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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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I'm looking forward to the next several sessions.


Me too. But where are we gonna get a new ship and not let anyone else have the fastest ship in the universe. Or do we strip her down and modify our next ship with Mecury parts (no transporter).


I want to know what happen at the docking port when Ta went to warp right out of the box. Cause nobody told him he should not do that.


I did not know about the honor series cause I've never read anything by David Weber.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Maybe the GM will be nice at let Wade do a last second intervention since the Player wasn't there.


Then again maybe he won't, as Wade was possiblely all freaked out because Sam is missing and wasn't able to fly a paper airplane across the room. Let alone fly the Mecury out of a space port docking area.


But I have found 2 ship that are off-shoots of a assualt scout. The first one is a RT-3100 Merchant scout go to http://www.starfrontiers.20m.com then look for the Rayax Transport annd also check out the starship deckplans for info on it.


The other is at www.omegarising.com and check out the Raptor-class fleet interceptor and it is also made from the assualt scout design. This seems to fit more into our style of ships. But then we never now what the Gm will give to us for our next ship. It could be a tramp frieghter!

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


On the first page, there is more than just the Rayax. Overall, not a bad site for homebrew stuff. Even the gross mutation of existing designs didn't bother me like it usually does.


The second site was okay. Not sure I would really use stuff from it, but it is nice to see people out there working on stuff.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I like some of the stuff they do on the most part. The redesigns of the Assault Scout was interesting as our crew could fit into either style of ship. Hopefully we won't need a new ship if Killian's plans work out and we find out why Sam up and left us. And she did not take Elvis with her (strange).

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I'm actually at the point where I don't want to speculate too much about what's going to happen. Hoping we can keep the tempo up - the last session was cut short in some ways, a high point in others.


We have a chance to propel the story forward - we've been going sideways an awful lot. I doubt that's all over with, but maybe we're working on a couple of arcs now.


As usual, I wish I had more to say. Busy chasing flutterbys the last few days. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I never worry which way the story is going .It always seems to move along in one direction or another and to me that's what makes this game so awesome. Cause even Nol is not in total control of the direction of the game. We can be nudge in a direction but that may not be the end result of what was forseen as the out come. That's what makes it for me. I hope we continue on.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Actually with Elvis now a free spirit, I vote we paint the hull of the Mercury black. And with Sam missing we paint a big skull and crossbones on the Mercuries nose. Then we go hunting... and kill everything/one that had anything to do with Sam's dissapearance.


Uhm Yar :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I'm currently converting all the session logs into a readable format (remove OOC chatter, Dice Rolls, etc) but keeping essentially all the dialogue completely intact.


I need logs from before 9/21/2006 and for all of October 2006.


If no one has them... I need a summary from before 9/21/2006 and I can summarize from my memory for October 2006.


It takes a few hours a log, I hope/expect to get 2-3 done a week.


Starwolf - needs those pics man!

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here's a fully complete Log Conversion... Nol was kind enough to send me what he had onhand, some are mislabeled so that should be fun to figure out, but it appears I go back to about mid-July 2006, around the time you guys blew up the space station.



Riots in Waller Nexus

Riots broke out in the Waller Nexus Commerce Station this morning. If that isn't unusual enough, the circumstances around the riots leaves a lot more questions than answers.


Apparently around 0915 this morning, travelers in the passenger loading/unloading section of the Waller Nexus Commerce Station began arguing and then fighting each other. The general melee left one dead and eight injured. Station security responded and used riot control techniques in a failed attempt to subdue the crowd. What happened next is even stranger.


According to one of the maintenance personnel on the station, "Everybody just kind of stopped and started looking around like they just woke up. Strangest thing I ever saw. One minute they were trying to kill each other and the next they were apologizing and trying to help those that were injured."


Station officials are looking into the cause of the riot.


PanGal Reports Missing Financial Records

Pan Galactic Corporation Headquarters, PanGal System


Officials at PanGal are concerned about the possibility of financial records having been removed from the Theseus Commerce Station just prior to its deadly entry into Theseus IV's atmosphere.


Recent data released by UPF Intelligence indicates that minutes prior to the entry of the Theseus Commerce station into the atmosphere of Theseus IV, a small group of highly trained persons entered the PanGal Branch office. "They were looking very specifically for something and apparently found it. Since there was nothing on the Theseus Commerce station of any value, other than the financial records, we are assuming that was the objective of both the station attack and the later infiltration by this team of operatives," states PanGal Spokesperson Rhia'tarn told reporters at a press conference.


Pan-Gal also confided that the exact damage caused by the loss of the records has not been calculated, but could run in the millions of Tithemarks.



