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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Very preliminary Killian.


As in I added pants, boots, jacket, hair.

no shirt - a little beefcake for the ladies.


Killian is proud to be referred to as "beefcake."


Except by cannibals. But that would be "long pork."


Awesome job - the forum says I've given you too much rep - I have to go give 20 other people rep before I give more to you.


Back in a minute. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Outfit work then?


Next step is to get some body morphs & maps to make him look less stock-pink. And find him a shirt of course.



I imagine the tech Killian is a little pink. :) Maybe not that pink. :)


Outfit is cool. My original concept had sort of armor plates on it, but he's a tech for crying out loud. What you have there works good for a Skinsuit, which is what he wears. If you have a stock-standard space helmet, he could be carrying it, but don't go to any lengths for that.


Feel free to add a little color and/or pattern to the suit if it works better with the dark background - maybe make it charcoal, I don't know - maybe it looks fine as is.


I'm half-tempted to request a Hawaiian shirt, But That Would Be Wrong.


Once again, awesome work!

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Last image of the night... and I'm off to bed.


Added a shirt - I figure Killian is at least part geek under there, so a casual-yet-rebel skull-and-cross-bones motif. Switched the jacket to a vest, but that can be undone. Also added some blue into the mix for some color. a little post work lightened the picture up to give it more grey and less black.

(no Hawaiian patter, sorry. I'd have to make up from scratch.)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Last image of the night... and I'm off to bed.


Added a shirt - I figure Killian is at least part geek under there, so a casual-yet-rebel skull-and-cross-bones motif. Switched the jacket to a vest, but that can be undone. Also added some blue into the mix for some color. a little post work lightened the picture up to give it more grey and less black.

(no Hawaiian patter, sorry. I'd have to make up from scratch.)



What, no Anarchy T-shirt? :) Great work, don't go making up any new patterns.


Oh, and one more thing - a short-sleeved spacesuit? :) (I have a whole routine about that from when Doom 3 came out, I'll post that someday when we have a "video game reminiscence" thread. :) )

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I've been thinking about the vrusk and I wanted to expand on the basic theme of the insectoid corporate society. Right at the moment, I don't have any real write-up, just mostly a lot of freeform thinking.


The vrusk are descended from a hive species similar in structure to an ant hive on earth. In their primitive years, this hive structure was literally a hive with queens, warriors and drones seeking to provide for the hive. As the vrusk have evolved, both physically and culturally, the hive structure changed into competing hives. Even further along the evolutionary chain, the hives began to become more specialized and trade between hives became essential. Thus the "corporate" vrusk society was born.


To compensate a specialized caste of vrusk, the emissary caste was created. Unlike drones and warriors who were tied to the hives, the emissary caste was independent of the hive structure and was specifically designed to assimilate data and make judgement calls regarding the relative value of goods and services.


In time, an unexpected mutation developed in the emissary caste of vrusk and independent vrusk evolved. Completely severed from the hive, independent vrusk are able to move and interact without the direction of the hive queen. This unexpected caste has not only been accepted by the vrusk, but their free will and self-determination makes them valuable as explorers and ambassadors to other species.


Vrusk society is divided into castes. Presently there are six castes; Queens, Warriors, Managers, Drones, Emissaries and Independents. Queens direct the overall goals of the hive, leaving the day to day operations in the hands of Managers. Warriors have literally evolved into a pseudo-military force that protects the interests of the hive. Emissaries are the negotiators that represent the hive.


Independent vrusk are the adventurers. They are an unexpected offshoot of the emissary caste and share much of the same somatype with them. If anything, Independent vrusk tend to be larger than other Emissary vrusk.


Other species have managed to work their way into vrusk corporations, which have expanded beyond the rigid hive mentality. Other species generally occupy positions analogous to the Manager caste, though sometimes they work as independent agents (not to be confused with Independent vrusk).


Queen, Manager, Emissary and Independent vrusk are highly self-motivated and develop preferences and tastes. Their homes are somewhat weird to the mammalian eye, but each one is distinct. Warriors can exercise large amounts of judgement, but typically do not develop ergonomic preferences.


Drones, while not entirely mindless, typically do not have individual homes or preferences. They live in structures that embody the hive mentality. An alien walking into a vrusk hive truly feels out of place. The hive moves and thinks almost as one. Incidents where interlopers are considered a threat have decreased, but it is still known to happen from time to time. Visitors to a vrusk colony are strongly encouraged to stay in areas away from the central hive.


Some notes;

  1. I didn't want the vrusk to be just another funny alien with human emotions and reactions. I wanted them to be alien in more than appearance.
  2. Independent vrusk tend to exhibit the most humanlike behavior of all the vrusk. This is especially true of Independents living among other species for a long time.
  3. While I wanted the vrusk to be alien, I did not wish to make them hostile. Juxtaposed to their overall benign nature, I wanted to make them slightly creepy in a sense that wandering into the wrong area within the hive might have consequences similar to walking in New York subways in Cloverfield.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nol - the Vrusk have gone from odd to flat out creepy. Nice work.
Thanks. I've been trying to avoid the "humans in latex masks or puppets with human emotions" type of aliens. I just really haven't had time or that spark to develop each race. I realize I am going to have to eventually codify the vrusk castes. If only I could draw. :)


I am presently trying to find the dralasite in me to post. The fact that they are colorblind means that texture and scent would be more important to them than color coordination. One of my friends once joked that he matches his socks by thickness, not by color (I think he got that from a comedian). Dralasites would do the same thing


Trying to figure out how they would interact with species and how they developed technology is a whole nuther biscuit. They are thinkers and planners more than doers. In many ways, they are more like the Hobbits of Star Frontiers, being concerned with creature comforts and a good debate more than technological advancement or competition. Leads me to think that they are not a species that developed advanced technology independently. And that makes me wonder who helped them.


