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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Indeed I am. I hope the new version turns out well. The old one was just too time consuming to edit. Here, I hope to be able to just drop a block of text into a pre-formated template and then posting it to the web site.


I like the old site, but I have to admit it was sometimes hard on the eyes as well as a pain to edit.


And in other news; this week sucks already. Out of four possible supervisors, I have two out on vacation/family leave act. I wish I was the one to make vacation approvals, because now there is me and the graveyard guy left to fill in. That means twelve hour shifts and not a lot of time to dedicate to anything else. The guy on family leave for his newborn volunteered to come in on Thursday to give me a breather, so I'll likely be there for the game. Now whether or not I will have any energy is a whole nuther question.


I'm not going to call the game for this week yet, but I just wanted everybody aware of what my condition might be (i.e. :stupid: ).

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


You need images of the characters yes?


I gots Sam, can work up one for Shr'kaak if you want old Characters as well, same with Milo (and I bet if you beg RPMiller you can get Ashcroft). Starwolf got the best image of Ta'Rang to date.


That leaves Killian, with a full description I think Star or I could provide one.


Did you want to use the logo I banged out? tweak it? Trash it and start over? Logo's like that work best when I know the background color and can tailor the image to it.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I think he is in the process of updating/building a new web site.


Thanks, I couldn't remember if I had just missed the website or what. So we will wait and see what you come up with Nol. Starwolf does have the best image of Ta to date. I think it would be cool to have all players images past and present . They could be listed accordingly as to their status.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


You need images of the characters yes?


I gots Sam, can work up one for Shr'kaak if you want old Characters as well, same with Milo (and I bet if you beg RPMiller you can get Ashcroft). Starwolf got the best image of Ta'Rang to date.

Current characters a must. Old friends would be good.


That leaves Killian, with a full description I think Star or I could provide one.


Did you want to use the logo I banged out? tweak it? Trash it and start over? Logo's like that work best when I know the background color and can tailor the image to it.
Here's my thought. I want to create a splash page with the group portrait and the logo on that. From the splash page, I want to link up a character page, a journal page, a developer page and a UPF page. Each of the sub-pages would have its own look. I'm thinking of doing an image map that makes each character in the portrait a clickable link. Click on Sam, you get Sam's character sheet sort of thing. The logo should look good primarily with the group mug,...er snapshot. :)


And thanks for any participation. Been WAY too long since I worked on the page.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


In other news, I love the little note taking program in Linux. Somebody posted a link to a similar (even prettier) sort of thing, but I like the functionality it provides. While sitting around today, I banged out a couple solid pages of scenario outlines. I have a few NPCs to build, but I am confident that my USB stick* and I will be up to the task.


Once the NPC's are done, I'm done with prep. Wow.


I mean, I would love to lovingly draw out the deck plans to a whole new ship and all, but I will be happy being able to get everything down to knowing a general direction on where to go. Besides, I'm still waiting on the stinking Java patch from Dundjinni. Though come to think of it, I can probably do an install of the currently supported Java and plug the Dundjinni installation right in with it. Something to look at.


* USB Drive 1gb with the two notable features being 1) Java and 2) Hero Designer. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here's my thought. I want to create a splash page with the group portrait and the logo on that. From the splash page' date=' I want to link up a character page, a journal page, a developer page and a UPF page. Each of the sub-pages would have its own look. I'm thinking of doing an image map that makes each character in the portrait a clickable link. Click on Sam, you get Sam's character sheet sort of thing. The logo should look good primarily with the group mug,...er snapshot. :)[/quote']


I have a better idea that an image map. We can use CSS for added coolness.


Star, if you can send my TIFF images of the characters you have, each character separately, I need the Alpha Channel intact (hence the TIFF).


I has an idea. :cool:

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I have a better idea that an image map. We can use CSS for added coolness.


Star, if you can send my TIFF images of the characters you have, each character separately, I need the Alpha Channel intact (hence the TIFF).


I has an idea. :cool:


I'll get them to you asap, but it may be this weekend before I get to it. I am up to my butt in alligators at work too (at least Nol isn't alone). I have to re-render or do a conversion to get Tiff's, all my images are currently saved as jpg's. Just as a question, would png files work too, or do you prefer tiffs. I know that pngs do a good job with alpha channels.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hi folks,


Just was thinking in my half exhausted haze that Starwolf was on to something by lowering the amount of movement for the starships. I am going to take the most direct conversion route and simply transfer over the "Tactical Movement" rate from the Future Armada books. In that, 1 square = 500 feet. For our purposes, 1 hex = 200 meters, which is close enough for our purposes. I will adjust the stats accordingly. Non-Combat movement pretty much moves at the speed of the plot, so I'm not going to worry about it.


On another note, I am going to take the Thursday after next (the 31st) off to celebrate my birthday. As a heads up, I am going to start taking a day off about once every four to six weeks so I can spend time with my family on my day off. It'll give me a chance to recharge my batteries from time to time as well. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I only get one day off a week and I do like me a picnic every once in a while. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Thats cool, time with family is important.


The movement modification sounds good too.


GA I will get those images to you today.


As an aside, sometime in the near future, I need to get new PAH characters from Nol and Merovign. Shortly after that (Say end of March-ish) I will be ready to run a couple of PAH sessions, when ever you guys are up for it and NOL needs a break.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


As to the game, is the TES still in operation? If so we should ask them for our backpay that they owe us. And if we are looking for some fast money wouldn't Hades be a place to look for work. Plus we should be able to find the more harder to acquire pieces of equipment we'll need for the cruiser.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Thanks for the support guys. I do spend a great deal of time interacting with my family and when I didn't have a car, home was awfully convenient a place to do it. ;) Now that I have a car, my now-rusty photography skills need some polish and the family and I love to go on our tradition Thursday car rides. I can't do it every week so I figure the first one will be the 31st and then we have the short month of February. That tends to be a financial sink, so the next one will probably be towards the end of March.


This upcoming Thursday may be a slightly late one for me though. I want Mongolian BBQ for my dinner and I will have it! :D


Starwolf, can you send me some information on what type of character might be appropriate? I had an idea from the last time we played, but I'm not sure it would be appropriate.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


As to the game' date=' is the TES still in operation? If so we should ask them for our backpay that they owe us. And if we are looking for some fast money wouldn't Hades be a place to look for work. Plus we should be able to find the more harder to acquire pieces of equipment we'll need for the cruiser.[/quote']The TES was part of the Terran Empire so was dissolved with the new treaty. Nice thought though. One I hadn't considered.


Hades (or more precisely Persephone) would indeed be a place to look for work, depending on what kind of work you're willing to do.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


We could become bounty hunters... tracking down the scum of the Galaxy for profit :D


Of course we have to make sure we don;t wind up on that list... I'd hate to have to hunt myself and shoot me down like the dog I am... :D

That would be the interesting conversation. :D
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