo tomorrow morning at 6 am MST. I plan on attending to see what I can learn and relay to the group. RPMiller is also our resident guru... so I think we will be good to go! :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Solron is setup with Maptool 1.3b9. I went over macros and we did a couple. I helped him setup his server connection box so that he is ready to log in on Thursday. So I just need to get Doc and Wade's dice macros (Jim and I will confer again before Thursday as well), and we will be ready.


In other news one of the Maptools moderators/programmers is holding a live demo tomorrow morning at 6 am MST. I plan on attending to see what I can learn and relay to the group. RPMiller is also our resident guru... so I think we will be good to go! :D


:thumbup:Ok I'm offically impressed. I 've installed most of my skills . I'll get with Butch on the combat setup rolls and then I should be ready for Thursday.:D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Maptools rocks, and if we can get them to finish up with the support for Hero Dice and Hero initiative... it will Rock even more.


I went through a demo of maptools version 1.3b14 this morning with one of the moderators/programmers.


One thing to be aware of... We all need to use the same version number. If the version numbers don't match exactly then the prospective player cannot connect to the GM's server.


If we want to as a group, put in a little extra work, there is an online mini-character sheet thingy complete with macros, notes (both GM and Player), and editable Characteristics, that can be attached to a token and saved in a GM's campaign file. I think it might be worth our time to spend some time during the first couple of sessions with maptools to set these up. Once done in build 1.3b14+ when you hover your mouse over your token it will display current Body, Stun, and END. :D


Any macros assigned to the token and saved in the GM's campaign file will load next time the GM loads that campaign file. Any macros assigned to a macro button are propogated from game to game, and version upgrades as they are stored in your windows registry (or MAC/Linux equivalent) rather then the program.


If we can work out a way to use the token based macros, it will make changing characters easier, as we move from genre/campaign to genre/campaign.


The latest build also supports a pop-up character portrait, and a JPG image of a character sheet. But these features are also saved as part of the GM's campaign file.

Unfortunately campaign files are not mergable, so we can't easily setup our macros and send them to the GM, we would need to set them up while attached to his server and his campaign file is loaded. Then when he saves the campaign file it saves out token properties (character sheet, macros, etc) along with the maps and notes. We will need to spend a few mminutes during the first session to set some preferences that better support the Hero System, and get everyone used to the new features.


I will post some macro samples that can be used either with buttons, or tokens...


I am kind of excited about maptools.



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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok RP asked about saving and copying Tokens and thier properties, over on the MapTools forum. Here is the method that Trevor (the main program author) put forth until he can add a menu option to handle it (which he is making a priority).


Here's a mildly less tedious method:


Have your GM send you the Campaign Properties text so you have the right properties to work with


Create a campaign and update the campaign properties


create your token


On game night, load your campaign before connecting to the server, copy your token (CTRL-C when selected)


Connect to your server


Paste (CTRL-V) on a map in the GM's campaign


If this will work Nol, we can use those Token Properties :D

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