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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


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You might be saying to yourself, "Whaaa???". As will become clear in a few lines, I am a fan of PA gaming, and more specifically have thoroughly enjoyed STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl (follow the link for the video game guide and setting background). I have played the game through twice (since there are 7 different endings), and have "beat" the game (and learned the secrets of the zone). If you are a fan of PA and enjoy FPS, you really owe it to yourself to play the game. It has its issues, to be sure, but it is an amazing world and hopefully a shadow (heh) of things to come with a merging of FPS and RPG elements.


THAT said, I want more. Specifically, I want it in Hero so I can take it whatever direction I want. Goaded by one of my friends (and fellow S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s) I was consumed to finish the setting info to a playable level.


I wanted to make an American twist on the setting, but stick to all of the elements in the game, including the type of geography and location. I was struck by the idea of Oak Ridge, TN. A modern boomtown built in support of, essentially, a super science facility - not all that different from the relationship between Pripyat and Chernobyl.


As luck would have it, Gooogle released My Maps and I went to town.


What is Completed?

1. The map of the region and detail of the key factions. I have put a fair amount of info into each of the regions. It is not as easy to read as printed page, but it is more contextual. If you are interested, read each of the entries to get the full story. If you have played the game, it will make a lot more sense, but I think the overview should get you grounded enough.


2. The equipment list. Fundamentally, STALKER is a game of treasure hunting. You start out with next to nothing, strive to survive, and trade your way to a better lifestyle (such as you can have in the zone). As the game unfolds and you begin to learn its secrets you can adopt a grander plot, but at its basic level the game is run-and-gun, find/trade goods, and have adventure along the way. The economics should map to the original game, although it is now in dollars.


3. HeroDesigner Prefab of all equipment, including guns, armor, food, and artifacts. If it was in the video game, it's in there with one caveat: all of the weapons are Americanized, and I added a few here and there. For each "level" or "quality" of weapon in the original, there is the same here.


You should be able to take this, create some 100pt characters, give them about $300 in equipment, and head on out.


Artifacts are also detailed (follow the link for an overview of the originals), and I stuck to the originals. I have some ideas for some new ones, but the beauty of artifacts is that they are the "magic items" of the zone. In the equipment listing they show the point cost of the artifact - I build them as Independent and then players that want them can pay points to "bond" with them. Once bonded, they never get those points back, but if they lose/sell the item they still can use those points to bond to another artifact. If you don't like that, and want to keep it cash only, it's all there and the pricing is as balanced as the original game was. Obviously, radiation is challenging to game in Hero, but I came up with a solution that seems to work, starting by declaring the radiation EDR (extra dimensional radiation) which allowed me to still have a radiation type effect, but to game/stat it out a little less realistically than actual radiation exposure.


I hope you enjoy this. I will be running an event Saturday Night at GenCon for this and handing out copies of the gear and such. Stop on by, chat a little, game if you can.


Please, post any questions you have. Any requests or updates, errors spotted, and so on I will respond to as I can and provide updates.


For those who haven't played the game and enjoy PA gaming, I hope I have provided enough context to make this material understandable.


Notes on Trading

Trading is all about having the right contacts. My intent was to represent equipment rarity based on the level of trading contact you have and using the contact roll to determine if a piece of equipment is available. That is the reasoning behind having basic, standard, expert, elite, and advanced elite equipment rarities (and rare steps of each). If you are trying to find an expert piece of equipment at your standard contact, you will roll at -6. If the equipment is appropriate for the level of contact but rare then it is at -3 (hence categories such as standard, rare). Each step down in rarity (e.g. checking if an expert trader has standard equipment) each step (including the interim 'rare' steps) is +1, so an expert trader would have standard gear at a +2.


No players can start with a trading contact, but they should know where one is. My intent was to only allow points earned while on errands/missions for contacts to be spent on that specific contact. It's about building relationships, and for such missions I would probably just award the contact (or a bonus) as the "xp" for the session.


If you play the game, you'll see what I mean. The computer just isn't as capable of nuance as a full RPG session and I think that some of the things you do in the game, or are hinted at, could be fully fleshed out.


I look forward to your comments.


NOTE: Fixed missing STR mins

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


Updated the files to basically their final state (at least as much as I need to run my event at GenCon). Some minor errors were fixed, plus the glaring error of omitting Binoculars from the equipment list.


Made .22 Reduced Pen because, well, that just seems right.


As an aside, the equipment list pdf is generated straight from HD (well, the rtf is, THEN the pdf, but whatever).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


Wow, completely amazing! I was actually thinking of doing the same thing, but more of a literal translation of the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game since I love the "exotic-ness" of all the Russian equipment.


The Google My Maps was genius, very very nice work. Definitely bookmarking this thread :)

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


Thank you. I like the Russian setting (and actually enjoyed the Russian dialog), but I thought it might be fun to localize it.


I built the guns with the original game in mind, so if it were Russian equipment I'd just change the names.


If you play, let me know how the artifact approach works out. If you are GenCon, stop by my game.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


Sadly won't be at GenCon as work is keeping me too busy these days. The only conventions I have time for are ones the company is paying for >.<


I'd love to give your setting a try, but just started a 4-shot historical dark fantasy game (yay Vikings!) and scheduled to be playing a High Fantasy game. At least both are in HERO and not in D20 :P. I definitely foresee PA - and specifically S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in my near [gaming] future though ;)


Totally understand why you moved the setting to the U.S., the cultural familiarity makes the game hit that much closer to home and helps players become engaged quicker - very valuable for a convention setting. Good luck and best wishes for fun at GenCon - and thanks once again for your awesome work.



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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Oak Ridge (PA Hero)


mudpyr8...oddly enough while Gen Con is going on my friends and I are going to be throwing a mini-con (http://www.choppacon.com/choppa) here in the SF Bay Area up north in Fairfax. I was planning on GM'ing a HERO game and thought to myself..."now what short campaign should I run?"


Well that was a silly question. There's a damn good one right here ;)


Would you mind terribly if I liberally used a lot of your materials? I'll probably rewrite some of the equipment as I'm using the "equal damage" rules for weapons from FH (pg. 177 or sommat) to simplify things, but the map is just rawrsome as is much of the other gear in your PDF.


Just wanted to run the idea by you; naturally all credit will go where it is due. If you feel the need to discuss further feel free to PM me or just shoot a mail over to counterveil-at-gmail-dot-com.




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