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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


All great information. Here are some minor issues that I have. These are so minor that I just think they need to be addressed but won't cause any problems with the game.


1. Is the latest and greatest version 1.3.b14? Will that change in the next week?


The reason I ask is because I want to post the final use version as soon as possible. So far I've made two announcements on which version we are using.



2. Will the Save the Campaign and send it function work on the player level too? In other words could you create a fully customized token in a campaign on YOUR computer and then do the CTRL-C/V option?


While I certainly don't have any problems taking a session to "build" characters, I hope I don't need to remind you that we are in combat. A whole week without momentum is pretty bad. Two weeks might well be unforgivable. If we can create these tokens individually and use the CTRL-C/V method, it would save time.


And what do they mean by Campaign Properties text?

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Just a note, it has problems "pathing" on the hex grids. For some reason, it does not like to draw a straight path along a line of hexes, even if the hexes are all inline. It likes to do some sort of detour first. Not a problem, but we are going to basically have to ignore the number of counted hexes and eyeball it instead.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


All great information. Here are some minor issues that I have. These are so minor that I just think they need to be addressed but won't cause any problems with the game.


1. Is the latest and greatest version 1.3.b14? Will that change in the next week?


The reason I ask is because I want to post the final use version as soon as possible. So far I've made two announcements on which version we are using.



2. Will the Save the Campaign and send it function work on the player level too? In other words could you create a fully customized token in a campaign on YOUR computer and then do the CTRL-C/V option?


While I certainly don't have any problems taking a session to "build" characters, I hope I don't need to remind you that we are in combat. A whole week without momentum is pretty bad. Two weeks might well be unforgivable. If we can create these tokens individually and use the CTRL-C/V method, it would save time.


And what do they mean by Campaign Properties text?


Ok first, let me say that I agree about not wanting to lose game time, and I guess I was not being too clear. I was suggesting that we as inidividual players work on our token macros in between moves. I am not sure about others, but I usually have some idle time during the game while awaiting others to act or letting others play out some scene. This idle time is when I was suggesting that the work be attempted.


Under the file menu is a campaign properties option. it lets the GM define the editable fields in the Token's Properties for his campaign. By deafult it is setup for a D&D character sheet. We should change it to Hero stuff. We need to have a conensus as to precisely what these fields are and what goes on them. The reason we need to be precise is that if they don't match, the GM version will over write the players version, thus losing the custom content. So if you take a look at the properties and then send us a note as to exactly how you want us to set our up we will be in business, syntax is important on this, but the GM defines the Syntax. I experimented with this and was able to put in all the Hero Characteristics plus the *@ symbols prepended to Body, Stun, and END. This made all of the stats available to the token, but those three show up in a translucent popup if you hover the mouse.


The latest and greatest is indeed 1.3b14, but I think we should stay with the build we have already selected, 1.3b9, until we get all this macro and token stuff ironed out. Then IF we upgrade it needs to be a group decision, and we all meed to upgade at the same time, to stay compatible. One other thing about upgrading. Once we have our campaign/token properties/macros setup, we will not have to recreate them from scratch when we upgrade, unless there is some major malfunction at the program developer level.


The save campaign and copy/paste option works great. I tested it locally by setting up a local server on my laptop. Then I went into Terries computer and loaded a token to the map. Then I right clicked the token and went to properties. I edited the properties to create a macro. I tested the macro to make sure it worked. I then went to the file menu and saved the campaign. I closed down maptools. I rebooted the computer (this I just did to make double sure that I had everything shut down completely for the test purpposes). I rebooted and started maptools. I loaded the saved campaign, and voila the token complete with working macro was there. Finally I clicked the token one time to select it then pressed ctrl-c, to copy it to the clip board. I then logged into my server from terries computer. Once logged in, I pressed ctrl-v and her token appeared on my server screen. As GM I had to assign the newly pasted token back to her as owner, but once done she could double click to access notes, and properties, or right click to access macros, facing, and other attributes. The final step was to save the campaign on my server ready for the next game. This sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. And once the initial deed is done it does not need to be repeated unless the character changes. But it will allow us to create multiple campaigns and characters without having to redo all of the macro buttons each time. I apologize for getting so verbose but I am trying to do the heavy leg work so that you guys don;t have too. Note that this is my report, I will do a seperate more easily readable post to outline the steps... :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok first' date=' let me say that I agree about not wanting to lose game time, and I guess I was not being too clear. I was suggesting that we as inidividual players work on our token macros in between moves. I am not sure about others, but I usually have some idle time during the game while awaiting others to act or letting others play out some scene. This idle time is when I was suggesting that the work be attempted.[/quote']That's a good idea in theory. I'm not so sure about practice. At least not for me. I have to have everything ready before hand or just wing it. :)


Under the file menu is a campaign properties option.
Found it. Duh. :)


OK. Upon reflection, Characteristic Rolls, Skills and Combat rolls are all taken care of with macros. Should we really try to put a whole character sheet into the Token Properties? I was thinking something abbreviated. Maybe some specific combat stuff like : DEX, SPD, OCV, DCV, ECV, PD, ED, Body, END, and Stun.


