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Char rolls & SKill bases


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Hello ,


I'm a bit surprised that low stats give average Char rolls & Skill bases (i guess this is a very classic critic)

So i wonder if there would be any trouble by saying, for instance, that a char roll or a skill basecan not be higher than the corresponding char.

(eg. char 8 => 8- ; char 5=>5- ; char 3 => 3-, etc...)


OR any variation of this simple idea, for instance, -1/ 2 pt below 9 :


-2 => 4-

-1 => 4-

0 => 5-

1 => 5-

2 => 6-

3 => 6-

4 => 7-

5 => 7-

6 => 8-

7 => 8-

8 => 9-


Do you think this kind of modification could be appropriate to HERO ? :help:




1. I'm new to HERO.

2. Excuse my bad english.

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


i've recently bought Ultimate Skill (and the main Hero book, and a lot of other Hero books :celebrate)


maybe i'm wrong but it seems that Ultimate Skill discusses about altering the base number (9), the char divider or the skill rank cost but each of this alterations seems to bring new problems. I didn't see the kind of modification i spoke about. (and i also speak about Char rolls)


simply, do you think that saying that "Char rolls can not be higher than the corresponding characteristic" could bring probability/unbalacing troubles in this system ?

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


One of the reasons is that Familiarity is 8-


So the base is one over that: 9.

And then you add your CHAR/5. In the case of normals who have an 8 that becomes a roll of 11.

If you have a CHAR of 3-7 that becomes a Skill Roll of 10-

If you have a CHAR of 1-2 that becomes a SKill Roll of 9-

Then Familiarity at 8-


So if you're imposing a penalty for having a low Characteristic Score in a given skill you are putting the Character below the 8- Familiarity. Which means more points is getting them less skilled.


Basically, low Characteristics already get penalized. 3pts for a 10- on a Skill Roll isn't all that spiffy. Heck 2pts in a Background Skill is already higher than your Base CHAR Skill Rolls.

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


i think i must reformulate :


Please forget 100% of what i've previously said.


I fact i'm worrying about the effectiveness of HERO simulating small scales.


I'm coming form games like Gurps, Rolemaster, Chivalry & Sorcery, etc where power scales are rather small and i must say i'm used to gamemastering low power campaigns.


At the other end of the spectrum there are nice systems like Blood of Heroes (this system is really amazing) but i don't like super heroes campaigns very much. I prefer gritty survival.



I'd like to use HERO mainly for

- modern horror settings (from Ghostbusters to Lovecraft's mythos)

- hard SF settings (much closer to Traveller than Star Wars)

- post apocalyptic settings (Post-Apocalyptic Hero ? sweeeeet....)

- mercenaries (Jagged Alliance like)


but i wonder: does it make sense ? Is HERO precise enough for this typically human small scales settings ?

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


I'd like to use HERO mainly for

- modern horror settings (from Ghostbusters to Lovecraft's mythos)

- hard SF settings (much closer to Traveller than Star Wars)

- post apocalyptic settings (Post-Apocalyptic Hero ? sweeeeet....)

- mercenaries (Jagged Alliance like)


but i wonder: does it make sense ? Is HERO precise enough for this typically human small scales settings ?


It absolutely is. I prefer Heroic level games actually.


In the base rules your typical Skill Rolls will fall around 11-14.

Which is, by itself, a decent chance of success. When you start adding in Skill Levels and Modifiers it can start to vary widely.


I suggest, if you want realistic, you look into heavily using the Skill Modifiers listed for each skill in The Ultimate Skill.


Now, if you want to alter things to create a larger spread TUS has a few suggestions. One is modifying how you get the Skill Roll, change the 9+CHAR/5 to something else.


If you want typically lower Skill Rolls raise it to 9+CHAR/6 or such. Thus they need at least a 15 in a stat to get to a 12- Base Skill Roll.


Even without modifying I think you'll find Hero does the low end just fine.

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


i've recently bought Ultimate Skill (and the main Hero book, and a lot of other Hero books :celebrate)


maybe i'm wrong but it seems that Ultimate Skill discusses about altering the base number (9), the char divider or the skill rank cost but each of this alterations seems to bring new problems. I didn't see the kind of modification i spoke about. (and i also speak about Char rolls)


simply, do you think that saying that "Char rolls can not be higher than the corresponding characteristic" could bring probability/unbalacing troubles in this system ?


Um...the problem I see is it adds fuel to "Stat inflation", which can cause serious problems of it's own.....

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Re: Char rolls & SKill bases


One thing about granularity in Hero is that it's as much in what Skill you buy vs the Skill Roll.


KS: Magic vs KS: Black Magic.


GM: Ok, you're sure that the tomb is covered in a black magic spell.

MagicSkillGuy: I'll try and determine what kind so I can counter it (KS: Magic at 15-, rolls a 10, makes it by 5)

GM: It's a necromatic ward, but you can't tell what kind exactly.

BlackMagicSkillGuy: I'd like to take a look (KS: Black Magic 13-, rolls a 10, makes it by 3)

GM: It's a third order Bone Cage spell.


The difference is the guy who was specialized in the specific kind knows much more at the default (doesn't need to roll to know it kind of stuff) so his roll always gets him much more information than someone with just broad knowledge.


Ultimate Skill covers this extensively under the Knowledge Skill section.

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