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Gemini Ascendant Campaign


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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


You know that would be great if we can do it this evening. And if I launch the server and we both login as GMs, I think you should then be able to save the campaign complete with tokens and macros on your end. Then next week or when we "get er done" you can launch the server on your end and load the campaign locally on your server. That way all you need do is some copying/duplicating to create your NPCs, and add some maps. I need to go out and get some groceries this afternoon we plan on leaving around 1430, and returning around 1700ish MST. After that I will be available.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Heh... I have incorporated Critical Success/Failure checking into the skill macros. If you roll a 3 it tells you it is a critical success, and if you roll an 18 it tells you it is a critical failure. It only checks vs the base roll not any mods, so it as per the 6E rule it is based on the "natural roll". How much you actually succeeded or failed by however does refelct mods.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


No problems, the coding is going slow anyway. The extra time will give me time to figure it out and maybe even seek help from the MT forum if needed. Though it it looking more and more like I'll need to scrap Brads macros and campaign preferences completely to make the 6E stuff work.


I have figured out If statements and nested code blocks though so now I can make text only appear IF specified parameters are met. :D

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


The other was a wierd math glitch in the new HD' date=' but was affecting the cost in your conversion and the HDC you posted. In the Systems Operation skill you put in a custom adder and changed the text to prompt me to enter the category. Systems Operations is a 3 point skill. Your custom adder was set to 2, which should have made the cost 5 (base 3 plus the custom adder of 2), but instead the adder overrode the skill cost and it was added to the sheet for a total cost of 2. On other skills and items where custom adders are applied they add or subtract from the real cost, they don;t override it. I unchecked the custom adder, and appended my category choice to the System Operations text line, it automatically raised the cost from 2 back to 3.[/quote']


Um - No.


When buying things in Categories, and skills with multiple catgories the Category Cost overrides and becomes the Base Cost.


Systems Operations: Sensors = 2 points.

Systems Operations: Sensors, Communications = 4 points.

Systems Operations: All Four Categories Defined In This Campaign: 8 Points.


When you break down a Skill into Sub Categories it is no longer a 3/2 Skill in 6E (see Forgery and Gambling for examples).


I would put the Adder back on to keep the game consistent. The whole Skill discussion started because everyone had similar skills with points and assumptions all over the place.


I went over the Skill list with Nolgroth to nail it down and keep it down. Make it easy on the GM.


One of the reasons I used the Power Skill and not KS or SS for Instructor and Research is that if you ever take Scholar or Scientist (as unlikely as that is) they don't get wrapped up into that by accident.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Ok good points all... What threw me about the Systems Operations was that there were no sub categories listed under adders like there are under Survival for instance. The only thing there was the Custom Adder that you had added. I have used custom adders many time before to adjust a cost for some things to match the book writeups, but I had never seen it actually override the base cost and become the new base cost. I had indeed seen where if you bought enough sub-sub-categories that the selections overrode and you were only charged the sub category cost instead of the cumulative sub-sub cost. But if I should put the custom adder back in thats indeed what I will do, as it actually saves me a point in the long run.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Unfortunately the base 6E Sys Op is a straight skill. A disappointing discovery, but a part of essentially starting from scratch with a new Edition. Hopefully 6E Star Hero will drop them all back in and we won't have to use Custom Adders - but that's a ways off into the future.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Is there a Kahla Martial Art formalized yet?


Ta has a custom maneuver of +2 OCV, +2 DCV, +2Damage Classes which is a 6 Point Maneuver, and per the rules in UMA takes too many elements.


If Nolgroth is cool with it, I'll make sure it's added in - but Ta has it costed at 4 Points which is undercosted for what it should be.


At this point I'm going over the design elements of Ta'Rang and taking another look at the Changling Species Package, as 80 Points is a hefty sum. I should have a look at conversions and such posted tonight, though I have some design things to look through and see how it fits together as Rules As Written.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


Is there a Kahla Martial Art formalized yet?
Not yet. Was going to work at it this last weekend but had unexpected family guests. Spent the weekend NOT doing game-related stuff.