The crew has sealed the Liberty II station and altered the local authorities. They receive an infocast packet and a signal appears on the screen that wasn't there before. It looks like the emergency launched beacon probe has been launched from the planet below.


Wade: I just got a signal on my console...something was launched from the planet, can you get a fix and let us know what it is?

Henry: Yeah... I got it - looks like a distress probe coming from the planet. Standard infocast packet.


** Ta'Rang looks at weapons console ,locking on probe **

Ta'Rang: I got weapons lock

Wade: OK so we can assume someone is alive down there, but is he, she, or it contaminated?

Ta'Rang: How would we know from up here, Wade

Wade: Henry, can you get a fix on where the beacon was launched from?

Wade: Someone had to be alive to launch the beacon Ta

Ta'Rang: Yeah but you can't tell what state of mind they are in from up here can you

Henry: Yeah - I'm working on that... *types some numbers*

Wade: Nope, you are right, and that is exactly what I was wondering, myself.

Henry: Not nessesarily... they could have set it to launch in case no one touched the -- ah, here we go. There's a command center over here - on this hemisphere. It came from there - at least judging from trajectory, likely launch points and--- okay, I just know it came from there because the computer told me.

Wade: Hmmm...


** Wade sets a course for the launch point **

Wade: Henry, can you try to raise the launch point on Comm?

Ta'Rang: Hey Milo where is Cowboy, don't tell me thatr bug is hibernating again, Dam I shot him once

Milo: The captain is indisposed... we should elect a new one for the week anyway.


** Ta'Rang smiles to himself **

Ta'Rang: You did a good job the first time , do it again

Milo: No repeats until everyone has served...

Henry: I can raise the launch point on comm but I suggest we do voting first.


** Ta'Rang smiles broadly **

Wade: Okay, I nominate... Ta'Rang!

Ta'Rang: We ask the Captain, Haha

Milo: I nominate Wade

Caspar: Me too

Ta'Rang: Wade you loose

Henry: I don't care who's captain so long as we get to vote via Instant Runoff Voting.


**Ta'Rang looks at Henry **

Ta'Rang: you have no vote yet

Wade: Lets see if we can talk to who ever is down there then...

Ta'Rang: Yer the Capt. Sir

Wade: Then if they aren't nice Ta can shoot-em. . .


** Henry presses the "hail the planet" button. **

(1) Sam: (female voice over the comm), a ship! tell me you're landing on the planet. (a hint of desperation)


** Ta'Rang starts setting weapons console for target shooting **

** Ta'Rang shakes head **

Wade: See if she is a human of legal age... Uh... no forget that... see who she is and what is her situation... we are about 10 minutes away....

** Ta'Rang looks at Wade **

Henry: Uh... hold on a second, I'm having trouble... and I think it's on your end... We're a ship, yes - What happened, and how can we help?

Ta'Rang: When did you care about age?, hmmmm

Wade: Ask if she has a picture...

Sam: You can help by getting off this dirt ball, as to what happened? I'm not entirely sure.

Henry: Seriously, guys, I think their video's down - and it sounds serious.


** Ta'Rang frowns and thinks not now wade **

Henry: Explain it as best you can. Take it step by step.

Sam: I was knocked unconcious, and woke up to no ship and a facility full of bodies.

Wade: Henry, can you scan the area as we get closer to determine if she is alone or are we going to have to come in hot?

Ta'Rang: Dead bodies

Sam: This was an archeological dig, or some such.

Henry: Working on it, T. - Where were you when you were knocked unconcious?

Ta'Rang: Did you shoot them or did they shoot each other?

Sam: Hangar bay.

Ta'Rang: Have you searched for any other surivors

Sam: No survivors down here, I'm just going to assume none are on the station?


A scan shows a standard deployable command center. There are a couple of all-terrain vehicles outside the station, but they appear to have been damaged by explosives. There is an armored form on the ground near one of them.


Henry: What's your name?

Ta'Rang: How where you knocked unconcious?

Sam: Samantha. What's yours? A very large man named Ivan hit me off a catwalk, the planet then proceeded to sucker punch me into unconciousness. Now, are you landed or will we play 20 questions until the stars burn out?

Wade: Guys I am going to land a short distance away from the Hangar so Ta can cover the Hangar with the laser cannons, then if she is able have her come to us. If not we'll go to her.

Ta'Rang: Guns ready sir.

Wade: Does she need medical aid or can she come to us Henry?

Henry: "We need to get the doc in the hanger. - Samantha? We're coming in and we're coming to help. We've got a doc on board. Keep in contact with us. Are you injured?

Sam: To answer the earlier question, there are four dead down here. two beaten with a pipe. Ivan, the aformentioned tank, was shot outside. I've seen better days. mild concussion i think, otherwise not bad. Aside from being stuck on a floating rock at least.


