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help with a charater steampunk MA


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I am going to start playing in a steam punk anime game of 250 points. I would like to do a MA that is anime ish?



the MA part is easy the anime style I am lost on.


what kind of sticks, effects


the character is a master of the wind, so some ideal on anime type effects,


ideals please not, an anime watcher much.

the GM is New to Hero and I would like to deliver a charater that he would see in an anime so that he gets to GM the type of charater that he wants.





Lord Ghee

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Re: help with a charater steampunk MA


Well, if s/he is a master of air, flight at least in limited Leaping to the wind form.

A compressed air version of the Shoryukin? (Explosion EB)

Lightning Fist? (linked EB/KA)

Thunderous Blows? (Flash vs HEaring)

Follows the four winds: Bump of Direction

Perhaps Combat Luck bought as the air protecting the fighter?

Speak with Air Elementals/Denizens?

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Re: help with a charater steampunk MA


Hmm I think it might help to know a bit more about the setting and what you had in mind for the character.


What I thought of when I read your description was ZEPPELINS a nice Steam-punk concept that would tie in with the master of the winds thing. If the characters are crew on board an Airship or use one to get around for their adventures a character with wind mastery would make an excellent pilot or navigator.

As for an origin

Found on the steps of the temple of the celestial wind clutching a gold pocket watch but with no clue as to who left him there or even how they could have reached the desolate and isolated monastery compound without being seen.

He was raised by the monks trained in the near mystical martial art taught at the temple of the celestial wind. But even at an early age it was obvious to the senior monks there was something unusual about the boy.

He was so attuned to the air around him it was almost like a second sight. His body seemed to harness the force of the wind his leaps where incredible almost like he was stepping on air his punches like a hurricane throwing his opponents back like they were but paper before the storm.

as he approached his 16th year he became more and more captivated by the mystery of his own origin until it consumed has every free moment it was then the most senior monk came to him and said you could be the greatest of us but you will never truly mater the way of the celestial wind until you have found your past.

And with that he left his home and journeyed out into the world to find his past so that he may know his future.

He has wandered for several years searching for clues to his origin the mysterious inscriptions on the watch he had clasped in his hand those many years ago his only clue.

it was during his early wandering that he saved the life of the engineer of the Air ship in a bar brawl offered a ride in gratitude it was quickly discovered his way with eth winds made him an excellent pilot and navigator and he soon joined the crew though his monastic ways and quite studious nature sometimes confuse the more rowdy element of the crew. The airship offers him the best way to travel and search for his past and he is now and indispensible member of the crew.


As for powers and abilities I’d buy some skill levels with piloting and navigation perhaps special awareness to represent the ability to sense air currents


Instead of true flight how about some super leap and gliding (buy the gliding with an IIF special robes) gives a very anime vibe.

As for his martial art id suggest something like tai chi ch’uan with some added passing manoeuvres and dodges to represent the flowing wind. if you want to you can give him some supernatural techniques as well id suggest a double knock back punch and perhaps a ranged attack based on throwing with penetrating added kind of like a tornado pushing straw into a telephone pole.

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