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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Not much of an update. Of course, every reference I've found is written in about the most arid method possible and just about every example is written for D&D of one flavor or another. Sort of disheartening.


Right now, I have no method for reducing the code for Autofire attacks. I also have no way of computing Body for Normal attacks.


Skill Rolls (Perception and Characteristics too) are easy and done.

Ranged Killing Attacks are done.


To do (or not) in relative importance

  • Normal Attacks
  • Hit Locations
  • Simplifying the code for autofire attacks.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


If you peruse the User Creations forum on the RPTools website, there are two threads there about Champions and Hero Macros respectively. They have some sample code posted, and they are also great about answering questions. This is where Brad, Necon99, RPMiller, and other Hero MT users hang out and they may be able to help.


As for autofire attacks, there may not be a way tp simplify the code much, AF is a complex thing programatically, at least the hit roll. However, the new code does support looping, and if/then type codes. You can also have one macro call another. So the best bet may be to have the AF do a hit roll and then loop a number of times equal to the shots fired. Each loop should display the DCV hit and call a damage roll macro, roll for hit location, display the results, then decrement the DCV Hit varaiable by 2 and loop again, until the number of shots is reached.


as for hit locations, We can build our own table, but I am able to see and edit the tables with no problems, so I am at a loss as to why you are unable to see them. However, if you want to use the soak macro to apply/automate damage tracking, all we really need is the location to display. It has a drop down so you can enter the damage done, the type of damage, and the location, then it applies all of the location modifiers, including defenses, and displays the results. I am going to be working on macros/tokens this weekend to polish TaRang, and Finish Doc, and Torgath, I will them build some token with macros for Harkep, and some generic Hero type tokens (incompetent, normal, competent, and heroic templates). Then we can put these in our token libraries complete with some generic macros, and anytime we need a quick NPC just drop one on the map, rename it and bango... 15 second NPC. For an Image of these I am thinking on just using the Heroman image for the generic tokens, is that cool? or should I use something different?

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I got a lot of help by posting over at the MapTool forum. Especially about the table window. Here I was still thinking it was under Campaign Properties. :doi:


And I got some info about how to output the results of the C(n) command to individual variables so I should be able to figure something out there too. More later.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


If you peruse the User Creations forum on the RPTools website' date=' there are two threads there about Champions and Hero Macros respectively. They have some sample code posted, and they are also great about answering questions. This is where Brad, Necon99, RPMiller, and other Hero MT users hang out and they may be able to help.[/quote']Wow. They have a lot of stuff in the User Creation forum. I thought my macros were lengthy. I need to really look at their Normal Damage macro. It would be great to see some sort of video tutorial on setting up all those token properties and macros. Then another video tutorial could demonstrate them in "play."


Edit: Some of those macros seem to be for the purpose of removing player input as much as possible. Almost like the authors either want MapTools to be a video game or they expect the majority of players to cheat

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Yeah there seems to be a running conversation in several threads where GMs have stated explcitely that they are trying eliminate cheating. IMHO if you are going to cheat, what's the point in playing to begin with.


In the Champions thread (not the Hero 5th ed) I believe around page 18 Brad posted a video tutorial on the usage of his macros. I thought I had posted a link to it a couple pages back in this thread, and in the Dark Matter Rising thread.


While speaking of properties... we either need a campaign property where we can explicitly set a vlaue for base OCV & DCV.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Update: Looking closer at the tables, I think I just about have the whole Normal Attack versus Killing Attack thing done. Also, the Hit Location table is also there. These guys did an incredible amount of work. My one and only problem is that it seems that a lot of the functionality is hidden somewhere and not accessible to the players.


I personally trust each and every one of my players not to cheat. I want you to be able to see what your macro is doing, rather than having some hidden macro that is adjusted by setting/clearing flags.


I should have things done this weekend so that we can start working on standardizing the rules. I'll be wrapping up some concepts after work tonight. I expect by the time I go to work tomorrow, I'll have the basic macro syntax constructed.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Do they handle 1/2D6 for Normal Attacks? This whole business about Damage Classes seemed to be not following proper Hero System Rules' date=' especially since 1/2 DC is considered a basic part of damage calculation for Normal Attacks.[/quote']Not sure if the folks over at MapTool worked on that. I'm sure we can come up with something.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I actually posed that question to some of the Heroes on the RPTools forums. They had not considered half die for normal attacks.


I will have the tokens created with empty macro buttons attached and labeled so that when you finalize the code I can just cut and paste. :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I have completed...




It is a generic token that contains an individual macro button for every characteristic roll, Skill, Perk, Talent, Power, and Disadvantage in the Hero System. It also has a macro that simply throws a list of your characteristics into the chat window. I am working on making that one a whisper to yourself. I am now just waiting on Nols code to complete the macros so that they actually roll something when you click on them.


Nol, if you have changed the token properties under campaign properties as far I will need a copy of the updated campaign file. I intend to set the macros so that they call the token properties. This was if for example DEX changes, all of the dex based macros will automatically work properly without having to edit your macros. The only time we should have to directly edit the macro code is if you raise your skill or power level directly.


