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So! I had the bright idea to make a character who relied almost exclusively on a genie to get things done.

We're talking the 'go build me a castle' or 'go bring me some fatted calf' or 'smite that brigand' type, not the three wishes type.


At first, it was smooth sailing, I decided the Follower perk would apply, then I ran into that niggling little point limit issue, and wondered if I'd have enough, so the bright idea came to see if my GM would accept Limitations applying to the totality of points given. He did, and I took Gestures -1/4 (must hold bottle when giving orders), Incantation -1/4 (must give order loudly and clearly, and preface with genie's name), Independent -2 (bottle, whoever holds gets to control.)


First off, is this fair, to take these limitations on Follower?

Second off, is there a simpler way I can get what I want that I'm just not seeing? (Perhaps the more important of the two questions. ;D)


And yeah, I could just get multiple followers, but that kinda defeats the whole 'genie' schtick (which is the most important part.)

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Re: Genie


Sounds like you might want to re-consider Summon instead. Personally I wouldn't allow Limitations on a Perq, but I can't find any rulings against it (I didn't look too hard). I would be concerned with putting all of my points into this Independent Focus and then finding that the first band of brigands that I came across being relentless to deprive me of it... and we all know how popular brigands are in the typical Fantasy setting.


YMMV, but just things to consider.


Summon also gives you the advantage to increase the 'Loyalty' ranking of the Genie, whereas Followers (like all Perqs) tend to come and go as they please. If you order the Genie to do something that he is opposed to doing, not in the mood to do, or even willing to do for his own personal gain then you'll have to Persuade or Bribe him to get it done. This could be overcome with a Disad 'Slavishly Loyal to [Character]' though. In essence, though, maybe you should consider building the Genie as the primary character and the 'weaker character' as the 'Follower', it might make a lot more sense on paper and you wouldn't have to deal with these issues. But be careful, since the 'weaker' Follower could change roles depending on who held the bottle. You could tidy this up with a specific Character name with regards to the Loyalty Disad.

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Re: Genie


*bangs head repeatedly*

Of course, the most obvious solution, Summon.

I'll give it a look.

And yes, I know Independent is risky. I'm not doing it for the points, I'm doing it because it's a GENIE.

And I'll have other tools. A 'spirit bound into a ring' schtick for Armor purposes, for one.


I'd only be able to do the last if I were the genie, which would suck.


Hum. Do you think arguing that "Specific Being" would reasonably be +0 rather than +1? I can't genuinely see any advantage in it.

With Amicable +1 and no END, is all I have to do to get more services is order him to be dismissed and then resummon him as often as I please? Assuming I don't take Charges.

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Re: Genie


*bangs head repeatedly*

Of course, the most obvious solution, Summon.

I'll give it a look.

And yes, I know Independent is risky. I'm not doing it for the points, I'm doing it because it's a GENIE.

And I'll have other tools. A 'spirit bound into a ring' schtick for Armor purposes, for one.


I'd only be able to do the last if I were the genie, which would suck.


Hum. Do you think arguing that "Specific Being" would reasonably be +0 rather than +1? I can't genuinely see any advantage in it.

With Amicable +1 and no END, is all I have to do to get more services is order him to be dismissed and then resummon him as often as I please? Assuming I don't take Charges.


Specific Being should be a +1, if not then you could potentially pull any air-elemental out of that bottle... but that could be fun as well (for the GM anyway)!

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Re: Genie


Right, but if it's a Specific Person in that bottle, then if he's suffered any damage it'll carry it over.


Or is the fact that he can gain experience along with me even more dangerous?


(In either case, I'm compelled by my own sense of this that it should be specific person. Djinni don't just bottle swap for the heck of it. ;D)

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Re: Genie


You could make the bottle an Extradimensional Movement, Usable as Attack, to force the genie into it, although it could escape when you let it out unless you added some Mind Control or a triggered RKA or something.


For what it's worth, though, I think the Follower with Lims as listed in the original post would be fine.

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Re: Genie


A slightly radical thought, but you might not have to use either Follower or Summon.

Reasoning from effect, the Genie is just the special effect for what he can do for you.

You could just buy the powers you want, and put the Genie as the Focus Limitation on them. The Focus might even be Inaccessible, if it can teleport back to you.

Probably also with Gestures (since you have to open the bottle) and perhaps Incantations, since you have to give the Genie his orders.


Just a couple of things to think about...

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Re: Genie


A slightly radical thought, but you might not have to use either Follower or Summon.

Reasoning from effect, the Genie is just the special effect for what he can do for you.

You could just buy the powers you want, and put the Genie as the Focus Limitation on them. The Focus might even be Inaccessible, if it can teleport back to you.

Probably also with Gestures (since you have to open the bottle) and perhaps Incantations, since you have to give the Genie his orders.


Just a couple of things to think about...

Perhaps a bit too radical, besides, you forget that I SHOULD be able to leave a genie somewhere and act on orders without my knowledge.


With Amicable +1 and no END, is all I have to do to get more services is order him to be dismissed and then resummon him as often as I please? Assuming I don't take Charges.

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