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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hey Nol and everyone , Here is a new fighter for your viewing pleasure. It is just a gunship . It has four guns , period. I don't like the dark wings but they were the only ones in this shape I could find and I havn't learned how to change the color on them as yet. But with the right lighting I can bring out the features . These are just quick renderings.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign




I hoped you'd like it as I incorporated the nose job you wanted on the first ship. I changed the wing tip guns (plasma cannons) and the under wing guns are movable. They rotate left to right and move forward to rear . This is a very versatal design.:cool:

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


False alarm apparently. I got rid of some potentially unstable software and ran Crap Cleaner. Seems to have sped everything up and made it more stable.


So everything appears, at this juncture, to be resolved.




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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Maptools report


The current build is 1.3b34. The current release is 1.3b32.


I downloaded and played with b34, for about an hour and the dev team has really been working hard on increasing the ease of use and versatility of macros, variables, and tables to automate the mechanics behind any game system. My recommendation would be for us as a group to use b34 and STAY with b34 until some major "we just can't live without" Hero functionality comes along. Which will probably not be for at least 4 or 5 builds or even possibly version 2.


The token macros and standard macro buttons still work pretty much the same as they always did, but tables and variables are starting to really shine. Plus tables, tokens, and campiagn preferences can be saved out as seperate files and then imported into a new campaign.


For Token property sheets I would recommend that we decide what common stats we want and then have the GM create the core campaign file and send it to us, we can then in turn import it and be able to all have common functionality. The same goes for tables we can all create tables and share them, but remember that th GM must host the tables on the server for us to be able to access them during the game. Token Property sheets are much more versatile now and if desired we can have a fairly detailed character sheet attached to the token. With the use of variables we can have stat based skill macros auto-calculate the correct roll real time so if you raise your dex for instance you don't have to go back and edit all those dex based skill macros.


In addition there are a great set of tutorial videos that have been created and they are linked under the help menu in maptools. Just click help -> Tutorials.


There are a couple of Hero specific macro examples that we could adopt. One calculates the total stun and body damage taken after defenses. it work like this...


1) The attacker rolls normally and calulates total damage.

2) the defender clicks his damage taken macro and enters the body and stun totals and the screen shows the total that is actually taken.


Well thats my report for tonight... gotta go dream about mages. I will need some input from Nol on how we are going to handle spells (individual purchase with a cost multiplier (typically x.3333 in TA), VPP, MP, etc...?

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


My recommendation would be for us as a group to use b34 and STAY with b34 until some major "we just can't live without" Hero functionality comes along. Which will probably not be for at least 4 or 5 builds or even possibly version 2.
Good idea.


The token macros and standard macro buttons still work pretty much the same as they always did, but tables and variables are starting to really shine.
Now I have to remember.

Plus tables, tokens, and campiagn preferences can be saved out as seperate files and then imported into a new campaign.


For Token property sheets I would recommend that we decide what common stats we want and then have the GM create the core campaign file and send it to us, we can then in turn import it and be able to all have common functionality.
With your knowledge of the update, maybe you can suggest something. I will probably play with it a little.


Token Property sheets are much more versatile now and if desired we can have a fairly detailed character sheet attached to the token. With the use of variables we can have stat based skill macros auto-calculate the correct roll real time so if you raise your dex for instance you don't have to go back and edit all those dex based skill macros.
Something to look at.


There are a couple of Hero specific macro examples that we could adopt. One calculates the total stun and body damage taken after defenses. it work like this...
Me like!


Well thats my report for tonight... gotta go dream about mages. I will need some input from Nol on how we are going to handle spells (individual purchase with a cost multiplier (typically x.3333 in TA), VPP, MP, etc...?
Individual with the 1/3 cost multiple. TA standard.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Attached is a text doc with all of the Hero type maptools notes I could put together. I hope this helps everyone. We will most likely need to wait until we log into Nol's server to be able to setup and then save our tokens with macros intact. Once done however we can use scripts that call variables from our macro properties.


in any case enjoy :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Attached is a text doc with all of the Hero type maptools notes I could put together. I hope this helps everyone. We will most likely need to wait until we log into Nol's server to be able to setup and then save our tokens with macros intact. Once done however we can use scripts that call variables from our macro properties.


in any case enjoy :D

Once I get MT installed again, I'll put up the server. Probably Sunday at this rate.
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