Ta has a custom maneuver of +2 OCV, +2 DCV, +2Damage Classes which is a 6 Point Maneuver, and per the rules in UMA takes too many elements.
First instinct, reduce the DC. My next question is what is the special effect of the move? Would some limiting element be appropriate to offset the cost?
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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


It's labeled Swift Strike. My first instinct is a Swift Strike.


There is one maneuver already created that has a similar aspect, but it has a Limiting Element of "Must Follow Block" - Counterstrike Maneuver.


Fast Strike is a +2 OCV +2 DC Maneuver for 4 Points.

Swift Strike could be built as +2 OCV, +1 DCV, +2 DC for 5 Points (a maneuver combo that is not already in the system).

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


OK, Finally - Ta ' Rang. Tricky one this one actually. The HD File had was built kind of weirdly and it took me a minute and a second look to find out what was going on. So, a few shifts and changes to Ta here. Using the new Racial Template for his species and clan, I had a few tricks to employ to save a little bit of work.



VAL	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
19	STR	8	13-	HTH Damage 3 1/2d6  END [3]
20	DEX	20	13-
16	CON	4	12-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 14-
11	EGO	1	11-
13	PRE	3	12-	PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
7	OCV	20
7	DCV	20
4	OMCV	3
4	DMCV	3
4	SPD	20	Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	PD	4	6 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	3	5 ED (0 rED)
8	REC	4
30	END	2
16	BODY	5	
34	STUN	7

Movement	Cost	Meters	Notes
RUNNING	0	12m/24m	END [1]
SWIMMING	0	4m/8m	END [1]
LEAPING	4	11m	11m forward, 5 1/2m upward

Ta ' Rang is a straight up hand to hand fighter with some "mystic" like qualities. His was the easiest to transfer to date - everything wait straight across for him. He has 11m of Leaping, he gain a 1/2 meter vertical leap due to the weird way 5E rounded a half inch of leaping.



Cost	Skills
0	1)  Acting 8-
0	2)  Conversation 8-
0	3)  High Society 8-
0	4)  Language:  Zharogian (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
0	5)  PS: Mercenary 8-
0	6)  Shadowing 8-
3	1)  Acrobatics 13-
3	2)  Breakfall 13-
3	3)  Climbing 13-
3	4)  Combat Piloting 13-
6	5)  +3 with Sniper Rifle
8	6)  +4 with Laser Pistol
3	7)  Concealment 13-
10	8)  Defense Maneuver I-IV 
5	9)  Demolitions 14-
3	10) Electronics 13-
3	11) Fast Draw 13-
3	12) Interrogation 12-
2	13) KS: Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
3	14) Mechanics 13-
3	15) Paramedics 13-
2	16) PS: Soldier 11-
5	17) Rapid Attack  (10 Active Points); Hand To Hand Attacks Only (-1)
3	18) Security Systems 13-
3	19) Stealth 13-
5	20) Streetwise 13-
2	21) Survival (Tropical) 13-
4	22) Systems Operation (Sensors) 14-
4	23) TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Spacecraft: Human, Spacecraft: Zharog
10	24) WF:  Small Arms, Human Advanced Arms, Vehicle Weapons (Human), Vehicle Weapons (Zharog), Zharog Advanced Arms
3	Computer Programming 13-
3	Deduction 13-
2	KS: Zharog History 11-
2	KS: Ancient Zharog Language 11-
1	Navigation (Space) 8-
3	Power:  Kahla Mysticism 11-
2	PS: Engineer 11-
3	Natural Athlete:+1 with Acrobatics, Breakfall, and Climbing

Again, all the changes here were mostly redefining the newly broken down Sub Categories. I chose Sensors for Ta's SysOp simply because during Combat that's his primary function is to man sensors. I moved the "Natural Athlete to here because as a "racial ability" like on the original file it seemed odd (there have to be fat, clumsy Zharog out there....).


Martial Arts, Perks, and Talents:

Cost	Martial Arts
3	1)  Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls
4	2)  Martial Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
3	3)  Basic Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike
4	4)  Shove:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 34 STR to Shove
5	5)  Swift Strike:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, Weapon  +2 DC, Strike
1	6)  Weapon Element:  Blades, Energy Blades

Cost	Perks
7	Fringe Benefit:  Concealed Weapon Permit (where appropriate), Heavy Weapon Permit, Membership: Mercenary Guild

Slight adjustment in the Martial Arts department, see above conversation on the Swift Strike Maneuver, newly rebuilt and under the Ultimate Martial Artists Guidelines now. Perks didn't change a bit. See below for rebuilt Talents.


