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Daler Mehndi: Pop Sensation and Elemental Warrior


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Who is Daler Mehndi?


Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daler_Mehndi

Why the heck did I make him a Superhero? Blame Susano for showing me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo


Okay, the backstory will take longer, so here are the .hdc sheets in the meantime.


EDIT: And the incantation? "Tunak Tunak,Tunak Tunak, Tunak Tunak, tun-Da Da Da!" The gesture? Air Sitar of course.

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Re: Daler Mehndi: Pop Sensation and Elemental Warrior


Background: In 2004, Daler Mehndi was riding high on the release of his eighth album. He was a star in wide demand in Bollywood, and his philanthropic Green Drive was progessing well. He had everything a man could ask for: Fame, fortune, and family. There had been hard times, but he had perservered through thick and thin.


While touring for his new album, the inexplicable happened. There was no way Daler could have known that his concert was being used by DEMON as the focal point for a ritual. No way he could have known that the forces summoned would slay all of those present and open a hole for the Kings of Edom. And of course, no way he could stop it. As he blazed through "Tunak Tunak Tun", he felt something was amiss, and felt a pull at his very essence as the sky split and the forces of nature came ripping down to destroy those gathered to see him. In an act of desperation, he called out "Take me instead!"


And surprisingly, they did.


The four elements warred in his body, seeking to obliterate him entirely from existance. But Daler had created himself and reinvented himself through his own will before. It had been the mere creation of a pop identity, but he understood his sense of self very well. As the elements warred, Daler gathered them inside of him. Gradually they subsided, and an energized Daler finished the concert amidst a growing belief that it had all been part of the act.


After the concert however, Daler knew he had been changed forever. He knew that he had managed to channel those elements into him, to make them part of him. Strangely, he couldn't seem to do anything with them, but he felt them lurking none the less.


Daler immediately cancelled his future concerts and retreated into seclusion to get a handle on these new abilities. It took time, but eventually he was able to harness the powers of the elements to his will. He still could not manifest the powers, but in part, he could do something better. When he invoked the refrain from "Tunak Tunak Tun", and gestured as if playing a Sitar, he was able to split his consciousness amongst the four elemental beings, releasing them to do his will.


Another man might have seen this as a chance to grab ultimate power, but Daler saw it as a chance to help his fellow man even more. He became India's newest hero, and his new album, "Elemental Warrior" is due out soon.


Powers: Daler Mehndi can create 4 duplicates of himself, each one possessing a strong suite of elemental powers. When he releases these duplicates, he becomes insubstantial and invisible to all but the most esoteric of senses. In large part, he becomes the spirit guiding his elemental warriors as they go forth on their missions.


Identifying Quote: "Tunak Tunak,Tunak Tunak, Tunak Tunak, tun-Da Da Da!"

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Re: Daler Mehndi: Pop Sensation and Elemental Warrior


Now, now. You can't tell me that being able to show your players that video, then whipping out those sheets, wouldn't give them all a moment of pause. Do it once, then mention that you've been thinking about making Devo a bunch of weapon masters.

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