That thought is going to be working around in my brain for a day or three or three hundred. I'll post more as I come up with it.


I has an idea for the Star Hammer too... is a surprise.
Oh I like surprises.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Builders made Drasalites!
No, but they may have played Prometheus with them. Something to think about.


Been looking at the time line a bit today... and thinking about the Soldier Project. I can't help but think it started after first contact with the Sathar.
I can neither confirm, nor deny rumors of when the project started. I would point out that your memories of a childhood as Sam would have had to be implanted considering the time frames involved.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


What about that ancient unknown race ' date='Tetrachs . Who were supposed to have controled the Frontier and more some 10,000 yrs before the frontier existed. They could also be related to the builders.[/quote']Where did you find information on the Tetrachs? I would like to read more.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


More thoughts on the dralasite species.


Why would dralasites have monochromatic vision? Why do they need to see at all? I'm not seeing what evolutionary advantage grayscale vision would provide.


Why wouldn't they have some sort of echolocation instead? They are basically a walking muscle and nerve bunch with enhanced olfactory. I would think that the dralasite species developed on a dim or dark world. Perhaps one with a great deal of cloud cover. Whether they are inherently vegetarians or carnivorous, the presence of echolocation would be extremely useful in either detecting predators or prey.


Can they swim? Dralasite absorb oxygen directly through their skin. Does this prevent them from being completely immersed? They really have no lung organ and thus no capacity to "hold their breath." On the flip side, are they capable of extracting oxygen directly through the water. Even if they can't, can they store oxygen for later use? Can they somehow block the absorption of water while they are submerged?


A puzzling species is the dralasite one. Each answer brings up new questions. And each question leads into another. A deepening mystery of evolutionary and social progress that has me really stumped.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


More thoughts on the dralasite species.


Why would dralasites have monochromatic vision? Why do they need to see at all? I'm not seeing what evolutionary advantage grayscale vision would provide.


Why wouldn't they have some sort of echolocation instead? They are basically a walking muscle and nerve bunch with enhanced olfactory. I would think that the dralasite species developed on a dim or dark world. Perhaps one with a great deal of cloud cover. Whether they are inherently vegetarians or carnivorous, the presence of echolocation would be extremely useful in either detecting predators or prey.


Can they swim? Dralasite absorb oxygen directly through their skin. Does this prevent them from being completely immersed? They really have no lung organ and thus no capacity to "hold their breath." On the flip side, are they capable of extracting oxygen directly through the water. Even if they can't, can they store oxygen for later use? Can they somehow block the absorption of water while they are submerged?


A puzzling species is the dralasite one. Each answer brings up new questions. And each question leads into another. A deepening mystery of evolutionary and social progress that has me really stumped.


With a species that has an olfactory sense developed to the point where they can actually tell when other species are being truthful based on scent, I think they propbably use pheromones much like we use sight, speech, hearing, taste, and smell. I think a drasalites greyscale vision, and audio speech/hearing are most likely artificially induced (and taught as a skill) by the creatures "morphability" enabling them to interact with other species. In other words Drasalites grow eyes, mouth, and ears much the same way they grow an extra limb when needed.


While we have not really worked the enhanced olfactory angle heavily in our game, in the SF race description of the Drasalites, it states that they are indeed very sensitive (in Hero terms susceptible) to things like gases. They do not breathe through a nose or mouth, but rather through their entire skin, thus their predilcition for wearing little except for an equipment harness. The book even says their space suits are specially constructed so as to provide body oxygen rather than just face/head oxygen, and while they can wear them they don't like it. It would be synonymous to a human wrapping his head in pillows and trying to breath... we could do it, but we could also suffocate if not careful.


Can Drasalites extract oxygen from liquids... most likely not, think of plants, or amoebas they extract oxygen from air (or in the case of plants carbon dioxide), yet most plants if submerged completely in water wil drown, as will some types of amoebas (those not adapted to water).


Perhaps the Drasalites that interact with humans have learned to use human tools/technologies, but within Drasalite society "native" technology is very different. Imagine a technology based on smell, and organics. They grow bio-organisms that perform the same functions for them that tools/technology does for us. What does red, smell like. What does electricity smell like. Perhaps if they have the ability to smell things at a cellular or even molecular level, they could have developed bio-engineered technology even more advanced than humans... for a good example in SF of advanced bio technology, look at the wraith species from Stargate Atlantis, they grow their ships :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


All good points. I don't even see a need for dralasites to have even developed a spoken language. Their language is based on pheromone cues. Hence, to a human, a dralasite's name as it would be described to another dralasite, is nothing more than a complex series of chemical signatures. One of the reasons that dralasites assume naming patterns of those around them.


The concept of developing sensory organs "on the fly" lends itself to a shape shifter concept. Dralasites can certainly change their form, but I can not imagine that they can assume the abilities of another species.


And that leads to other questions. See what I mean? How do a bunch of puddles of ooze develop the ability to philosophize and seek deeper meaning?


To me, this whole line of thought is pointing to something other than natural evolution. Since I imagined the dralasite as being non-native to the frontier, I am getting some serious weirdo vibes from them. Almost enough to start on something a little more coherent.

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