Wade [On COMM]: Doc can you and Milo head to the Cargo bay to meet our guest?

Ta'Rang: I have a fix on the hangar.


The planet's environment is outright hostile, Milo and Caspar go to suit up in enviro-suits.


** Caspar going to the hangar **

Milo [on comm]: On my way

Ta'Rang: Do you have any explosive ordance on station?

Henry: Do you need an envirosuit?

Sam: No, I have a working one down here.

Ta'Rang: Any explosives?

Sam: If I say yes do you land faster?


Coming in Wade encounters an immense amount of wind shear he has trouble compensating for.

Henry: We'll be right --- son of a BITCH!

Wade: Oops hold on

Sam: Mind the sheer coming in, bit tricky.

Wade: This is gonna be rough...

Ta'Rang: Hey Milo could you get me the explosives and detonators while you're over there


And with a slightly less that settling crunch, the Gemini lands.

Sam: Nice landing. (sarcasm all over the place)

Ta'Rang: You should have seen the 540 landing. It was messy.

** Ta'Rang looks atWade and smiles **

Wade: At least it didn't mess with the hair

Henry: To be fair, Samantha, I'm not fully trained in crisis communication. I used to work at a suicide helpline, but I kept bumming-out my coworkers. We're on the planet, and we're coming, so sit tight till we get to you.

Ta'Rang: So ya say

Sam: Right. I'll be here.

Ta'Rang: I have the laser locked on the hangar as ordered, Wade.


** Milo seals his helmet, then helps Caspar with its suit seals **

Ta'Rang: But I want those explosives

Wade: Once down and when Milo and Caspar give the word I'll lower the cargo ramp and they can go get our girl...

Caspar: thanks

Milo [on comm]: We're ready to go, Captain.


** Samantha exits the station after a few minutes, in an EnvriSuit **

** Wade lowers the cargo ramp once I verify she is alone **

Sam: I'll be by the hangar doors. I'm the only moving object out here. Hopefully at least.


The only radio signal is Sam's. No other visual evidence of a horde of alien xenomorphs or anything else is found.


Ta'Rang: I've got ya covered.


Surface winds are in excess of 50 kph average and gusting up to three times that. Milo tethers himself and Caspar to the inside of the ships cargo bay.

Ta'Rang: As big as you are Milo


She's carrying two bags, and has a rifle slung over her shoulder, one of the bags looks mostly empty.

Milo: ~grin~

** Ta'Rang thinks I like heralready **

Milo [on comm]: If she's carrying luggage, she probably doesn't need the doc

** Milo begins moving cautiously, braced against the wind. **

Wade thinks to himself 'leave it to a woman to bring extra luggage.'


At the base of the ramp the figure in the big heavy suit just looks up, waiting for a sign it might be safe to get out of the wind. Milo and Caspar help her back to the ship.

Sam: Thanks.


As soon as they are on the ramp Wade starts to raise it.

Ta'Rang: Can I? *Looks at Wade*


She hands the mostly empty bag to the nearest of you, "Someone asked for explosives, two seismic charges."


A particularly hard gust causes the ship to shudder a bit.

Ta'Rang: I'll take that

Sam: You're welcome.

Ta'Rang: Thank you **Takes the bag**

Milo: Captain, I don't think we should stay for a search... let's just get off this rock and let the UPF handle it.

** Ta'Rang opens the bag and looks at the two charges **

Sam: Stunningly good idea. off the rock, into space.


Wade: HOLY CRAP... Hang ON

Wade lifts off at full emergency thrust as the others strip quickly out of their enviro-suits.

Ta'Rang: He's done better

Wade: Sorry for the rush gang but I saw something crawling on top of the station...


The wind catches the ship as they take off, Wade thinks, for just a second, that it is going to push them into the station, but the ship clears it and head out to space.

Sam: Who the hell taught him to fly?!

Milo: Crawling?

Wade: WHAT!....

Ta'Rang: Hey Wade you getting rusty or what

** Wade looks at Sam **

Henry: Dude, I saw the crawling thing too.

Sam: See, now that's why I hate dirt balls, always something crawling somewhere

Wade: And just who the hell are you.... some ditzy broad that probably couldn't fly a paper airplane let alone a starship...

Sam: Is that what you think flyboy?

** Ta'Rang looks at Sam then Wade **

Wade: Yeah... look LADY we just saved your bacon back there....

Henry: Well, even if it got on our ship, I'm sure the ascent into space killed it. Lack of oxygen, bitter cold and searing heat, pressure, no way it could survive to menace us later, picking us off one by one until we all make a final desperate move to kill the alien menace by hurtling ourselves into the nearest class 4 star... I need a gun.

