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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


What I ended up doing, for the skills, was copying the string from the field in the Token Edit window, pasting it into a text file and then editing it for every skills I had - then pasting that string back into the Token Edit window under a new line for each skill. Much faster than the Skill Edit Macro.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Bad news. My mother fell and hurt (broken hip) herself this evening. I am leaving town to visit her in the hospital. I won't be able to make it to Thursday's game. 'wolf, feel free to have my character gruesomely eviscerated or something cool if you like. I won't even tease you about it. ;)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Mom's doing fine. Thanks Starwolf. She is one tough cookie. She went into hip replacement surgery the night it broke and after the operation refused any morphine or hard core pain killers. She is more afraid of addiction than she is pain. While I was with her, we chatted a long while. It was more like catching up on family events than it was me rushing off to spend time with an injured parent.


As to whether or not I am going to play tonight, I just got the call from work that I am needed tonight. Seems to be the season for family emergencies. So, I have to bow out once again. At this juncture, I am just going to say that I am backing out until after Christmas. If you all want, I will be ready by New Years Day to start again. If not that day, then the week after.


EDIT: Hope your father-in-law has a speedy recovery Solron.


The good news is that I have all the story concepts worked out for resuming the game. I have a few NPC write-ups to do and, God willing, a battle mat to get ready. I plan on switching over to Map Tool, so y'all have to rebuild your macros to match that program.


I am so looking forward to ending this gaming drought. See y'all soon.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Just a quick note...


Last night was a rather bad... first I started the server, then my cable modem took a dump instants after Solron connected (hey maybe it's not us... maybe he is just curseing us :D ). It took me almost an hour to get the stupid thing reset and reconfigured. When it went down it was like dominoes. The cable modem went offline, and knocked my wireless router offline, which nocked my wireless NICs offline... Once I got the cable modem reset, then I had to reset the router, and then I had to reboot every computer in my network (There are 4 laptops, and the big desktop). WHAT A PAIN :(


Once online I found that GA was also having connection issues (I already knew about Nol). I am assuming Merovign will not be joining us for a while since he moved. That left us 3 down, so instead of running we just had a short gab session.


We started discussing development of characters for Echoes of Heaven. I will run Dark Matter next week if we have a qourum. The following two weeks are Christmas and New Years Day respectively, so I expect we will be adjourning until the first Thursday in January following and hopefully Nol is up for more GA action ( I still want to shoot Dar Gredick in the face).


SInce Nol is switching to MT, now would be the most opportune time to upgrade from 1.3b45 to 1.3b48. Some of the Hero macros have already been updated to take advantage of the streamlined code. B48 is also more stable and faster than B45 on the client side. One great new thing (once we get the macros built) is in B48 you can select tokens to target and BLAMMO... MT automatically applies the damage to the token. Saves lots of book keeping on the GM end :D .


I will send Nol a copy of my Hero Base Campaign file containing a generic token with all of the current Hero macors that have been developed. That way we can both use the same campaign properties and macros.


I will also place my MT server online each weekend from Sat night around 6-ish until Monday nights around 4-ish so that anyone that want to can log in and work on Macros. We need to do this so that your tokens and their macros have access to the campaign properties in use while being developed. Once you are done, in order for your topken image to show up, you MUST send at least a copy of the image (but preferably your send both the image and the seperate token file) to Nol or myself, which ever is hosting the server.


I hope we get a chance to play on last time before years end, but if not I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Sorry I am late, I got distracted by family, birthday, and Christmas stuff. I have opened an MT server using MT version 1.3b48. If anyone wants to load it up and work on your tokens/macros.


Create a token image or art image you want to use for your token and place it where ever you save your token pictures.

Once you connect there is a token with the face of an old man labeled Generic Token.

Right click the token and select copy from the pop-up menu.

Move your mouse cursor to an open spot on the map and press CTRL and V on your computer to paste a copy of the generic token on the map.

Double click (left mouse key) on the new token and edit/change the name from Generic Token, to your characters name.

Click the little plus sign in the upper right hand corner of the and use the search dailog to change the old mans picture to your own.

Edit the properties on the properties tab to refelect your character stats.

Click out side the toekn to close the dialog box

Right click the token and select save from the popup menu

Finally, and this is really important if you want the artwork to show as something other than a big red question mark... SEND the GM both the Token file and the Art file.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


First of all I would like to say thanks. Thank you to Starwolf, for taking up the torch when I was ready to drop it. I cannot tell you how much that helped over the last few months. Secondly, I would like to thank the group for bearing with me during this period of burnout, or whatever else you would like to call it. You folks are the best players a GM could hope for. Your patience has helped as much as Starwolf's sudden GM duties. Hopefully you all have kept your Thursday slot open, because I am ready to come back. Gemini Ascendant is still very much alive. It just needed a period of dormancy in order to recuperate the strength that made it such a great campaign to be a part in creating.


In the last several weeks, I have come to some pretty serious conclusions about the game. One, some things need to be redesigned. As ghost-angel and I have been discussing, you need to have a pretty strong vision of the game that you are making with HERO. Somewhere in there I tried to wing it and ended up creating more work for myself than was absolutely needed. So that part will be changing. Expect to see some further developments along those lines. This will serve to keep the mechanics a little more transparent to the setting.


I also realized that I really don't want the campaign to end. Not as quickly as I originally envisioned. There are so many stories to tell that I would hate to leave them untold. It may require that we slow down in order to tell them, but if you are up for an ongoing saga, I think (with appropriate breaks to revitalize the ol' imagination) I can run around the Frontier for a good long while. My thoughts always return to that stretch of space between the Liberty System and the Fomad Cluster and everything in between and beyond.


So how soon after Christmas can we start? I figure the 8th, but I can be ready on the 1st. Assuming your hangovers aren't too bad that is. :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Terrie and I are up for the first, but we are happy with whenever the group wants to re-engage.


Having said that. I am not going to be able to run tomorrow night, I have some family business I need to take care of. So I guess our holiday break will start a week early. I will however keep putting the server up each weekend sop people can work on thier token macroes if desired. It is build 1.3b48. I have already sent Nol a copy of the base Hero campaign file to support our tokens and all of the new functionality.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


May as well start the New Year out right. I'm for the first. Are we going to MT and will that be an upgrade to .48. As we are are using version .45 at the present.


I guess I should have read Starwolf last message on 1.3B48. I'll upgrade my system and work on my token and macros.

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