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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Solron had some last minute personal family business he had to take care of, but I helped him get MT 1.3b48 installed and up before he left. In the meantime he sent me his latest incarnation of TaRang so that I can set up his token and macros in preparation for the 1st. GA can you send me perhaps a copy of the TaRang model you made (ac opy of Doc would be cool too). Or perhaps a face shot, a full body shot, and a top down shot in png format?


Brad is working on a custom explosion macro, specifically for our group :D


I hope everyone has a great Christmas!


oh yeah... my server is up if anyone wants to work on token macros.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


As a quick note, on the character vault page I have left a generic token with all of the token properties and base macros already loaded. If you follow the steps below it will save you some significant time creating your own tokens/macros.


1) First make sure you have an image you want to use as your token. Do not load the image yet. This can be any jpg or png file, but I recommend a top down shot, processed through Token tool if you want a token base.


Please don't edit the generic token directly, first make a copy and then edit the copy as follows.


2) Right click on the generic token of the old man and select copy from the popup menu.

3) Move your mouse cursor to an open spot on the map, and press CTRL - V on your keyboard. This should paste a copy of the generic token for you to edit.

4) Double click the token you just pasted.

5) In the window that opens delete the name "Generic Token" and type your characters name as you want it to appear.

6) To the left of the name box is a picture of the old man. Click the little red plus sign in the upper right hand corner of the picture. A search/browse box opens.

7) Browse to the picture you want to use for your token. Note this is how the token will look to everyone.

8) Click the new image and then click OK to load the image. At this point I would exit the token by clicking outside of it and then use a right click and save to safeguard your new token.

9) Click opnce on the token to select it and your basic macros should appear in the Selection Tab.

10) Use first the Character Sheet, and then the Character Sheet2 macro buttons to fill in your characters game information.

11) Use the Armor builder macro to build any type of defenses you have like armor force fields, Damage resistance, etc.

12) Use the attack builder to build any attacks you have like martial arts, weapons, or attack powers.

13) Use the levels shhet to add any skill levels or CSLs that you have

14) Use the skill builder to add any skills that you have.


Finally once this is all done, right click and save your token one last time. Then send both a copy of the token file (for example mine is Wade.rptok) and a copy of the actual art png files to the GM. He must have a copy of the artwork on his server for everyone to be able to see the images. If you see an image that shows as a big red question mark instead of a picture, that is the cause. I hope this helps everyone.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Thanks GA!


In the meantime I have setup new tokens for TaRang, Doc, and Wade using the old images I had archived. The new MT functionality makes changing token Images really easy In fact 5 or 6 mouse clicks.


We now have a Hero based explosion macro that does killing, normal, stun only, and flash damage, and you can change the rate the explosion reduces damage. Brad made it for us and it really rocks!


By the way, Merry Christmas to everyone, in case I don't get a chance to post again before the big day :D .

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I hope everyone had a great Christmas!


I am so looking forward to this coming Thursday that I had a dream...


I think I have a plan to extricate our collective hineys from the clutches of the most evil Dar'Gredick. And yes I stole the dream... er idea, from Star Wars...


TaRang, Elvis, and Sam should confront Dar'Gredick...

Killian, Doc, and Micah should seek out the power/control center and shut down the tractors, and shields...

Wade should sneak into the hangar and steal aboard a ship and prep it for escape takeoff...


Then in a pulse pounding climax we all meet in the hangar and blast off shooting :D


With a little luck, someone (hint, hint) from our fledgling fleet has noticed we have gone missing and an urgently organized battle group is on its way to try and find/rescue us?


If this was to happen I promise not to blow up another ship... at least for this evening :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hey, Tim here. I couldn't remember my old username and password so I made another. This one is identical to my xbox live tag so I shouldn't forget this one. :P


Just wanted to let you know I have decided to go on hiatus until my friend sends me my replacement computer. This one has become difficult to use even just browsing the internet... so it is safe to assume playing on it would only infuriate me more. It shouldn't take too terribly long to get the replacement (with good fortune and some begging it should be here by our next session the 8th). The computer while still a tad outdated is loads better than the one I had (have) so I'm a happy camper at least in that matter.


Once I get it I will redo Tobias' .hdc and get his token made... at least with Butch's help.


Sorry I'm gonna miss.. I'll have to frag a couple of extra Nazis to make up for my disappointment.


Later guys.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


What a week! Just dodged a major game-killing bullet. New manager taking over our branch office here in Sacramento. First thing he does? You guessed it; changes the schedule around. Worst thing is that I could not figure out exactly why. BUT, with copious amounts of (self) righteous indignation and complaining, I was able to secure my Thursdays off again. Big load off of my shoulders, as I was dreading breaking the news to you all.