Ta'Rang: Oh Milo we could use a refree

** Wade thinks... 'she likes me... I can tell' **

Sam: And for that, I thank you. You still can't fly for shit.

** Ta'Rang smiles **

** Caspar going back to my sick bay **

Wade: Yeah...well...damn... Uh Henry can you scan the outside of the ship for any foreign objects...

Henry: I could... but it would just ruin the suspense.

Sam: Ok, so, anyone got a name or should I just use Hey You?

** Henry scans the ship **

Wade: I saw something crawling on the station just as you were coming on board

Milo: I'll do an EVA and check for any damage after we're in space... and look for any visitors, too

** Wade smiles his most charming smile... "I am Wade... acting captain, and all around good guy..." **

Ta'Rang: I 'm Ta'Rang

Milo: Milo Mahoney, Ma'am...

Henry: Nope - nada. Outside of the hull is just fine, no space monsters, beasts, serial killers or Daleks.

Sam: 'Acting Captain'? What happened to the actual captain?

Henry: He failed Shakespeare at Juliard.

Ta'Rang: Milo take a laser pistol with you just in case ,Ok

Milo: You bet

** Henry finally turns around and gets a look at Sam, who is five-four with a small build and wearing a flight suit. **

Wade: Well we are a team here and the four of us co-own the ship, Milo, Cowboy, Ta, and myself...

Wade: So we take turns captaining... and this week you were lucky, IT'S MY TURN... *smiles*

Sam: Lucky me.

Wade: And by chance you got the best pilot in the sector to boot...

Sam: I did now did I?

** Wade smiles very nicely at her AGAIN... **

Henry: To be fair, it's a small and lightly populated sector.

** Milo chuckles **

Sam: How many on board?

** Wade glares at Henry... **

Wade: Don't you have something to scan...

Ta'Rang: Well if the pleasantries are over. I'm out ta here with these. *and holds up the bag*

Wade: Well let's see now that we are graced by the fairer sex...

Sam: have fun, don't set them off inside.

Milo: Captain, let me know when we make orbit, so I can take a little walk outside.

Wade: We have Myself, Milo, and Henry, Then theres my apish friend TaRang, Shr'Kaak, and our puffy doctor...

Henry: It would be impolite to do that, Wade. I'm surprised you even suggested it!

Sam: So, if you don't my asking, what were you doing out here?

** Ta'Rang looks at Wade and says "good luck" **

** Henry blinks. **

Henry: "You meant scanning space, didn't you?"

** Wade looks at Henry... **

** Wade then looks back at Sam... **

** Ta'Rang raises from the console and heads for the lift **

Wade: Yes I did... sheesh good help is so hard to find.

Sam: uh huh.

Sam: How long have you been attempting to fly any way?

** Ta'Rang laughing as he reachs the lift, thinking of what is to come **

Wade: Look Sam... It seems we got off on the wrong foot can I buy you a drink later...

Sam: I'll be fine once I'm in space a bit. Sorry, last week has been rough. *She seems relaxed now that they're in flight*

Henry: Seriously, Sam... he has a penchant for... shall we say, 'aggressive driving' but I've yet to crash with him at the helm for as long as I've been with this ship.

Wade: Just got my license... from a ration box *smirks*

Sam: I can appreciate aggressive flying.

Wade: Seriously Sam I bet MIlo has some really good juice I can steal... uh.. I mean borrow... just the two of us... we can work on a peace treaty...

Sam: I'm sorry, it might be the concussion, or sitting on a planet for a week, but are you hitting on me?

Wade: Hitting... no... just being friendly...

Sam: be friendly that way *points towards the console*

** Ta'Rang returns to the bridge ** "Sam let me have your rifle and I will store it in the armory next to mine"

Henry: "Now, see, Ta'Rang just hit on you."

** Sam hands the rifle to Ta'Rang **

Wade: Ok... but you just wait... I grow on people.

Milo: Like a fungus

Wade: *laughs* I have a host of friends...

Sam: Well, since I'm currently out one job, don't suppose you need a spare pilot then?

** Ta'Rang turns around to leave then turns back to Henry, "No but I may hit you" then leaves the bridge **

Wade: Well I have to sleep sometime... and you couldn't ask for a better teacher... you're hired!

Sam: Thanks, but I don't think I'll need the lessons.

Wade: Provided you can pass the background check...

Sam: background check? what do you need to know?

Wade: Are you sure? my rates are reasonable, and I offer PRIVATE tutoring... Well actually that is Cowboy's arena, but before we hire anyone he runs a security check through our sponsors...

Sam: Sponsors? Don't suppose you could elaborate on that one then?

Wade: Hmm...not really.. at this time... I could tell you but then I'd have to have Ta'Rang kill you...

