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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I need group guidance (especially from those of us that GM).


I am putting the final tweakage on my Maptool Macro package this weekend. For the Megaman Token, would you prefer a token with one pre-built macro for each skill, power, disadvantage, etc... This option would allow you to duplicate the entire Token on the fly and have ready built working macros for almost any need. Very little GM prep time.




Would you prefer a Token with several more generic macros that can be quickly duplicated and renamed. For example a generic Dex based skill macro, that can be duplicated and then renamed to acrobatics, and then duplcated and renamed to riding?

This option retains the generic macro while creating only those that you need. This is how mageman is built right now. Minimal, but some GM prep time required to use the Token.


All of the Generic NPC tokens will be built using which ever option you guys choose.


I now have the macros set to roll and display whether you succeded, the actual die roll, and how much you succeded or failed by. If you succeded the Macro then continues and does other things, like display text or rolls to hit, damage, and hit locations. If you failed it simply displays the failure, and ends.


Let me know what to setup for the group. These were all built using MT1.3b56. Oh yeah one bug has crept into MT. When you launch a server, the test server function is broken. If you click it, not only does it not see you, but it will crash your server, requiring you to shut down MT and restart to get the server going again. So when you start a server you just have to trust that its working and test by having someone outside your network connect to the server.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


yep, I have a single input box that pops up asking for skill levels, GM Modifiers, and Range Modifiers. Also for speed they default to zero so when it pops up if you just hit enter it enters all three with zero and proceeds with the roll. One question though. IRRC everyman and familiarities are not allowed to have SLs applied, to use SLs you must actually have the full skill, is that correct?


PS: If you prefer we can hard code the modifiers, but I thought that since mods can vary so much from phase to phase, it would be better to ask for them on the fly.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Starting to come along nicely. I started reviewing the characters and honestly there is little to change (so far). The gargantuan skill lists need to be pruned. Signature weapons/equipment will always be present. The little things like survival kits and such are really less a fixture of the character as much as a part of the environmental conditions at the time.


Been working on getting some additional setting notes put together.


So progress. A little less than what I expected/hoped. It's coming along though.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Sheesh... my butt is dragging. I am up for a start whenever you say the word. I have been very busy work wise and have not had a chance to finish the Token packages. I have about two more hours of work on the first Package of generic tokens (megaman, and several Generic NPC types like a child, and incompetent, a normal, a competent, and a heroic level NPC). I will get them out to you guys before Friday night... honest... Man this is killing me...

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Sheesh... my butt is dragging. I am up for a start whenever you say the word. I have been very busy work wise and have not had a chance to finish the Token packages. I have about two more hours of work on the first Package of generic tokens (megaman' date=' and several Generic NPC types like a child, and incompetent, a normal, a competent, and a heroic level NPC). I will get them out to you guys before Friday night... honest... Man this is killing me...[/quote']That's okay. I am waiting for the Month of Hell to end before I really try getting into the meat 'n' potatoes of writing the campaign guides pamplet. They stuck a night owl like me on day shift. Doing office work. Not my finer moments. Been scowling at the sunlight and growling at people as my body gets more and more drained from the damn lack of sleep (I really have to be exhausted to sleep). I hate working during the bright and hot days of Summer. Nasty Yellow Eye. It burns us. We hates it.


I posted in another thread that my intention is to start the Wednesday after Gen-Con is over. That will give me about a month to get ready after I recuperate. Luckily the MoH is ending Friday. Recovery should only take a few days. Then a lot of the ideas I have been jotting down random notes for and allowing to gel should be pretty well done.


MapTool is going to be one of the problems. I almost have to relearn HERO again after doing the whole "build Shadowrun 3 macros from scratch" thing. It would probably be very convenient if Brad had some sort of tutorial on assembling everything together. Recent posts to his thread over at RpTools makes it sound like he's burning out on the project.


More later. Have to try to get back to sleep.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I don't think he is burning out so much as just getting very busy. He has a new born he is dealing with, and work. Plus he is busy updating the MT Video Tutorials. Squeeze in a little actual game time, some family time, and a dose of sleep... well you get the idea.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Since the computer crash I had to reload everything, which means that when I reloaded Daz it refused to open all the old character files. Luckily I kept notes, but I have to rebuild everyone from scratch. . . . merf.


To entertain myself - I did this.



Link to giant full sized 1920x1200 version


I almost put the GA logo on it... but I think the picture is beyond words personally.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


1) Awesome pic. I sense a new screensaver at work. :)

2) I may actually have this weekend off. As in all of it. Hope to spend a little time on The Game, as I have done so little so far.


Holy noodle, I've worked something like 120 hours in the last two weeks. It's gonna be a nice paycheck, but everything else got left behind. Sorry I've been such a dweezle.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Just wanted to post some ideas here. Hopefully will help g-a with a little project I have him on. First, a little Power Limitation write-up.


