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Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Nice Work Von D. One thing of note about Chewie. His claws should also give him a bonus for climbing trees' date=' as this is what the wookies use them for. The wookies have a code of honor that does not allow them to atually use their claws in combat. I was informed this years ago when I played a wookie in the original version of the Star Wars rpg.[/quote']


You're right, of course, but its Expanded Universe material, which, with a few narrow exceptions, I'm ignoring.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Kenobi us up HERE.


Obi Wan Kenobi (Canon)


"May the Force be with you, always." --Obi Wan kenobi


A dedicated and legendary Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi had a long and tumultuous career that helped shape the fate of the entire galaxy. As a General in the Clone Wars, Kenobi served the Old Republic heroically on numerous historic battlefronts. Despite his misgivings, he became a seasoned starfighter pilot and General, though many times Kenobi was able to cease hostilities without the raising of a single blaster. During these troubles ascended to the rank of Jedi Master, and occupied a position on the Jedi Council.


As the Jedi were wiped out in Palpatine's machinaions, Obi-Wan went into hiding on Tatooine. He would stay there for decades, adopting the name of Ben. The locals generally regarded him as a "crazy old hermit," and gave the eccentric old man a wide berth. During this time of isolation, Kenobi's understanding of the Force became more inimate. spent years communing with the Force.


During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Leia Organa secured plans to the Empire's most diabolical weapon -- the Death Star. Her mission was to contact Obi-Wan Kenobi, and bring both Kenobi and the plans to her adoptive father on Alderaan. Captured by the Imperial agents, Leia was unable to complete either goal. She instead placed the plans into the memory systems of an R2 unit, and dispatched the droid to Tatooine. The droid R2-D2 and his companion C-3PO came into the ownership of Owen Lars. R2-D2 was adamant in continuing his mission of getting the plans to Kenobi, and fled the Lars Homestead. When Luke Skywalker pursued the little droid, he came face to face with Obi-Wan.


Obi-Wan explained to Luke about his father, though the Jedi didn't reveal the whole truth to the lad. Uncertain that Luke would be ready for the burden, Kenobi explained to him that Anakin Skywalker was an amazing pilot, a great warrior and a good friend. Obi-Wan attributed Anakin's death to a rogue pupil of his, Darth Vader, who betrayed and murdered Anakin. Since, Kenobi reasoned, Anakin ceased to be upon the emergence of Vader, what he told Luke was true, from a certain point of view. Obi-Wan even gave Luke a gift from his father: Anakin Skywalker's blue-bladed lightsaber. Thus began Luke's journey into the world of the Jedi.


Obi-Wan tried to train Luke as much as he could in their short time together. As testament to the desperation of these dark times, Kenobi knew full well that Skywalker would never have been trained in the old days of the Jedi. He was far too old to begin training. Nonetheless, Kenobi saw a chance to redeem his fallen pupil through Luke.


Having taken the mission to rescue Princess Leia from the Empire, Obi-Wan and Luke hired Han Solo's Millennium Falcon as transportation to Alderaan. During the trip, Kenobi began Luke's lightsaber training. The brief session was cut short as the Falcon emerged from hyperspace to find Alderaan destroyed by the Death Star.


The tramp freighter was captured by the Empire and taken aboard the Death Star. Once aboard, it was Kenobi's mission to disable the tractor beam terminal responsible for holding the ship. Kenobi did so, carefully sneaking through the labyrinthine corridors of the battle station. Though his skill in the Force kept his presence a secret from stormtroopers and Imperial officers, but it only served to draw the attention of Darth Vader.

The Dark Lord confronted Kenobi as the Jedi was returning to the Falcon. After decades of delay, Vader finally squared off against his former master. As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself, allowing himself to be killed. The Dark Lord struck the Jedi down, and Kenobi became one with the Force. He left behind no body, just empty robes and his lightsaber.


Kenobi's death strengthened Skywalker's resolve to serve both the Rebellion and the Force. At times of great trial, Kenobi's voice would reach out to Luke, offering counsel. Later, the spectral form of Kenobi would appear to Luke. The ghost-like image advised young Skywalker to venture to Dagobah, where he could complete his training under the guidance of Yoda.


Later, Kenobi appeared to Luke and revealed the truth of his lineage. Though Kenobi felt that the dark side could only be defeated by bringing about the deaths of Anakin and the Emperor, Luke strongly believed that his father still had good in him. Luke set out to turn Anakin away from the dark side and succeeded, though at a great price. Anakin suffered grievous wounds in his final battle, and died having returned to the light. His spectral form joined that of Kenobi and Yoda during the Rebel's celebration of the Empire's defeat.

Mechanical Notes


Characteristics: ST 10 DX 20 CN 15 BY 13 IN 17 EG 23 PR 18 CM 12 PD 4 ED 4 SP 4 RC 6 EN 30 ST 25


Powers: The Force Is Strong In This One: 5d6; Force Skill 24-; +2 Levels "Feel Powers"; +12 PSL: Force Skill Pens; Force Powers: Feel the Force IV; Feel Health; Feel Life; Battlemind IV; Guide My Actions; Farseeing 3; Search Your Feelings; Telekinesis III; Force Pull-Push; Force Disarm; Force Resist; Force Fall III; Call Lightsaber; Force Wave; Awareness IV; Breath Control IV; Burst of Speed IV; Force Trance IV; Force Heal III; Force Valor IV; Force Rage IV; Feel Emotions; Read Thoughts; Hide Thoughts III; Telepathy; Jedi Mind Trick IV; Did You Hear That IV; Saber Control; Saber Defense III; Blaster Defense III; Aggressive Negotiations II.