Sam: fair enough

Wade: and I'd much rather offer you dinner than a an execution....

Sam: given that choice ... I'd have to think on it a bit.

** Sam smirks **

Henry: Funny. Most people choose dinner.

** Wade smiles **

** Ta'Rang checks out the seismic charges and wonders just how he put these to use **

Sam: Can't make it that easy for him, now can I?

Wade: I like a challenge...

** Ta'Rang returns to bridge **

Ta'Rang: Hey Wade how you giong to arrange quarters for her?

Henry: We could suspend a throw rug in the hammer and make a makeshift hammock.

Wade: Henry we need to send a SITREP to Lt Alvarez... all hands at the station are dead except one survivor. And send her ID to him as the sole survivor

Henry: Not hammer. I meant to say hanger. I'm sorry, sometimes I'm just shag with words. Bad with words.

Wade: She can have my stateroom...I'll move my kit into one of the Cargo pods....

** Wade smiles at Sam gallantly... **

Sam: How considerate of you.

** Wade bows ** "My pleasure... milady."

Henry: Aw, can't I have the stateroom if you're moving into the cargo pods? I do have seniority.

Sam: I can use a cargo pod however, I don't have much in the way of a kit, *she motions the single bag next to her.*

Wade: As you wish... each cargo pod is designed with four fold down bunks...for use as low passage.

Ta'Rang: You can use one of the beds in sickbay too

** Ta'Rang thinks to himeself 'you are proablely safer down in the cargo bay with Milo and me.' **


Wade notes the Deathwish Squadron logo on Sam's bag, as she notices his UPF academy ring, both of them graduates of the UPF Navy. Though Wade doesn't look old enough to have served a rotation after the academy and grown out his hair as long as it is.


Sam: cargo works fine. Thanks.

Ta'Rang: Well come on then and ewe can make you a room of your own in the cargo bay

Sam: Sounds good to me.

** Ta'Rang turns and heads for the lift, Sam follows. **

Ta'Rang: You any good with that rifle?

Sam: Not fond of them, but I'm a decent shot.

Ta'Rang: good we may have need of it in the future

Sam: I see . . . plan on getting into firefights then?

Ta'Rang: When we get planet side you and I can do some target shooting . . . maybe. You never know what might come up.

Sam: Ah, right. Planet side . . . If I never see the surface of a mudball again, it will be too soon.

Ta'Rang: with us it may be awhlile before we have to landed again

Sam: Sounds good, fights are best done from the cockpit of a fighter and planets are best experience from a great distance.

Ta'Rang: I like to see their faces before I kill them, myself

Sam: what for? that means they're close enough to see your face. . .

Ta'Rang: So your quarters are here and the gallery ison the next deck, this is the armory and my quarters and the engines amd Milo's quarters are back there.

Sam: Looks cozy.


Wade: So gang what do we do now... we have appraised Lt Alvarez of the situation, and Milo is checking... so what next?

Milo: Okay... I'm in the airlock and on comm now


Milo cycles the airlock and turns on his mag boots... and tethers. Exiting the airlock he sees that the wind storm planetside did an amazing job on the paintjob.

** Henry turns back to the comms. **

Henry: Milo, how's it look out there?

Milo [on comm]: It looks pretty wild... sandblasted paint job for sure... still checking


Ta'Rang: Shall we head back to the bridge?

Sam: yeah.

** Ta'Rang and Sam head for the lift **


The ship looks in excellent shape, barring the paintjob. It doesn't look like anything big is broken. There is a small panel that has been blasted off near the main gun. Milo recalls it handles targeting. Milo approaches the panel and shines a light inside to get a better look at the damage. The electronics have been fragged, the insulation on the wiring has been scoured off and the circuit boards look a lot like the paintjob.

Milo [On COMM]: Problem, Captain... we got no targetting on our main gun until we replace the system.

Wade [On COMM]: Check Milo, Can the gun be aimed manually or is it offline completely? and does it affect our torpedoe launcher?

Milo [On COMM]: I think manual is okay... I don't see anything wrong with the torpedoes

Henry: "We have a torpedo launcher?

Wade [On COMM]: OK...Well I guess thats a wrap Milo....if all else is clear and you think it is safe we can proceed as Lt. Alvarez directs... or as the group consensus dictates.

Milo [On COMM]: On my way back inside.


[[sam: (ah yeah, there it is, twelve foot space herpe on the aft dorsal)]]


Ta'Rang: Sam did they find anything down ther on that rock

Sam: Some artifacts of some sort. the lead Professor, Kimble or something, found some little statue he claimed for himself, that's about when all hell broke loose.

Ta'Rang: The reason I'm asking is we met this crazy professor on Liberty naval station who talked alot about a dig he was at.