Degradable (varies)



Degradable represents a power that gets harder to use each time it is used or over a period of time. This could be something that produces a lot of strain on the power in question or it could be something that must be constantly updated. Either way, Degradable powers should have an in-game method of restoring them to full functionality.



There are two basic conditions under which a power degrades; Use or Time. The condition must be selected at the time the power is built.



Degradable is split into to variations. Variant I: Activation works much like Ablative does for defenses. The first time a power is used/for the first period of time, it works as expected. The next time the power is used/another block of time passes, it has an Activation roll of 15-. Each subsequent use of the power/passing of time increment lowers the Activation roll. Once the Activation reaches 3-, the power will simply stop working entirely until it is restored.



Degradable Variant I powers can be adjusted further by the Activation modifiers like Jammed and Burnout.



Variant II powers are typically based on Skill rolls. The first time the power is used/within the first interval of time it operates at the full base skill roll. Each increment of time/use reduces the skill roll by 1. Once the negative penalty is so high as to automatically preclude a successful roll, the power stops working or has other consequences imposed based on the nature of the power and how the skill interacts with it.




The Admiral's Fury has a Fold Engine installed. The energies involved in bending time/space are incredibly wearing on the engine components. Each time the Fold Engine is used, there is a risk that the entire system will fail.

The Fold Engine is built with a Degradable (use, variant 1, Burnout). The first time it jumps, there is no roll needed and there is no chance of Burnout. After exploring for a bit, the sensors operator detects several hostile vessels moving in on an intercept course. Knowing that the Fury has almost no chance against so many enemies, the captain orders a second jump.

The second jump is automatically a success, but now there is a chance that the engine itself Burned out. The GM orders a Burnout 15- roll. Luckily, a 12 is rolled on the dice. The Fury then docks at a local space station.

Before the engines can be overhauled, the crew of the Fury get into trouble (can't take them anywhere I tell you) and must flee. Luckily enough for them, the engines have had time to spool up and they make the jump. Again, the jump is automatically successful, but now the Burnout roll has become 14-. Sadly for the crew, the die roll is 17. The engines have burned out and must be field overhauled before use.



The Fury has a sophisticated Astrogation computer that helps the navigator keep track of all the variables involved in making multi light-year jumps. The charts need to be updated somewhat frequently to account for new space stations, meteors/comets that are traveling through the system and other variables. For each week that the Fury's Astrogation Charts are not updated, a cumulative -1 penalty is added to the Navigation (Space) roll. In this case, having substantial skill roll penalties does not prevent the ship from jumping, but it does mean that the reliability of the calculations is nil and each jump has the potential to take the ship several light years away from the intended destination.




Use: -¾ Adjusted by presence of Activation modifiers Jammed and Burnout.

Time: See Time Chart.



1 Year


1 Season


1 Month


1 Week


1 Day


6 Hours


1 Hour


20 Minutes


5 Minutes


1 Minute


1 Turn


1 Phase


1 Segment








  1. I do not have any USPDs or Haymaker articles. If this material is covered elsewhere, great. I don't have access to it however, so I am going to stick with this interpretation for now.
  2. I developed this specifically for dealing with the Fold engine systems in the Gemini Ascendant game. I tried to keep the actual text (sans examples) genre neutral, but I am not sure if it would be applicable elsewhere.
  3. I'm eyeballing the value of the Limitation. I've gleaned from others' conversations and interpretations of my previous write-ups that I am somewhat stingy when it comes to that sort of thing. I tried to be generous in this instance so I don't know if I overcompensated or didn't go far enough.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Now for the Fold Engine write up.


Fold Engine: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 lightyear; +3 1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1 million km (+1/4) (95 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Degradable (-1/2)

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I'm not sure the Fold Engine is doing what you expect it to.


From what I understand:

One jump can be from 1-10 LY (10" Teleport; Megascaled)

Recharge Time is 6 Hours


Here's the ugly part:

-Each jump has a degrading Activation Roll applied to it, and you can only Jump every 6 hours?

-Each jump has a degrading Activation Roll applied unless you wait 6hrs and do repairs/maintenance?


Also, following your Degradable Limitation, should the Lim on the Fold Engine be -3?




Fold Engine: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 1 lightyear; +3 1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (95 Active Points); Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Degrading Activation Roll (first use is automatic, 15- for the second, -1 Per use after, Must be repaired; -1)


Void Drive: (Total: 53 Active Cost, 39 Real Cost) Faster-Than-Light Travel (1 Light Years/day) (28 Active Points); Only In Hyperspace (-1) (Real Cost: 14) plus Extra-Dimensional Movement (Corresponding Hyperspace Location) (Real Cost: 25)


Warp Drive: Faster-Than-Light Travel (3 Light Years/day)

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