The latest and greatest is indeed 1.3b14, but I think we should stay with the build we have already selected, 1.3b9, until we get all this macro and token stuff ironed out.
Are there any functional differences?


The save campaign and copy/paste option works great.....I will do a seperate more easily readable post to outline the steps... :)
Yeah. Give me the "MapTools Tokens For Absolute and Complete Idiots" version.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


That's a good idea in theory. I'm not so sure about practice. At least not for me. I have to have everything ready before hand or just wing it. :)


We won't have to even consider this option now that we have figured out how to do it offline via the saved campaign/cut & paste method.


Found it. Duh. :)



OK. Upon reflection' date=' Characteristic Rolls, Skills and Combat rolls are all taken care of with macros. Should we really try to put a whole character sheet into the Token Properties? I was thinking something abbreviated. Maybe some specific combat stuff like : DEX, SPD, OCV, DCV, ECV, PD, ED, Body, END, and Stun.[/quote']


These options sound great. I will setup mine and Terries tokens this way. I will set the code so that these are the popups. :thumbup:


Are there any functional differences?


The only real difference that I saw was the inclusion of a character portait in the token properties. Nothing that would affect our game. it would be nice if they produced a change log for the program so that we could really see what changed under the hood. :ugly:


Yeah. Give me the "MapTools Tokens For Absolute and Complete Idiots" version.


See below :smoke:

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I will keep these token/macro samples short so that they are more easily readable. This first one will be the longest as it covers the cut and paste process for setting your tokens properties, then saving it, and finally getting it to Nol with the token properties preserved. Here goes...


First you need a token. I have setup tokens for Wade, Doc, and TaRang. They are topdown views just for game purposes, but you can set them however you like. I can help create these if anyone needs it. Human sized tokens should be set to 45x45 to perfectly fit the default Hex sizes in MapTools 50x50 grid.


1) Start up MapTools

2) If this is your first time, go to File -> Add Image Explorer Path, in your menu bar. Browse to the folder where you store your pictures, and click open.

3) In the Image explorer pane, click the folder that holds your images. A library of image thumbnails will appear.

4) Point your mouse at the token you want, then holding down the left mouse key, drag to the map. Your mouse cursor will change to a little hand. Let up the mouse key.

5) A dialog box appears asking for the tokens name, the GM Name, and whether this is an NPC or a PC. Add the names and select PC, then click OK. Your token should appear

6) Go to File -> Campaign Properties in your menu bar. You should get a token properties dialog box. Delete the D&D stuff there and replace it with...













Don't forget the * and @ these codes are what makes the information appear in the Hover box. Click the OK button.


7) Double click your token and a Token Properties will open.

8) Select the properties tab and enter your characters stat information. DO NOT Click the ok button yet.

9) Select the Config tab and select snap to grid.

10) In the shape dropdown box select TopDown. This has an impact on how tokens display facing in the program. If you select topdown your token will rotate for facing. If not your facing will display a little arrow for facing.

11) Select the Macros tab and enter your macros. Note you have to tab out of a box for the contents to be saved in this tab.

12) When complete click the OK button.

13) Hover you mouse over your token. A popup should display your characters Stats.

14) Right click your token and you should get a popup menu. Select macros, and click a macro to send it to the chat window.

15) Go to File -> Save Campaign in your menu bar and save the campaign with a meaningful name (I named this one character tokens).

16) Your hard work is saved so it is now safe to exit MapTools.



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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Cut and Paste process... part duex :D


This step shoud be done right at game time to give the token to the GM.


1)If Maptools is not open then start her up...

2)If you are just starting Maptools, goto File -> Open Campaign in your menu bar and select your campaign saved from the previous Token efforts. Your token should appear on the map automatically.

3)Click your token one time to select it. A square box will appear to show it is selected.

4)Press ctrl-c to copy the token and its properties to your clipboard (I am not sure what the equivalent copy process is for Mac or Linux).

5)Go to File -> Connect to Server in your menu bar, and login to the game server.

6)Once connected, and you can see the map, press ctrl-v to paste your token to the map.