Perks: Reputation: "Great Jedi Knight, Clone Wars General" +3/+3d6; Rank: General (Old Republic); Status: Jedi Master.


Skills: +2 Levels All Combat; +6 Levels: Lightsaber; +8 PSL versus Missile Deflection Penalties; Defense Manuever III; Rapid Attack (HTH); Lightsaber Combat (24 Points Maneuvers); AK: The Galaxy 8-; AK: Tatooine 8-; AK: Corsucant 8-; AK: Geonosis 8-; Acrobatics 12-; Breakfall 12-; Computer Programming 8-; Climbing 12-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 8-; Climbing 12-; Combat Driving 12-; Combat Pilot 12-; CuK: Outer Rim Culture 8-; CuK: Old Republic Culture 8-; Deduction 8-; High Society 13-; KS: Jedi Lore 16-; KS: Old Republic 11-; KS: Starfighters 8-; KS: Sagely Advice 11-; LS: Basic (Idiomatic); Oratory 17-; PS: Jedi Knight 14-; PS: Starfighter Pilot 11-; PS: General 11-; PS: Diplomat 11-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 8-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; Streetwise 13-; Systems Operation 12-; TF: Landspeeders, Airspeeders, Starfighters, Starships; WF: Lightsaber, Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons.


Disadvantages: Hunted: The Empire 14- (More); Psychological: True Believing Jedi (Common, Total); Psychological: Feeelings of Regret for Past Failures (Common, Strong); Distinctive: Jedi Robes; Distinctive: Distinguished Old Man. Distinctive Feature: "Bloody Aweful Lines."


Equipment: Jedi Robes, Lightsaber, Copy of Hamlet.




In the original films, Obi-Wan Kenobi only played a major role in Episode IV with cameos in Episodes V and VI. And yet, his shadow reaches across the whole trilogy to such an extent that his position as a central character in Episode's I-III was secured beyond the shadow of a doubt. It is through Kenobi that the broad brush-strokes of the Star Wars' universe is defined for us. It is from Kenobi that we are introduced to the Force, the Jedi, and receive a thumbnail of what came before - the fall of the Old Republic and Jedi, and the rise of the Empire. He is also the one who introduces the underlying philosophy of the films, which is later expanded by Yoda. In a sense, Kenobi is the meta-author of A New Hope - and of Star War's as a whole.


When we meet Kenobi in A New Hope he is already an old man, and this write-up is intended to reflect that incarnation. Kenobi in the prequels, which see him rise from a plucky young apprentice, to Jedi Knight, to newly minted Jedi Master and General, would require three additional write-ups. His physical stats would be higher, but his Force Skills and Jedi Lore would be lower. His DEX is 20 because the script for A New Hope refers to him as using "Amazing Dexterity" in the cantina scene. As a note: Kenobi becomes a spirit at the end of A New Hope. This power is not included in the Force Powers and is treated as a plot device because, when this occured, Kenobi himself became a plot device (and Luke Skywalker, the central character of Episodes IV-VI has him as a "spirit contact.")


The "Copy of Hamlet" is a facetious reference to Sir Alec Guiness' dismay at what he perceived as the obsessive and out-of-touch-with-reality fan following Star Wars generated. Indeed, he took the role of Kenobi on a lark between other projects, and did not relate to the script or the character he was playing (and was nominated for best supporting actor despite it!). It was at his request that Kenobi was killed in A New Hope in order to limit his future involvement with the project - stating he could not stand saying those "bloody aweful lines." Despite his dislike for the project he did not reveal his feelings during the filming of the project, and George Lucas, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher all praised him for his gentlemanly conduct and professionalism. In fact, Lucas credited him with inspiring his fellow cast members to work harder; and that he was insturmental in helping complete the filming of the original trilogy. He is also said to have helped Harrison Ford find an apartment when the project was shooting in England.


Personally, I've always felt for Alec Guiness' plight. For all of his achievements in cinema and theater - he had a long and critically acclaimed stage career as a Shakesperean actor, won an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in "A Bridge Over the River Kwai," was Knighted for his contribution to the arts, and has a star on the Hollywood Boardwalk - he was, among Star Wars fans, only known as Kenobi. Many Star Wars fans never twigged who he was or why it was a big deal he appeared in the first film at all, which led him to say that he "shrivelled up" whenever he heard "Star Wars" mentioned. On one occassion, he was heard to complain: "I played Hamlet!"


Sir Alec Guiness was an amazing actor with a wide range and a an impressive career, and the dignity and presence he brought to those "bloody aweful lines" was a critical component in making the franchise success. He died in 2000 at 86.


"I don't know what else I could do but pretend to be an actor." --Sir Alec Guiness


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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Obi Wan Kenobi (Canon)


"May the Force be with you, always." --Obi Wan kenobi


The "Copy of Hamlet" is a facetious reference to Sir Alec Guiness' dismay at what he perceived as the obsessive and out-of-touch-with-reality fan following Star Wars generated.

In fact, despite the fact that it's clearly a fan-film of Star Trek, I always thought that the character of Alexander Dane/Doctor Lazarus (played by Alan Rickman) in GalaxyQuest fit Sir Alec Guiness far better than it did Leonard Nimoy.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: /bump


Will you be doing any more write-ups? And were you doing these for a game you plan on running or just to fulfil a curiousity/desire you had?


I have been murderously busy. I do want to do a few more, but don't know when it will happen. These were just me getting my gaming juices out. I have no local gaming outlet.

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