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I need help with math


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Hey guys Ive burried my nose in my hero book for the past week and seem to have most things down pack but Im having problems doing the correct math for powers and advantages and limitations.


Now I fancy myself a pretty good guy with math and I don't understand why im getting such off answers as compared to in the book,


For example a power that starts at 15 points and has thee limitations 1+1/2, 1+1/4, 1+1/4. so I take that as it should be cost=15/(1.5)(1.25)(1.25) and when I do the math it comes to 6.4 but in the book it comes to 7. now i understand im not off by much but using the formula ive got there if I start with a much higher Cost my answers are way off


for example another power that starts as a base cost of 75 has one advantage that is +1/4 and it has 5 disadvatages that are -1/4, -1/2,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,


the answer in the book comes to 23 but after i do the math i get like 14.8 or so..


can somone help me out and either show me the forula or some examples that I can base off of?

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Re: I need help with math


The problem is that you are making a mistake in your formula.


The formula is AP/ (1+the sum of all limitations).


So a 15 point power with one -1/2 limitation and two -1/4 limitations is calculated as follows:


15/ (1+.5+.25+.25)= 15/2= 7.5 (which rounds down)


Answer: 7 real points


For your second example...

Step 1: take the base points of the power.

Step 2: Calculate the active points of the power by multiplying in all advantages.

Step 3: Calculate the real points by dividing the AP by all the disadvantages (as shown above)


Advantages are calculated with the following formula:


AP* (1+the sum of all advantages)


75*(1+.25)= 75*1.25 = 93.75 (which rounds up)


Answer: 94 active points


94/ (1+.25+.5+.5+.5+.5)= 94/ 3.25= 28.92 (which rounds up)


Answer: 28 Real Points

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Re: I need help with math


Hey guys Ive burried my nose in my hero book for the past week and seem to have most things down pack but Im having problems doing the correct math for powers and advantages and limitations.


Now I fancy myself a pretty good guy with math and I don't understand why im getting such off answers as compared to in the book,


For example a power that starts at 15 points and has thee limitations 1+1/2, 1+1/4, 1+1/4. so I take that as it should be cost=15/(1.5)(1.25)(1.25) and when I do the math it comes to 6.4 but in the book it comes to 7. now i understand im not off by much but using the formula ive got there if I start with a much higher Cost my answers are way off


15 / ( 1+ 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/4)


= 15 / (1 + 1)


= 15 / 2 = 7.5


0.5 Rounds in favor of the player, so in this case the result is 7.



for example another power that starts as a base cost of 75 has one advantage that is +1/4 and it has 5 disadvatages that are -1/4, -1/2,-1/2,-1/2,-1/2,


75 * (1 + 1/4)


= 75 * (1.25)


= 93.75


Fractions which aren't 0.5 exactly round normally, so this one goes up to 94.


94 / (1 + 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 )


= 94 / (1 + 2.25)


= 28.92


which also rounds up to 29.


I get the same answer Gideon does. My guess is you missed a -1/2 and a -1/4 limitation.


94 / 4 = 23.5, which rounds in favor of the player to 23.

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Re: I need help with math


Gideon and Gojira explained the math well, so I'll just recommend that you check out Hero Designer. This nifty little program is an immense help with making characters. It's easy to use and does all the math for you. There used to be a free version with less functionality in the free stuff section, but I can't find it right now. The version they're selling is well worth the price, though.

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Re: I need help with math


"Rounds in favor of the player" is not always the same as rounding down. If I have a power that has 23.5 Active Points and want to put it in an Elemental Control with 24 Active Point powers (pool is 12 Points' date=' slots are 12 points), it is in my favor to round it up.[/quote']


Works for me. I think it may be up to the player to spot those things. The GM can't think of everything!

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