Sam: That can't be good. Whatever happened, I'm pretty sure was related to whatever they found.

Ta'Rang: Then you don't know what was found?

Sam: The only thing I saw was an ugly little statue, kind looked like a cross between a bear and a jackal. Beyond that, I just flew the supply runs.


Sam: So, Wade, you tested this tug in a dogfight yet?

Wade: Well, I outran a converted frigate...

Sam: Outran? It outgun you that badly?

Wade: Uh yeah, this tub is a converted captains shuttle.... even the jump drive had to custom fitted... The Frigate probably carried a half dozen shuttles the size of us in her hangar.

Ta'Rang: she has a few surprise in her

** Milo gets back inside and cycles the airlock **

Sam: half dozen . . . I like those odds.

Wade: Yeah she does...and the biggest suprise is her crew... we aren't half bad... if I say so myslef.

Ta'Rang [On COMM]: hey Milo have the doc scan you before you come inside will ya

Milo [On COMM]: Will do.

Caspar: Milo is in better shape than the Gemini.


Wade: Ok well it will take a few days to hear anything from Alvarez, so do we hang here in orbit, go back down and investigate some more or head to our next destination...where ever that is?

Sam: . . . I'm all for not going back down to the rock.

Ta'Rang: I say we go to the nearest planet and pick up some cargo for now and wait for Alvarez to reply.

Sam: Hey, if I get a vote I say anywhere but back dirtside.

Wade: I vote for waiting out the storm then taking another look at the dig site.

Milo: Did the professor mention where he was heading?

Ta'Rang: Yes, I believe he did.

Sam: to me? last I heard was back to the station.

Wade: Right where he either killed or caused to be killed the entire crew then took their shuttle and went to the Naval station and blew up a bomb, then disappeared...

Sam: Lovely.

Wade: There is something strange going on and I think the answer is on the planet beneath us... much as I hate to say it.

Ta'Rang: But while we were talking he said that he was headed for somewhere where he could pick up better flight to ........

Milo: To where?

Ta'Rang: Don't we have that recorded somewhere on this ship

Caspar: My vote is the dig

Milo: The ship has already taken damage from those winds... if we go back and stay for any length of time, we may never lift again!

Caspar: I didn't know that

Ta'Rang: Yeah well what ever is down ther isn't going any where , so I think we can hold off on going down there.

Sam: I'm going to regret saying this . . . I could get us down and into the hangar with no damage.

Wade: I agree thats why I said we should wait a bit and see if the storm abates

Wade: Ah but can you get us down and into the hangar inverted and undamaged....

Sam: why the hell would I want to do that?

Milo: Well, if we can get into the hangar, I may be able to repair our damage

Wade: Just turn a 180 lateral at the last instatnt

Sam: Not how, why?

Ta'Rang: NO

Wade: For the rush... ** Wade smiles at Sam **

Sam: Did you make it out of the academy?

** Ta'Rang frowns **

Milo: The rush of urine flowing down my leg

Wade: With flying colors.... it was just that crash afterwards... they had the markers set wrong and field control was not very understanding...

Sam: There's no rush in landing. You want a rush charge head on into two dozen oncoming hostiles.

Wade: But I walked away...

Ta'Rang: How about the rush of me smacking you up along side the head, Wade.

Wade: Sheesh you guys are no fun.... ok lets try and do it the SAFE way... spoil sports...

Sam: I still say going anywhere else is a better bet you know.

Wade: Ok so we go down and shelter in the hangar... then while Milo effects repairs the rest of us can check out the dig....

Sam: and that crawling thing?

Wade: Or we can help Milo on the repairs and then all of us investigate... Carry a gun.

Sam: I'll help Milo. I'm not leaving the ship this time around.

Wade: and stay together

Caspar: I got a small gun

Wade: Okay first things first... Care to take the CON Sam? *Wade vacates the pilots seat.*

** Sam takes the pilot seat. **

Ta'Rang: Damn ,I should have taken the Captains chair

Sam: Last chance to go somewhere more pleasant. Please?

Caspar: What is dowm there?

Sam: A planet, which is the problem.

** Ta'Rang leaves the bridge and heads for the armorey **

Wade: Now a couple of pointers...she pulls a little to the port when you first enter the atmo, and she has the aerodynamics of a house so keep a steady hand... I'm right here if you need me.

Sam: Right, flies like a lead block in a puddle of mercury. Bet it handles better than a destroyer.

** Wade straps in at the aux nav console **

** Ta'Rang enters the armorey and starts gathering his gear **

** Sam takes the ship into atmosphere **

** Caspar get ready to sit **

** Ta'Rang pulls out the laser rifle and attaches his scope on it **

** Henry looks at Sam. **

Henry: You know, Wade, not... not that I'm saying anything, mind you... but...

