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Making Spellcasters More Fun


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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


Are we reading the same boards? Most people here, in my experience, find that limited spells per day is horribly arbitrary, and contrary to the source material (except, I suppose, for a Dying Earth game).


But no, I've never thought much about a new magic system for D&D, since I've never looked back at level-based systems after moving out from them. I'd be interested in seeing some ideas though. Just a curiosity thing.


Hmm...it's the impression I've gotten, but maybe I need to go back and look at some of those posts again...


I'll also note, that the Turakian Magic System doesn't have a spells per day limitation...which is nice...

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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


Actually, with the current rulebooks, Andy Collins seems to be moving d20 toward this already....-snip-


They get cool things to do, but don't have the "I ran out of spells, we've got to rest, don't care that nobody else got to do anything, I need to rest" thing that currently goes on.







Wow, I hadn't noticed. Ever since I started getting into Hero System, I haven't been keeping up with d20 book purchases. But I think that's very cool. I like the idea of wizards having something *wizardly* to do every round/phase.

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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


I like the basic premise of Disciplines and Spells.



You could have a number of Disciplines equal to EGO/5 or (Magic Skill/2 - 4), depending on what your goal is. Disciplines could not take the Spell or RSR limitations, or charges, and may be bought at 0 END.


Spells either must use an END Reserve that recovers on a daily basis, or charges, depending on the feel of your system, and other limitations as appropriate.


To balance with non-spellcasters and the free points they get from weapons or armor, a GM could set up a static bonus for classic wizard items.





Awesome! You are repped!

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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


As a follow-up to have limited spells per day every spell would have to take the charges limitation with a maximum of 6 charges per day.


Base Maximum Active Points in Spell: EGO+5

Multiplier based on Magic Skill: 8- x1, 11- x2, 14- x3, 17- x4, 20- x6, 23- x8

Maximum Charges for a Spell: Max Active Points/Active Points


So a caster with a 14- skill, 15 EGO, could have up to 60 active point spells. He could specify 6 charges on a 10 Active Point spell, 4 on 15, 3 on 20, 2 on 30, and 1 on 60.


That doesn't mean he can have only 1 60 active point spell, just that any 60 active point spell he has can only have 1 charge.


Along with guidelines on 5ER 114, Must Use at Full Power -1/4 would not be inappropriate.


Yes, I think that would do it.

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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


I removed the concept of spells working flawlessly and repeatedly (i.e. the flick the switch and the lightbulb always turn on paradigm). There is always an animus force in magic which is very capricious and somewhat playful.


Although their spells still work with the same regularity as their magic roll allows, they seem much more appreciative that the spells work and when they don't work, it is very entertaining to see how someone else's spell fails.


Some examples:

Orc throwing axe enchanted to return to sender sometimes hits the enemy from surprise in the back.


Fire surpression wand fails, loses all its charges, and it starts to rain heavily.


A spell to grant dragonian wings also grants dragonian temperament.

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Re: Making Spellcasters More Fun


One of my later d20 to HERO migration articles is going to cover magic, and I may very well bring this conversation up, as I've had it and very many like it before. When I came over to HERO I was utterly intent on keeping the model intact (as the same model is also found in Final Fantasy & Final Fantasy III).


However, I personally would build a system much closer to Materia, allowing each PC to purchase various Materia, and then build them up over time (Final Fantasy VII). I also liked the unique feel of the Draw System from Final Fantasy VIII, but it was a PIA because of that design and its overall implementation.


I'd have to get further in FF IX to understand it, but point being. There's way more to it than the classic d20 model.

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