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I eat my Cheerios stealthfully!


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Re: I eat my Cheerios stealthfully!


I was once running a Star Wars (West End Games, D6 system) game, and one of my players had more luck with dice than should be humanly possible. Well, the group was in a modified tramp freighter, and they were ambushed by an Imperial Star Destroyer. Lucky-Dice-Girl decides to man the Ion cannon. 4D6 starfighter-scale ion cannon vs. 6D6 capitol-scale shields. For those of you unfamiliar with this system, that meant that the Star Destroyer got an extra 4D6 on its resisitance roll. One die on every role was a "luck die." If the luck die came up 1, something bad happened. If it came up 6, the player could re-roll and add the new number into the total. If the luck die came up 6 again, you roll it again. Keep rolling until the luck die came up something other than 6. She completely shut down the Star Destroyer. It was floating dead in space. The PCs got the heck out of Dodge.

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Re: I eat my Cheerios stealthfully!


Back in my RuneQuest days I had my million sided die. 6 d10's, red through violet. If a player wanted their character to attempt something that I thought was less than a million to one chance, i would hand them the million sided die. Most would hand it back without rolling, and try something else. One player would roll every time. And he got all zeroes (sucess), twice in the course of about four years of play.

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Re: I eat my Cheerios stealthfully!


It's not so much a single spectacular (or atrocious) roll, but there's one player in my Milwaukee Masks campaign who... well, let's just say that there's a new verb in that game: Squicking the roll.


From his first combat on, Squick has had the most incredible luck with largely useless/unimportant things. Investigations - he'll make his PS: Doctor roll by 14 or so when seeing how his day went, but you *really* don't want to ask him to roll his Contacts too often. Activation rolls on his powers - which they all have? Until he finally broke down and shelled out experience to bring his Power skill up to a 23- or so, it would take him something like 6 rounds to activate his powers.


But the powers that he didn't need yet, but was activating in case he did, those would go off the first time.


And in fights... ah, Lordy, that's where we dubbed it squicking a roll.


You see... he's got this strange condition, it seems. Hero Central's die roller will give him the *most* atrocious hit rolls you could imagine. He's got an OCV somewhere between 8 and 10, depending on maneuvers and levels. He routinely manages attack rolls that means he *might* be able to hit the targets if somebody else were to grab them and hold them still for him (hitting DCV's of 4-6, if he's lucky.)


But, at the same time, he will manage damage rolls that, if they would just *hit*, would end the darned fights in one blow - and this is the team's Metamorph smacking Bricks around.


Eventually, the laws of probability work out in his favor and he manages to connect - usually sending his opponent into the stratosphere - but it gets amusing watching and wondering just how long it'll take.

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