** Ta'Rang puts the charges in a pouch on his weapons belt, then holsters his laser pistol **

Henry: You know, that didn't really involve... a whole lot of, you know. Clanging, banging, and sudden jerking. Does that mean she's doing it wrong? Cause every time you steer the ship...

Milo: Oh hell... the thrusters are shaking!!

Wade: Yeah not bad....but then she left out the barrel roll and the high G flaired landing.

Henry: I'm not complaining.

Wade: ACK! Spoke to soon

Henry: Thrusters seem to be shaking a little, though.

** Milo heads back to the engine room at a dead run **


BOOM, the starboard thruster blows.

Wade: She broke the ship....

Henry: Oh, hell.

Wade: Oh crap!

Ta'Rang: what the .......

** Henry buckles up. **


The Ship lurches all sorts of ways.


Wade: that will put us into a port lateral spin... can you compensate with manuevering thrusters....

Sam: well, shit on me.


The Gemini starts to spin.


** Ta'Rang jumps into aux weapons console seat and straps in **

Wade: Do you want me to take her?

** Sam tries to pull it out of the spin **

Ta'Rang [On COMM]: what are you guys doing up there?

Sam: Maiden voyage you say?

** Wade acts like he REALLY wants to grab the controls... but retrains himself visibly. **

Wade: For us we got her used.... and she has been pushed pretty hard by a previous pilot...

Ta'Rang [On COMM]: What are you doing , Wade?

** Sam looks unphased so far **

Henry: Do we call for a mayday yet? Cause - that's all I'm useful for right now.

Wade [On COMM]: Watching our new pilot crash buddy... WAH HOO!

Sam: I hate planets.

** Ta'Rang curses in Yazarian **

** Henry looks at his console, none of the buttons have any use to him in this situation... **

Sam: You wanted a barrel roll or two right?

Ta'Rang [On COMM]: Milo can I be of any help to you?


Sam manages to get the ship straightened out. It is still really hard to maneuver and the braking thrusters are having a hard time slowing the ship down.

Wade: One or two... you are doing great...

Henry: Must go slower. Must go slower.

Sam: Bought used huh?

Wade: Hey she worked great for me... just don't bump into anything hard... like the PLANET

** Sam makes a circling pass to slow the ship down before trying to land **

Sam: Did I mention i hate planets?

** Ta'Rang heads for the engine room to see if he can help Milo **

Wade: You could use atmospheric breaking.... bounce of the atmo as we enter a decaying orbit and use the frictioin to slow us down.... but if you hit the wrong angle we burn up


Sam brings the Gemini in for a landing on the planets surface.

** Henry braces for impact... **

Wade: Not bad for a girl...

Sam: Or I could circle and drop her softly.

Henry: Dear god in heaven, stop hitting on the woman and let her steer!


With a surprise flaring maneeuver, Sam manges to touch down no rougher than Wade did earlier. May have been a touch lighter actually.

Sam: Relax, we're on the ground.

Caspar: thanks

Wade: Hmm... but she still broke the ship... Not bad though

Sam: You might want to check out your engines though, bit patchy if you ask me.

Henry: Damnit.

Milo [On COMM]: Are we on the ground yet?

Henry [On COMM]: Yeah, we're on the ground.

** Ta'Rang looks in on Milo **


Milo [On COMM]: Good... these thrusters need major work

Wade: Are we in the Hangar?

Sam: no.

Wade: Crap... So where are we?

Sam: on dirt.

Henry: Let's see.... sensors indicate. . .

Sam: there's lots of the stuff around. planets are known for them.

Ta'Rang: well what are youn two waiting for

Henry: We are about five clicks from the command center, indeed on the planet, and the general threat level index is at 'severely boned.'

Sam: Oh well, that failed, back into space then?

Wade: Ok so we have a hike ahead of us... you are funny... I don't think we are leaving this rock 'til we make repairs.

Ta'Rang: How do you plan on fixing the ship out here?

Milo [On COMM]: We're not going anywhere until I fix these thrusters... if the winds don't cause MORE damamge before I finish!!

Sam: well. damn.

Wade: Ok here is what we need to do. We trek to the command center where we help Milo repair one of the vehicles and use it shuttle parts back here... then we effect just enough repair to lift the ship to the hangar where we can make a better more permanent repair.

** Ta'Rang starts speaking in Yazirian.................(**&^ ^%$# ^^%@!(() **

Wade: Meanwhile anyone not helping on the repairs investiagte the dig

Sam: Don't suppose if anyone cares that I don't leave the ship then? right, good, I'll stay here.

Wade: then we haul butt outta here, anyone have anything better?

