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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I need a group vote...


I have finally cleared my plate of a couple of projects, and am about to start work on preparing a new campaign, I am kind of feeling the itch to GM again.

Thank goodness. Be nice to play again. Just as long as I last for more than one session. ;)
When the time comes, would you rather I run a Fantasy Hero campaign, or a Dark Champions campaign. The FH campaign would be set in the Echoes of Heaven campaign setting. And the DC campaign is a home brewed setting based loosley on the Dark Matter campaign setting. For any not familiar with Dark Matter, think of the new Sci-Fi series Sanctuary, with a healthy dose of X-Files, ghost hunters, and monster quest thrown into the mix.
I don't know much about Echoes of Heaven setting. I would need some sort of summary thrown my way.


The Dark Matter setting sounds fun. Conspiracies in the shadows is always a fun subject.


I'm open to either one, though if I were forced to choose one, I'd choose the DC game.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Here's my review of Echoes Of Heaven, it's a pretty cool setting.


If we run Echoes there Star, would you be basing the characters off the provided adventures (i.e. shards of the war thrown forward) or would we be people starting in that world where the war is a distant past?

'Cuz I already have a character concept for the first part . . . :D


I haven't gotten into a decent conspiracy game yet, so I'd want to know a little more detail on this one (as I'm only familiar with the X-Files of the mentioned sources and hated every alien/conspiracy episode they made) but I do know ghost-hunters as a concept. Basically - how in the dark are we? so new that even the knowledge is "OMG! MONSTERS! *panics*" or would we be in on it to an extent (You've been trained to hunt down the bumps in the night...)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


The Echos of Heaven would be based off of the provided adventures initially and then flow to whereever the plot developed to. It is a fantasy setting where the world is a battleground between the forces of heaven and hell. Magic exists as do fantastic creatures. Angels, being the Warriors of God are about, but they can be anything but benign. Demons are the fallen angels of heaven, and while assumed evil, they are not neccesarily always inimical to mankind. And there are those caught in between... which brings us to the players :D


In my Dark Matter campaign the characters start off knowing very little... sort of OMG did you see that, I thought that was only some story to frighten children. It is set in modern day earth however. It is a very dark and gritty campaign, and can sometimes be somewhat graphic, and violent. It is intended to be a sort of modern Call of Cuthulu type game... minus Cuthulu but with all of the other horror elements, ghosts, voodoo, undead, strange creatures, lost legends, aliens, black helicopters, witchcraft, men in dark suits, tin foil hats, and any other sorts of paranormal goodness for the players to explore. Of course you can tell others what you have seen, but then you risk being branded a nut case or worse being institutionalized. Which again brings us to the players...

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Well, crap. I'm officially undecided.


I've wanted to play an Echoes Of Heaven campaign since I started reading the books (yeah, I own all those too).


But the idea of playing a monster hunter in a more graphic/violent modern game is appealing.


I have character ideas for both now too. Too many games, not enough hours.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


OK... news on a couple of things.


1) Solron has in his possession a shiney new laptop. It sport 2GB Ram plenty of speed, a huge HDD, and is running Windows Vista. And... wait for it... wait for it...


Maptools 1.3b45 loads and runs great. He was able to log onto my server, view maps, see and move tokens, and the whole smear!!! :D


I am not advocating that we move back to maptools... at this time. I just want everyone to be aware that Solron's hardware issues are taken care of.


2) I have decided based on the vote to proceed with a Dark Matter campaign. It is set in late 2008, modern America. Charactres are 100+50 (max 150 points), no hunteds. At the outset the characters do not know each other. Random travellers that meet at the start of the game. No powers at the outset, though perks and talents are ok. If you want to have the potential to develop psionics, or magic skills, you need to spend at least one point on a custom talent: Latent Psionics, or Latent Magic. That one point can later be re-distributed into the actual psionic or magic IF it develops. Most modern packages from Dark Champions are ok, such as Police officer, private detective, reporter, doctor, psychologist, scientist, photjournalist, parapsycholigist, student, soldier, private detective, militiaman, librarian, truck driver, politician, actor, pilot, or most any other profession you can think of that exists real world. Once each player submits a basic character, I will assign them some signature equipment based on their chosen profession, and then the players may supplement that with some individual purchases/choices. When you submit your character, if there is some specific piece of signature equipment you desire please let me know, and I will consider it.


I am also open to questions about the characters and the campaign in general at any time.


I am still in the preparatory stages at this time and won't be ready to run for another couple of weeks. After that I will just continue to do additional prep work, until such time as the group, and our existing campaign are ready for a change. Also once characters are submitted I will most likely start a thread based on that campaign over in the DC forum.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nol' date=' I finally completed a character write-up for Har'Kep. I emailed you a html and a xml character sheet for you to check out and make any changes if necessary. And the shiny new laptop is awesome!!![/quote']Congrats on the new laptop. Sweet deal.


Looking forward to the character write-up.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Well, crap.


As of about 5:30, James' internet connection dropped. He hasn't been able to get back on, but will keep trying.


I'll update at about 6:00 and after if he gets the connection back.


"Luckily" I'm home sick with the flu so I can post updates. Gaaaaah.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Still down as last I heard. I'll check back in here in a bit.


Edit: He's already rebooted everything and double-checked his drivers, etc. He said this has happened a few times this week.


I've been saying for months how everything happens on Thursdays. A huge percentage of the last-minute job calls I get are for Thursdays.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Well I just checked to see if I could get on the internet and lo and behold, here I am. I am logged in, but let's face it, the time has passed. If you want to chat, I'm going to prep next weeks (crosses fingers) game. I'm truly sorry about this, especially considering last week I was so ticked off that I couldn't run. I hate it when things fall apart last minute.


See you next week? Maybe. If Armageddon doesn't visit us or something.



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