7)After the token is pasted, be patient. The GM must go into the tokens properties and assign the token back to you as owner before you can move it or use any of the macros.

8)Once all of the players tokens are loaded, the GM should save the campaign along with all of his maps, minis etc. In the future as the GM gets ready for game time, he simply loads the campaign and POOF there will be our tokens complete with macros and stats.


The only time We should need to send a new token is if information is updated/changed between game sessions (say like spending XP). Any information changed in the Token properties during game time will be saved with the campaign information for the next game, when the GM saves the game at nights end.


next up.... macros :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Basic attack macro...


1)First either double click your token, or right click a macro button.

2)Select the label box and enter a name for the macro. This is what will display in the macro menu of your token or on the button. It is not sent to chat box.

3)Select the action box if working in your token, or the command box if working on a button.

4) enter:


Hit [11+7+0-3d6], Damage [1d6+1d6], Hit Location [3d6]


5) Tab out of the box if working on a token macro.

6) UN-Select Include Label and Auto Execute if working on a macro button.

7) Click the OK button.


In the syntax above the information between and will be bolded when sent to the chat window.


The text: Hit, Damage, and Hit Location can be changed to any text you want. So you can do things like replace the word "Hit" with "Mark II Laser Pistol Attack (AP, +1Rmod, NND)". Basically what ever you want. We should track Rmods as Maptools has a really cool measurement tool to compute ranges, so we can finally get some use out of those bonus RMods we have.


The attack dice syntax is [11+OCV+MODS-3d6], in my example [11+7+0-3d6]. The resulting number is the DCV hit.


The damage dice syntax is [1d6+1d6+1d3] for a normal attack. This will display each die and a total, Body will have to be counted manually from the die display. The total is the stun.


The damage dice syntax for a killing attack is [2d6+1]. This will simply display a total which is the Body done for the attack. Stun is computed manually by hit location, or by rolling a 1d6-1 stun multiplier and then mulitplying the result by the body done.


If the GM/Group so desires and we want to roll our stun instead of using hit locations the Stunx dice can be inlcuded in the roll like this [2d6+1*1d6-1]. This will display 2 die results and a total. The first die result is the Body of the Attack, the second die result is the stun multiplier, and the total is the amount of Stun produced.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Good tutorials Starwolf. Well done from this Complete and Total Idiots perspective. :D




I tackled the hard ones first... now I am just down to showing skill rolls, powers, and stat rolls, then a compound roll (like telepathy that requires an RSR). :D


I am almost done...


Insomnia ia a good thing... sometimes :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant CampaignAnd Finally an Autofire Attack macro...Hit [11+7+0-3d6],

1st hit Damage [3d6], Hit Location [3d6],

2nd hit damage [3d6], Hit location [3d6],

3rd hit damage [3d6], Hit location [3d6],

4th hit damage [3d6], Hit location [3d6],

5th hit damage [3d6], Hit location [3d6]I'm all done now :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here are the changes in the current MapTools build...


Build 13 (8/27/07)

* Fix bug: copy-paste tokens are offset incorrectly

* Don't require inline rolls to start with a digit or 'd' (e.g. you can now do [max(d8e, d6e)])

* Add FreeSize back to token Size menu (which sets the size to 1:1)

* New preference: Tokens start Freesize (default false)

* Append macro text when not autoexecuting instead of replacing the existing command text

* Fix bug: dragging a stamp makes it 1 pixel too small in width and height until dropped

* Fig bug: hex grid tokens are offset incorrectly

* Support tag with http:// source in token note hovers

* Add stamp portraits to the hover note

* Fix bug: hover text is not handling newlines correctly

* Unbold hover notes text, lighten background texture


The only change in build 14 was to correct an inline dice roller bug introduced in build 13.


The reason I posted this is that one issue Nol mentioned is addressed here. The hex grids not lining upm is fixed in this build. I am not saying we need to upgrade, I am just posting information.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I might be able to whip up an Export Node that'll have all the skill rolls' date=' stat rolls and maybe some others in a TXT file you can just copy/past into MT[/quote']


That would be very cool...


The script samples I posted here can also be copied and pasted into a macro then edited and saved.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


That would be very cool...


The script samples I posted here can also be copied and pasted into a macro then edited and saved.


I'm hoping to remove the editing step.


This exported sheet would be easy because no formatting is needed, I just need to get the formula right and it's up to the player to copy/paste.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I'm hoping to remove the editing step.


This exported sheet would be easy because no formatting is needed, I just need to get the formula right and it's up to the player to copy/paste.


Thats even better yet :)


Oh yeah and for all concerned, if you turn off snap to grid in the Token Config tab, the strange offset when moving along the hex grid goes away.

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