The hard part is done. The rest is just cut and paste of Nol's code, then save the token. Make a few copies and customize the attached macros, rename the token and add the applicable artwork. Most of the macro customization will consist of deleting skills, perks, talents, powers, and disadvantages that the character or NPC don't have.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hey 'wolf' date=' I need token images for Doc, Harkep and Torgoth mailed to me. If you would be so kind.[/quote']



I will get them to you ASAP. Doc I have, Torgath and Harkep I need to create. If for the short term you want to use a generic image for Torgath and Harkep that would be cool.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Nol' date=' if you have changed the token properties under campaign properties as far I will need a copy of the updated campaign file. I intend to set the macros so that they call the token properties. This was if for example DEX changes, all of the dex based macros will automatically work properly without having to edit your macros. The only time we should have to directly edit the macro code is if you raise your skill or power level directly.[/quote']Nope. Haven't changed any Campaign File properties. In fact, I tried really hard to assimilate them into what I was trying to do. As it stands, I am just not able to get everything that needs to work, ready. I'm at that critical juncture where I can struggle with writing macros or just use what is present despite my misgivings. On the balance, taking the time to get the game ready ahead of time is much more important than figuring out how to program on the fly. So I am sticking to the macros that are built into the tokens for now. I will say that researching what I wanted to do has given me a far greater understanding of how the campaign file macros work. And, with last Thursday's game as an example, I know that I need to do preparation at least a day in advance. Preferably more.


I will put the Server up so you can prepare. I will also do my best to help everybody understand the macro process as well as I can. Tentative server schedule is going to be from 4PM - 2AM daily (Pacific Time) through the week. See ya Thursday. :)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


That works, I will setup simple macros using the existing Campaign properties then. I will start sending you some of the art work and tokens with macros attached tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to help you prepare, NPCs? artwork, anything like that?


Heh, on a different note... Terrie got me Scourges of the Galaxy for Christmas. I was reading it this afternoon for a short while and there is a villain in it called... "Fast Eddy" :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


That works' date=' I will setup simple macros using the existing Campaign properties then. I will start sending you some of the art work and tokens with macros attached tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to help you prepare, NPCs? artwork, anything like that?[/quote']Mostly token artwork for your characters. That would help a lot.


Heh, on a different note... Terrie got me Scourges of the Galaxy for Christmas. I was reading it this afternoon for a short while and there is a villain in it called... "Fast Eddy" :D
Yes, but I bet he is not an upgraded Spartan-class combat AI chassis. ;)
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


OK, 2009 officially sux so far... The video driver issue that I had last week finally is exposed. I had contracted a stinkin virus on my laptop. Consequently my I lost everything on the HDD including all of my art images. I have them backed up, but it will be a couple of weeks before I can produce any useful images. I have several hundred gigs of data and programs to restore first (some more urgent than my art stuff). I will still be able to play, but my other game efforts are on hold until I can get everything back in place. :(

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


OK' date=' 2009 officially sux so far... The video driver issue that I had last week finally is exposed. I had contracted a stinkin virus on my laptop. Consequently my I lost everything on the HDD including all of my art images. I have them backed up, but it will be a couple of weeks before I can produce any useful images. I have several hundred gigs of data and programs to restore first (some more urgent than my art stuff). I will still be able to play, but my other game efforts are on hold until I can get everything back in place. :([/quote']Crud. I'm sorry to hear that. If there is anything you need from me, let me know.
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I took Patti to the emergency room earlier today. She seems to be okay, and my uncle is bringing her home soon. This is just a heads up that he will still be playing but will be showing up late.


As for myself.. computer still isn't here and this one has started shutting off even while not playing WOW. Tried to redo my HDC today and it shut off in the middle of it, same with maptools. It looks like as long as I don't try to do anything more tasking than the internet it tells me to go have intercourse with myself. I'm working on getting the other sent here ... but the friend is a big procrastinator.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I took Patti to the emergency room earlier today. She seems to be okay, and my uncle is bringing her home soon. This is just a heads up that he will still be playing but will be showing up late.


As for myself.. computer still isn't here and this one has started shutting off even while not playing WOW. Tried to redo my HDC today and it shut off in the middle of it, same with maptools. It looks like as long as I don't try to do anything more tasking than the internet it tells me to go have intercourse with myself. I'm working on getting the other sent here ... but the friend is a big procrastinator.


Sounds like the chip is overheating. Have you removed the case and run it with a fan going across it?

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


That was my recommendation to him a couple of weeks ago. Well here's hoping he has good luck getting his hardware squared away.


I am working feverishly to finish restoring my data I lost. Thank goodness for backups. I actually lost very little, I just had so much that it is taking time to restore. Which in turn put a crimp in my plans for token artwork and macro coding. I should be back up to speed within a week or two at most. In the meantime Terrie and I are still up for playing at least.

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