As to tomorrow, I have mostly gotten ready. All I have left to do is get some tokens and (maybe) some maps ready. Still working on my "surprises." One of them should be relatively easy. The other, the one I have been working most on, has proven to be more tricky. Playing Fallout 3 is not the least reason. Anyway, #1 should be ready tomorrow.


This has been one of the most fun scenarios to develop. To say you folks are at a major crossroads in the campaign is to say that fire is warm. Truth be told, I have about ten different ways of playing this out. Taking the break, though frustrating, helped me see a wealth of possibility. I'll show you fear in a handful of space dust.


I'm chatty tonight for some reason. Probably due to the aforementioned bullet dodge. Sorry you cannot join us Tim. Might even be for the best, since Tobias would probably get less air time than the vrusk merchant captain that was your temporary character for the party split.


Do we have character tokens ready? I should have been running a server to allow you the possibility of getting them ready. :idjit:

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


:thumbup: I'm ready for tomorrow. The masterful Starwolf saved my backside once again. As he setup my token and macros while I had to go to my father- in -law funeral in Texas over christmas. Have plenty of time to play as I 'm still laid off. But I tend to think of it as my winter vacation period. Oh Nol, TA is ready for some down and out trouble. And he is ready to spit in fears face.


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Crap - I forgot to do the renders Starwolf wanted...


My wife got me a LEGO Star Destroyer for X-Mas and I spent the entire weekend putting it together - it's awesome, it's three feet long and two feet wide, it occupies my entire dining room table. . .


Cool :cool: How about a snapshoot of it.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I have Wades, Doc's, TaRangs, and Strong's (Terrie's Backup Character), and a basic Tobias/creatures, Tokens built. I have a few polishing touches and then I will get the artwork mailed to Nol. I can load the tokens onec the server is up, but for the artork to appear correctly for ev everyone, they need to be stored/loaded initially from the server.


I used old/generic images for the tokens. The new functionality makes changing a tokens image a matter of a few clicks, so no problems there GA. I can be patient. Brad has begun rebuidling are Hero Macro library to take advantage of some new b48 funtionlaity. The new macroes will NOT invalidate or make anything we are currently using non-functional, but they will give us some cool options. For example currently we are contrained in the skill builder to only 20 skills, without tweaking the campaign properties (which in turn affects all of the tokens in the game). With the new stuff we can build a library token , which is hidden but holds all of the skills in the game. Then you attach a token to your character that has a drop down list or radio button. You select your skill from the list, it calls to macro from the library and adds the appropriate stats/mods based on your character sheet... and BAM dice roll :D So with about half a dozen macroes you can make almost any Hero dice roll you could imagine, whether they are skills, powers, talents, stats, etc. We will even be able to select target toksn and the MT engine will apply the damage from our rolls to the targets stat taking into consideration defenses, range, etc. and then flag the token as being stuned, unconscious, wounded, dead, mind controlled, etc...


In any case MT has finally with B48 reached a point where we can independantly develop game functionality to suit our campaigns without having to consantly upgrade versions. This is an exciting time to be involved in gaming, and with this group we are doubly fortunate. I am really jazzed to get back to playing tonight. See ya then :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Have the server up. Set my router to make sure it is port forwarding. Let me know if you have any problems connecting.


I suspect that tonight will be a lot of catchup, so I am not expecting any great strides forward in the storyline or action. If that happens, it will be bonus though. :)


Gotta go finish up (hopefully) some macros/tokens.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Despite all the adversity that comes with facing a new version of a software package that we experimented with several months ago, I think we had a good return game. Thanks for hanging in there to help make it happen.


I think the decision to revert to the "older" style macros is a good one. At present, I cannot see the methods used to calculate Autofire (for instance). This bugs me. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to take the result of an attack macro and subtract 2 from that to get the subsequent DCVs that are hit. Repeating damage is easy.


Looks like they either removed or hid the Lookup table function. Kinda not happy with that either. Makes Hit Locations, even just descriptions, a lot harder to manage.


Still, I see some hope. I plan on being way more prepared next game. Working on all of that now. See how it turns out.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant CampaignUpdate!I figured out how to do Autofire attacks. Yippee!Here is a basic attack macro;

Khalha Blade

Hits DCV: [t: Attack = (6+11)-3d6]

Damage: [t: Damage = 2d6] Killing Damage, AVLD (Hardened, FF, Dodge FX) which outputs something likeKhalha BladeHits DCV: 5 Damage: 6 Killing Damage, AVLD (Hardened, FF, Dodge FX)

Keep in mind that the numbers are example output. The macro will actually generate a number to drop in there of course.Now, and stop me if I ramble, the [t: Attack = ] string actually identifies the attack with a name. To continue with an autofire attack, you can simply add a string right after the Attack string that looks like [t: AF1 = Attack -2]. This takes the value of attack and subtracts 2 from it. Repeat for as many rounds as needed. Each additional autofire needs to have its own string. For example a 5 shot autofire would need [t: AF1 = Attack -2], [t: AF2 = Attack -4], [t: AF3 = Attack -6], [t: AF4 = Attack -8]. To get the damage for each attack in an autofire, you add a ,c(n) after the t in the Damage string. Here is an example;
Khalha Blade