Powers (Heroic and Racial Abilities):

Cost	Powers
Zharog Species Abilities - END=
5	1)  Natural Low Light Vision: UV Perception (Sight Group) - END=0
6	2)  Prehensile Feet: Extra Limbs  (2), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) - END=0
Rangri Clan Abilities - END=
1	1)  +1 STR - END=1
1	2)  +1 BODY - END=
2	3)  +2 CON - END=
4	4)  +2 with Climbing - END=
5	Kahla Training: Mental Defense (5 points total) - END=0
3	Observant: +1 PER with all Sense Groups - END=0
10	Berserk Fury: (Total: 33 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Aid 3d6 (18 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Only When Fighting (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Berserk In Combat, Recover 11-, Can Only Make A Recovery Roll After All Aided Points Fade; -1/2), Can Only Be Used Once Per Combat (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) plus Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Stun Only (-1/2), Only When Fighting (-1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Berserk In Combat, Recover 11-, Can Only Make A Recovery Roll After All Aided Points Fade; -1/2), Linked (Aid; Stops Working When Aid Fades Completely; -1/2) (Real Cost: 5) - END=2
8	Combat Shooting: +5 with Firearms (25 Active Points); Only To Prevent Hitting Non-Enemies When Firing Into Combat (-2)

Alright, changes here - first the Zharog Racial Template, I added Prehensile Feet in there Nol, because I think it was an omission? If not I'll remove it.

Rangri Clan Abilities - these are here just to make working in Hero Designer easier. Bonuses to Characteristics raise the Characteristic Norm, and buying Characteristics as Powers doesn't trip Hero Designers Double Cost threshold, so they are listed here and not with Characteristics just to work in the program and no other reason. Make a note to add these numbers to the appropriate Characteristic on your Maptools Token (Ta's STR is really 19, not 18 for example).

I moved Mental Defense to Kahla Training as the original file listed it as a Racial Trait, and it seems to fit here more. Same with the Perception Bonus.

Beserky Fury and Combat Shooting: I rebuilt these two Talents under 6E Rules, Turns out Berserk Fury costs 6 points less in 6E (due to Self Only going to -1 from -1/2). Combat Shooting didn't change in price at all (due to how 5E required the 5Point Level for Limitations anyways, and under 6E "Firearms" is a Large Group).



Value	Complications
15	Physical Complication:  -2 Sight Perception in Normal Light; -4 Perception in Bright Light (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)
10	Vulnerability:  2 x Effect Sight Flashes (Uncommon)
25	Hunted:  Dar'Gredick Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
31	6E Conversion Bump

Ta comes with 25 Points in Complications due to Racial Abilities already - half the Campaign alottment. However, that wasn't too much of an issue as Ta has really had a single laser focusing element throughout the entire campaign: Dar'Gredick. As they each hunt each other this Hunted really goes both ways.

Ta cost an additional 31 Points under Sixth Edition Rules.


Thoughts on Ta ' Rang:

Ta has only one skill above the 15- soft cap, Climbing (which he can bring to a 16- between Skill Levels and Racial Abilities). The rest of them come in around 13 to 14-. And Ta has a fairly wide range of skills to bring to the group.

However Ta can bring an impressive 11 OCV to bear with Laser Pistols and a 10 OCV with a Sniper Rifle. Nothing to shy away from.


Base Points: 125

Matching Complications: 50 (+31 for 6E Conversion)

Expepirience: 126 (Unspent: 1)

Total Points: 331


I'm fiddling with the Changling Template, it really is a bit expensive so I'll repost that and a newly converted Caspar next. Then finally Killian and Micah are last up.

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Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign


I may be out in left field here, but If I am rememebring correctly, when we were looking to create the original Khala Attiag martial art, we based it on a mix of the Kenjustu martial art from UMA, and the Ulronai-Chitheru art from Turakian Age. Having said that, I agree that +2 OCV, +2 DCV, and +2 DCs is a bit much for a single manuever.

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