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Laptops, Handys, Morse Codes And General Equipment Question


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During my last game sessions, I encountered several questions:

1. How do I "build" a laptop computer according to the rules? I am no computer expert, so could somebody maybe give me the statistics and Powers?

2. Just how exactly does a handy work? How would I have to build it according to the rules?

3. My characters communicated by headset radios using morse codes. Two are ex-soldiers, one is a former spy. Should I assume that morse codes are a part of their military/espionage training (they have appropriate Professional Skills), or is it a separate Knowledge Skill?

4. For surveillance, the characters bought some monoculars. Should I really force them to pay the points for them?


On a sidenote: Just how firm are you guys out there concernig equipment costs for your superheroes?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Laptops, Handys, Morse Codes And General Equipment Question


Originally posted by Brick

During my last game sessions, I encountered several questions:

1. How do I "build" a laptop computer according to the rules? I am no computer expert, so could somebody maybe give me the statistics and Powers?


Pretty much build it like a computer. For programs you can use something like a general operating system, connect to the Internet, word processing, probably whatever other programs the player wants. Just assume that it's portable and that the character can have it with him most of the time.


2. Just how exactly does a handy work? How would I have to build it according to the rules?


(handy = cell phone, right?) Most people I know just charge a 1-3 point Perk for one. If you really need to stat it out, call it Radio Perception on Normal Hearing, Only With Other Phones, Must Know Number, Requires Coverage (-1/4). Also see below under your last question.


3. My characters communicated by headset radios using morse codes. Two are ex-soldiers, one is a former spy. Should I assume that morse codes are a part of their military/espionage training (they have appropriate Professional Skills), or is it a separate Knowledge Skill?


You can assume that if you want. If they've already built the characters with that expectation then I would. Otherwise you might make it maybe a 1 point Language.


4. For surveillance, the characters bought some monoculars. Should I really force them to pay the points for them?


Probably not, unless it's something they want to keep with them all the time and use whenever they want.


On a sidenote: Just how firm are you guys out there concernig equipment costs for your superheroes?


Usually if it's superheroic equipment or part of the character's main concept, they pay points. If it's something small, readily available "normal" equipment, and the character isn't necessarily going to use it all the time, it's probably free or at most a 1-3 point Perk.

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Re: Re: Laptops, Handys, Morse Codes And General Equipment Question


Originally posted by archer

Usually if it's superheroic equipment or part of the character's main concept, they pay points. If it's something small, readily available "normal" equipment, and the character isn't necessarily going to use it all the time, it's probably free or at most a 1-3 point Perk.


I allow my Golden Age PCs to have mundane equipment that they would normally have, without charging them points (for instance, one of them is a police officer, and carries a gun; however, he's a brick with a Code Against Killing, so he's never going to use it).


If a PC had a large number of futuristic or Pulp Superscience devices (i.e. he was from the future) but they're only for flavor (i.e. TV-radio wristwatch, self-cleaning clothes, etc.) then I'd charge him for a Fringe Benefit Perk to reflect the slight roleplaying advantage they give him (not that he'll be able to use all of them, like the TV); I'd charge him from 3-8 points depending upon the usefulness of the items, how commonly he points them out, etc.


If it's a futuristic or Pulp Superscience device that's going to see use, I definitely charge points for it (for instance, a Ray Gun, chainmail vest, earpiece radio, etc.) Those are highly useful, will see use almost every session, and are pretty powerful to boot.

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