Hits DCV: [t: Attack = (6+11)-3d6], [t: af1 = Attack -2]

Damage: [t,c(n):Damage = 2d6] Killing Damage, AVLD (Hardened, FF, Dodge FX)That outputs as Khalha BladeHits DCV: 5, 3Damage: 6, 8 Killing Damage, AVLD (Hardened, FF, Dodge FX)

The C(n) part tells it to continue rolling (n) times. A dialog box pops up asking for you to enter the value of (n). In this case, it would be 2. You would enter however many autofire attacks were made.In both cases, the actual rolls are hidden. They can be revealed by hovering the mouse pointer over the result. If you really want to expand it, make it [e,t: Attack=]. That will show the whole roll, but take up a lot of space in the chat. I am going to stick to the output only rolls.Now if I lost any of you in there, don't worry. I am going to be posting some examples in the next post. All you have to do is copy and paste into the macro section.I am still trying to figure out skill rolls so they output the whole string instead of just the margin by which the skill roll was made or missed by. Get back to you when I can.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant CampaignSome examples. You will need to change the names of the skills in several places, but it should be a good starting point. I suggest copying the text to a text editor and making the changes so that all of your skills are saved in a separate file. Then copy them over to the macro box in your token.This can be adapted to any skill roll by changing every instance of Acrobatics to whatever the skill roll is. This is the format I intend to use for NPCs.

Skill Roll ExampleAcrobatics

[h: Acrobatics = 13+(n)] [h: Roll = 3d6] [h: Success = Acrobatics - Roll] My Skill Roll [t: if (Success>=0, "Succeeded!", "Failed.") ]

I [t: Made = if (Success>=0, "made", "missed")] my roll by [t:Success]. I rolled a [t: Roll]Outputs as;AcrobaticsMy Skill Roll Succeeded!/Failed.I made/missed my roll by (how much you made or missed roll.)I rolled a (shows dice roll)

Just change the name to whatever your weapon is and you got a decent example to start from. Note that I put a standard StunX of 3. Quite frankly, while Hit Locations are great and all, I am having a hard time figuring out how to macro those out. If a multiple of x3 is too high, then we can lower it to x2. When we figure out Hit Locations, we can go back to that if y'all like.Make sure you change the blue 3 to whatever your character's base OCV is.
Single Shot Ranged Attack ExampleWhite Light Armaments Police Laser Pistol

Hits DCV: [t: Attack = ((n)+3+11)-3d6]

[t: Damage = 2d6] Killing Damage

[t: Stun = Damage*3] Stun Damage

Notes: Armor PiercingOutputs as;White Light Armaments Police Laser PistolHits DCV: 87 Killing Damage21 Stun DamageNotes: Armor Piercing

Working on a way to get the Stun damage from an autofire weapon to match the multiple of the damage created by the [c(n): ] string. More later.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant CampaignAnother example.I could not figure out how to do the multiple Body and Stun damages without having to manually input each string so I just went with that for now. Note that this one is a pain to use because you have to change the number of dice in every dmg entry. Still looking for a way to simplify.

Autofire Ranged Weapon ExampleSpartan Security Bot Gatling Cannon

Hits DCV: [t: Attack = ((n)+3+11)-3d6], [t: AF1 = Attack -2], [t: AF2 = Attack -4], [t: AF3 = Attack -6], [t: AF4 = Attack -8]

[t: Dmg1 = 2d6], [t: Dmg2 = 2d6], [t: Dmg3 = 2d6], [t: Dmg4 = 2d6], [t: Dmg5 = 2d6] Killing Damage

[t: Stun1 = Dmg1 *3], [t: Stun2 = Dmg2 *3], [t: Stun3 = Dmg3 *3], [t: Stun4 = Dmg4 *3], [t: Stun5 = Dmg5 *3] Stun Damage

Notes: Armor Piercing, Autofire (5 shots)Outputs as the single weapon, but has five damage spots for both Body and Stun.

In a related note, trying to glean the single die rolls from a Normal attack to get the body multiple is proving a touch harder than I expected. Once I solve that little problem I can probably figure out the Autofire problem too.If you have any ideas it would be helpful. I don't always understand coding so well. I may be missing something obvious.Here is the reference I am working from.I am about done for the night tonight. I'll take a closer look later.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Oh don't get me wrong, Brad is probably the superior coder by a very, very, very long, (did I mention very) long shot. My problem is that he hides things from me. I don't like hidden things. I like to be able to tinker something until it works the way I want it to. Once I figure out how to take the individual numbers output by [c(n): ] and manipulate them, nothing will stop me. Muhahahahaha. Or something. ;)

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