Ta'Rang: How many of uus do we need to go

Henry: I'll go. Might actually be useful down there. Okay, probably not, but I've been on this ship since we got there and the only thing I can do from here is send out a mayday.

Milo [On COMM]: Sam, this is Milo... you there?

Ta'Rang: Henry on your las t sweep of the area you said that both vehicles were damaged?

Sam: I can help Milo. On the ship.

Wade: I think Shr'Kaak and Sam if she is really scared can stay behind the rest of us need to go in case there is trouble or Milo needs help on the repairs

Sam: [On Comm] I'm here. (To Wade) Has nothing to do with scared, has everything to do with hating balls of mud floating space.

Ta'Rang: Do we need the doc?

Wade: We might...

Ta'Rang: Everybody out there is dead.

Milo [On COMM]: Sam... the maneuvering thrusters are still online. If we baby it, we might be able to use them to get us to the hangar. Can you handle that?

Wade: Are we sure... I saw something crawling on the station. Maybe we can dowhat Milo is saying.

Ta'Rang: So we kill it when we get there

Sam [On COMM]: Milo, shouldn't be a problem, the wind will be a pain to compenstate for though.

Milo [On COMM]: Do your best...

Henry: Right, but I don't think this thing gives tons of specifics from orbit. And I don't have LOS now.

Ta'Rang: I wonder how these guns work with out a guidence system

Sam: you want this one, or is there not enough challenge in taking a crippled ship through atmosphere Wade? (To Ta'Rang) You aim manually.

Wade: Humph... ok let me have her

** Sam vacates the pilot seat. **

** Milo nurses the maneuver thrusters **

** Ta'Rang sit down at weapons console and starts checking the systems **

** Wade starts the thrusters....and eases things very gently....tacking into the wind so that it helps to push the ship towards the command hangar **

Sam: nothing says Top Pilot like a gentle ride


The maneuvering thrusters aren't really designed to operate as the primary motivation for the ship and the environmental conditions, Sam takes the copilot seat to work the flaps as Wade concentrates on the thrusters themselves.


** Milo kisses the engines for luck of the Irish **


The first km is nice and easy. You get the (whatever) up in the air and glide on the winds like a sailboat.

Sam: nice and easy


They think you have the hang of it now as the gently guide the Gemini through the win torn atmosphere.

Sam: heh, we make a good team.

Henry: Did you guys think, maybe we should put on envirosuits... just in case?

Ta'Rang: Ya think if I take a few practice shoots it will disturb this boat?


Sam: gust.

Wade: Hah a good team indeed

The third km is going smoothly. Still can't see the station through all the dust, a gust of wind spun the ship slightly.


Sam: steady. . .

The winds are getting a little gusty, causing some turbulence.


Sam: you ever get a bad feeling about things? *A heavy gust hits the ship * that was close.

Wade: Wheww! I am sitting on the edge of my seat...


With a little jarring, the Gemini skids into the hangar.

Milo [On COMM]: Are we there yet... ??

Sam: no, few more clicks to go. . .

Wade [On COMM]: Just arrived...


Wade [On COMM]: TaRang can you and Henry get the doors?

Sam: not bad, for a boy.

** Wade grins at her... **

Ta'Rang: Sure let me jump into my suit

Wade: Thanks Mom

** Sam smiles back **

** Henry gets into his suit. **

Sam: I'm still not leaving the ship.

** Ta'Rang suits up inhis enviro - suit **

Wade: No problems...

** Henry nods and he and Ta'Rang head for hatch **


Sam heads down to engineering "OK Milo, you have an extra pair of hands"

Milo: Good... you can get into the tight places

Sam: Yeah, I'm good for that. **Sam looks up at the much much larger Milo**


Ta'Rang: Ok where the damn switch for these doore Sam? Ah here it i.s I found it, how before we have an atmosphere in here?

Wade: Hey guys I figured some things out

Ta'Rang: I hate these suits

Wade: I know whats on the Hard drive... and I know where we need to go next to track the doctor...

Henry [On COMM]: Stop! I hear something. It's a... it's a hissing sound...


GM: Game over


As you can see, if you compare it to the actual game log, I reorganize some conversations to be self contained for Viewer Ease, I also adjust a few time passage instances to keep In Game Flow as we had (it gets less as we move on) to ignore time frames. GM transcript is mostly the plain paragraphs, player dictated actions are ** xx ** and so on.


This is Season 1; Episode 9ish (could be just a tad sooner, could be a tad later)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I sent you a bunch of archived logs that Presto sent me. One of them seems to be mislabeled' date=' but they seem to all be there from the beginning until just after Presto's vacation where we did the Pulp off shoot.[/quote']


The very first session is missing, beyond that I believe I have all of the rest. 59 of 60 Games Sessions.

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